this might be my last, you know.

Hey, guys.

It's been a while since I last posted, and my summer internship feels like forever to me. All that boredom, all the not-much-talking-but-way-more-laughing, all these things seem so, so far away to me.

Well, about my life? It's hard on me lately. We have a lot to do, a lot to learn, and every subject and every teacher expects us to learn for their subject only. Yes, it's hard. Third form of my school, I heard, is always the hardest one. And even though I'm the think people call "nerd", it does get hard on me. Seriously. I have no idea how people seem to think that nerds seem to know it all. It's so weird and also such a wrong thought.

About my writing and my activities online: Well, I almost forced myself to write the contest entry. No, it's not because I lost my passion to write. It's just that time got onto me, similar to Tia. I have to focus on my school, I'm sorry. And this is my point.

Except from judging the contest (I just knew I digged my own grave, because t i m e guys!), I will take a hiatus from this site. Well, I can't even put it properly into words. It's no real online hiatus, because I'm still on tumblr and twitter. Because I know: When I don't put restrictions on myself, I will continue to visit this site, I will reply and such, and really, I need restrictions.

Also, I'm so tired of my fandom mon amour lately. Yes, I do talk about Inspirit. I still edit, I still make gifs, just the fandom makes me so tired. I thought we're mature and would only love our seven boys, but apparently, we don't. Fandom wars, the never-ending fight between MyungYeol shippers and MyungJong shippers, gifing and editing fantaken stuff and general retardedness... it makes me so sick and tired. And when you know a thing about me (or not, but now you do), is that I hate all things extreme. I don't want to be too attached to things, I don't like that. I don't like being addicted (I know, lately I am Skyrim-addicted, but as long as it's temporary, I'm fine with it), but some of those guys... idk man. I also have little time in doing quick gifs (like my friends Sheri and Sol and the list of my friends do continues, do) because I'm just late, I know. And yes, I do have feels for them, I still have plots in my mind (I had a more or less aggressive silent sobbing yesterday when I remembered glorious Paradise era with glorious Sungyeol and this particular scene where he is looking somewhere with a ing awesome face and everything and I think you get the point).

So, this isn't a farewell. Just... a see you soon for now. See you soon, guys. And goodbye. I thank you for all this beautiful friendship I had with you guys. Particularly, my mutual friends, aka Jen, Star, Sapphy (ohh Sapphy, out of all them, I think I feel you the most ;;;), and Bluu and of course Summer. I love you all.

To add a last thing, here is my contact, if you'd like to know:

k-pop tumblr | female k-pop sideblog | myungzy sideblog | personal tumblr (all those sideblogs next to the k-pop tumblr are sideblogs)

anime tumblr (this is a blog on its own!)


Really, guys. I love you all. And, one last joke. I love you forever, forever.

(yes i had to.)


Bye, then. See you soon.



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T________T i wish you the best of luck with school!
hopefully we'll become more active again at around the same time ;______; <3
Have a nice hiatus! :3
I hope you come back soon <3
cries <33333333 take your time and focus on school okay ;; love you lots!!

(so how do I start judging ;;)
I think we'll all wait for you, honey <3
I understand why you want to take a break (especially the Inspirit thing, it's really getting retarded as days go by), there was a time I wanted to take break too...

Just take your time, okay ^^
I'll wait for you too sweetie I get what you mean about the fandoms though sometimes it can just be so annoying and frustrating I will wait for you <3
tofudimsum #6
Tut mir echt leid, dass du momentan so gestresst bist. Ich erinnere mich noch in meinem letzten Jahr in high school und wow, das war das Schlimmste. Nicht, dass es extra schwierig war, aber irgendwie war Anfang 2013 total depressing for me. Ich weiß auch nicht. Deswegen kann ich mir irgendwie vorstellen, wie du dich fühlst. Wirklich.
Ich weiß, dass wir uns nicht lange kennen. Eigentlich erst seit Anfang des Monates und ich will jetzt nicht total emotional klingen, aber ich mag dich schon. Irgendwie ist es nicht mal so, dass ich mit einer 16 jaehrigen rede. Irgendwie ist Alter, Nationalität, Ethnie, Hobbys gar nicht wirklich relevant. Ist doch egal, wenn du Naruto nicht magst (haha), ich mag dich trotzdem. Und auch wenn es sehr 'cheesy' klingt, Infinite hat es ermöglicht.
Also, ich weiß nicht was ich sagen soll. Ich hoffe nur, dass wir trotzdem ab und zu in twitter über die komischsten Dinge reden.
Und wow, dass hab ich noch nie gesagt, aber durch dich und eseech fand ich eine neue Seite auf Aff. Nicht mehr eine nur mit Gangsters und Marriages und was weiß ich für clichés. Endlich hab ich die gute seite von aff gefunden. Haha.
Na ja, I'm ranting anyways. I should stop. Haha.

PS.: Ich hoffe wirklich, dass nicht alle guten Autoren verschwinden, wenn ich sie gefunden habe.
Ha, I'll wait for you, Elly. See you soon as well.

I'm terrible, for letting you (forcing you really) run the contest alone. I apologise.

I'm always on skype if you ever need to talk to someone!