Why Add Me As A Friend? Plus Wattpad stuff~

I'm just curious since every other day or so, there's always someone sending me a friend request, and to be honest, I'm the type to just easily accept.  I'm not picky with friends and for all I know, there might be someone who actually hates me in my friend list.


So I've got like 760 friends and maybe I've talked to 100 of them at least once...okay, so probably more than that considering my poor memory, but I'm pretty sure I don't know most of the people who added me as a friend~   There were also some who used to talk to me, but don't anymore~ and I understand if it's because I haven't been writing SJ fics lately ^^;; or perhaps they have another reason~


So I'm just curious why you added me as a friend? I'd really like to especially hear from those people who never commented in any of my fics and never tried to talk to me before~ XD but even if you talked to me a lot, I'd still be happy to hear from you~


As for Wattpad stuff, I'm just happy that I made some progress in Wattpad over the past few days.


I mean like.. hey.. it isn't really much compared here in aff, but just to see one or two people starting to follow you there... and just one comment.... and just one person putting one of your fics in their reading lists.... yeah, it made me really happy. Hahahaha!



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hae_ki #1
kai friends man ta so g.add tika... hahahahahahahha...
syet... maghimo pa ko sa imo bday fic.... ahahahahahahha super duper late much kaau. unsay nahan nimo nga pair/s? ahahahaha
I added you because you are an interesting person. Youre sweet, kind, easily approachable and amazing.
Also because you are an exceptional author. Your fics are absolutly awesome and i could happily read them
I'm the same about the friend request thing, but I did it because of SISOT :p I love your blogs though and you're a genuinely nice person from what I can tell^^
i added you as one of my friends since i love reading your blogpost. kkK~ and i also commented in your stories.. since it's so cute to read it.. kkk~ and we are from the same country!! kababayan~ XD
i love commenting the fics that i can relate and when i get answers from their authors it make me even more motivated, so since i fell for your fics and i've read many of them (even though you've written far more that what i've read) i wanted to know you more and somehow more chances to communicate with you!
ah, and one thing i've experienced this damn bad situation when good authors block their fics and they are accessible only for their friends and i didn't want to miss you fics at any cuase
erm.. i add u cuz of ur fics.. n i love both of you n your fics.. xD
naruwookie #7
I add you because I wanna be your friend, and I'm one of your hardcore fanfic-fans? lmao.. marathon-ing your fics, i missed doing that~ and I think we had talk before.. but recently, I got lazy in everything and talk to nobody. Sorry ;;
I always try to add my favourite authors, just so I wouldn't forget them. I have a lot of favourite authors... XD I also like making new friends :D so yeah :)
Idk. I read ur fics, we talked and bam?
yep me too! i don't know, i just add some people randomly and i don't talk to them that much but just give some advice. haha
I want to be your friend because I like talking to you ;) and I like many of your stories although at times I dont talk to people it's simply because other stuff happens in life and I'm the kind who even if I dont talk for awhile with someone I still consider them as much as before <3 Also its easier to find you if we are friends lol ofc that wont work if one has 700+ friends lol
Hahaha... i know right! I have people adding me and not talking to me or even subbed to my fic. so I cant advise u much. LOL