( nick )name: ( what do you want me to call you? )
experience: yes/no ( have you authored or co-authored before? )
comprehension: yes/no ( do you understand and agree with my expectations? refer to the bottom of your application. )
activity: ( on a scale of 1 - 10, rate your activity. 1- on weekly or less. 10- on daily or even several times daily. you don't have to be a 10 to be chosen. )
sample: ( link me to what you believe is your best work[s]. any site or genre is welcome. if you have none available that you'd like to share you may write and submit something at the end of this questionaire. it should be two paragraphs or longer and can be about whatever you like. i'd prefer, though, if it were centered on no label in some way. i.e. focused solely on your character or character interaction with heohyun, soohwan and/or one or more of the other applicants. if you decide to include other applicants and would like to see their application, return to the APPLICANTS page of the story and click on the character's name. again, the genre or subject matter can be about whatever you like. )
questions,comments or concerns: ( is there something you'd like to address that i didn't? feel free to ask me questions while you're filling this out. my inbox is always open. )


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