I took down the post of me! (passed 20 min. I believe)

So, as promised the "me" post was up for like 20 min(?) I will say.

To those that went to the blog post, yea, that was me. That was how I looked in the summer or something =__= nothing too special.

To those that didn't check it out, well you lost your chance. I'm just kidding xP

That picture of me was from my tumblr page, so yea.

you can check it out there if you like, but I don't think I plan on posting another pic of me here anytime soon xP

Thanks to those people (Theamazimgkpopfan and hiddenrose) for calling me "cute" when I know that I'm just your average teen and all dat .-.

Also, thanks to those(slat101) that gave some interesting comments that made me smile(lol, thanks for calling me smooth and youthful when we both know that you are the youthful one still(being younger and cute and all dat x3 lolz)) xD lol never heard a comment like that before, it was unique x3

So dat be all.



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hanagoun #1
I missed it!
But I checked it out and your so pretty * ^ *
Slat101 is right, your skin is amazing and OMG Y U SO PURDY? NOT FAIRRRRRR
Oh stop it you. Your skin was flawless. XD
But I'm happy I was unique and awkward. Two coffees today and it's late at night so... yeah.