♚—╰Princess to Be, Shin Yoorim || Park Chanyeol╯

tumblr_mjrmysg3fn1rfyb46o1_500.pngPrincess (Shin Yoorim)



username: TheLandofBrownSugar
name: Anna
activity: 8/10



full name: Shin Yoorim
age: 20

nickname: Rima (it's a name she often uses on RPGs, called by almost everyone)
birthdate: June 17, 1993
birthplace: Paris, France
current city: Seoul
ethnicity: Korean
blood type: B
height: 168 cm
weight: 56
Korean (fluent), French (fluent), English (conversational)



face claim 1: Byeon Seo Eun
pictures: <3

face claim 2: Lee Dasom
pictures: <3

extra: She has a rather noticable birthmark on her right shoulder, shaped like a tiny fish.



five personality traits: Bold, outspoken, energetic, friendly, extroverted
personality: Yoorim is an energetic and unpredictable girl with a wild side and a secret love for poetry and linguistics. She is athletic and spends a lot of time experimenting with herself and those surrounding her, whether they're objects or people. She enjoys testing the waters, being a bit of a prankster and a trickster. She's a fan of magic, often impressing her friends with magic tricks involving cards, colorful scarves and optical illusions. She is a bit of an attention-seeker, a little arrogant and sometimes even rude if someone really make her lose her mind. When Yoorim has an opinion about something, she shows no hesitation in saying it out loud. She's bold and frank to the point of being harsh, but is also a very friendly and open-minded person. She isn't quick to judge and is open to most kinds of people.

background: Shin Yoorim was born on June 17, 1993, to Shin Hayoung, an author, and Shin Byungsoo, a former tennis player, in Paris, France. She is an only child who grew up with a lot of traveling back and forth. After her father injured his shoulder during a match, he decided to retire and brought his family with him back to South Korea. She was enrolled in an all-girls' school which she attended until middle school. During this time, Yoorim started showing interests for both sports and art. Unable to decide, she "went public" with her sports activities and kept her more artistic side to her privacy. She played for the school's soccer team and also began practicing karate, having fascinated her since she watched the Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan movies as a child.

When Yoorim entered high school, she attended her first ever co-ed school. It was a rather odd experience at first, but she fit in with the guys right away. She got her first boyfriend here, a boy one year her senior. They were together for about six months before he moved away, leaving her with a simple silver bracelet given as a goodbye gift and an apology for no attempt at long-distance relationship. This made Yoorim realize that the future was close, and it was almost time to move on to the next stage. She found out that the university of her dreams, where she could major in what she loved and had the grades to enter, was in a completely different city. Her parents protested against it, not wanting her to leave home so quickly. She, being a girl of action instead of words, decided to follow her heart and ran away from home.

likes: Poetry, linguistics, sports, martial arts, ice cream, Fridays, swimming, action movies, crime novels, adventure
dislikes: Heights, spiders, touchy people, karaoke, sweets, pears, dresses, skirts, pink

fears: Loneliness, losing someone she loves, birds
habits: on her lower lip, plays with fingers and/or hair, raps in the shower, dances around spontaneously
hobbies: Art, sports, design

o She finds the moon fascinating

o Birds frighten her

o She hates having to wait

o Her English name is Jessica, given to her by a British tenant

o She is a brown belt in karate

o Australia is her favorite country

o She wants to learn how to hula

o She mumbles in French when frustrated

o She's left-handed

o She has a partial, red-green colorblindness

current job: She is a student, but she also works part-time at a bookstore
work life: She enjoys her job, but she wants to do more out of it
living arrangements: She lives in a rent-out house with three other people; two boys and a girl. They have their own rooms, but they share bathroom, kitchen, etc.


 Father | Shin Byungsoo | Alive | 46 | Former tennis player | Laid-back, athletic, loving, caring | They used to bond over their common interest in sports, but that was about it. Despite his former career, Mr. Shin really wanted something better for his daughter than a temporary career that might or might not go well. They care about each other and used to be close.

* Mother | Shin Hayoung | Alive | 44 | Author | Kind, caring, sweet, stern | She used to be the one lecturing Yoorim about what was right or wrong, as well as introduce her to the world of literature. She was Yoorim's idol as a child.

best friend: 
 Kim Hyuna | 21 | Student | Passionate, energetic, childish, ambitious | Hyuna and Yoorim are both passionate about the arts, although in different places (Yoorim has literature, Hyuna dancing). They bond over their interests and similar personalities and are often joking around and having a good time.

 Seo Joohyun | 22 | Student/tutor | Studious, obedient, intelligent, mature | Joohyun is Yoorim's tutor and friend. While Yoorim is wild and unpredictable, Joohyun is much calmer and more collected than her friend. They both love to dance, and although Joohyun sees Yoorim as aggressive at times, they are close.
* Lee Hyeri | 19 | Student | Sensitive, tough, energetic, kind | Yoorim helps Hyeri whenever she has problems back home. They are always there for one another, but there has been complications lately due to Hyeri's older boyfriend, Tony, and Yoorim is afraid he isn't right for her.



full name: Park Chanyeol
five personality traits: Bright, positive, romantic
personality: Chanyeol is a very sweet and sensitive kind of guy. He can seem a little insecure and even childish, but he is always there to protect those he loves and help the ones in need. He has big eyes that are ready to read and he finds it annoying to be unable to hide what he is thinking about. He is an optimistic and positive guy who gives off the impression of someone kind and friendly, which isn't far from the truth. He can secretly be very possessive and jealous, but doesn't show it very often.

what was your first impression of him?: He seemed like a rather fun and truthful guy.
how do you two act together?: We're very different when it comes to personality, and I sometimes wonder if he's secretly a girl or something. We get along, if that's what you're asking. We don't talk a lot because he can be rather busy and I have college and all.
how did you feel when he chose you?: I was thinking, "Am I dreaming?" I honestly couldn't believe my own ears and eyes. I entered for fun, but it seems as if my "joke" went a bit too far.
would you rather be with one of his brothers? if yes, which one?: Chanyeol's a pretty decent guy, I don't really want anyone else.
what do you think you relationship will be like five years from now?: Haha, that's a good question indeed. Five years from now, huh? I think we might still be good to each other, but our relationship... I don't know, to be honest. It's too far away and this is way, way too weird for me right now to answer that properly.



describe your dream wedding: I'd want something fun and colorful. My wedding would definitely be like a party, haha! I'd love to see some sparkle, though. It's a secret thing I like.
what do you think being a princess will be like?: Probably a lot more closed-off. I admit I wanted to be a princess once, but movies made me realize that royalty isn't always as fun as it seems.
what do you think is the hardest part of being a princess?: Etiquette and duties. It sounds so black-white-ish...

what kind of queen will you be, if you had to be one?: I'd be the kind of queen who'd do the best to be there for her people. I don't like people who just think about themselves.



scene suggestions: Yoorim talking to one of Chanyeol's brothers and him becoming rather jealous of it, but doesn't make a move in order to stay on Yoorim's good side. Yoorim trying to adapt to her royal duties, Chanyeol helping her out. 
any other comments?: Thank you for reading, author-nim! ^^ About the layout, I had to copy it over to another computer due to certain dicciculties, so please excuse the slight alteration of the layout! :)

password: Prince Charming






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