Hi guys! Do you know this person?

Hey everyone! how are you? I just want to make a quick post...I'm not sure how long I'll keep it up, but yah.

are you guys having a great weekend? I want to let you know that I'm gonna try my hardest to get some more updates done next week. Mianhe I've been busy and next week I might not be able to update much, well the week after lol. It's just that I have been to sad, mad and depressed to write,,,so yah :( so sorry! Anyway i wanted to make this post to ask you guys...of you heard of this author. I was good friends with her a long time and I miss talking to her. She was from winglin. Actually I miss everyone from winglin, lol. Her name was Amal and her authors name was MyBlackSmile1 and her username on here is cassiopian. Yah! So if u heard of her or talk to her.can you let me know? Itd mean a lot! And don't forget, I LOVE EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU GUYS,TOOOOOOO!!!! TEEHHE.

YOUR ALL AWESOME!!!! /gives you all a hug the size of the galaxy


Well that's all for now. Until my next blog and update...SARANGHAE!!!! YOU GUYS MEAN THE WORLD TO ME!!! :)


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Dangerousluv1 #1
Aw unnie, it's really okay if you don't update quickly. We know that you haven't been in the best of moods so we understand :)

Hmm… can't say that I've heard of her
What do you mean was? I checked her page but it says its deactivated.
BunnyBandit16 #3
Its ok Unnie you don't have to update so quickly if you've been depressed I believe you should do it. when your happier and feeling better your readers will understand and I think I may have heard of her but regardless I'll be sure to check her stories out and talk to her *hugs you* Saranghae Unnie <3 ^^