polkᴀ : revamp! { nichthima horvejkul }


Nichtima Horvejkul


username: mynameis--
nickname: denny
activeness: 10+


name: nichthima horvejkul
other name(s): yanin horvejkul
nickname(s): --

age: 23
d.o.b: 04.16.90
bloodtype: o
birthplace: bangkok, thailand
hometown: moved about often. lived in: thailand ; rancho cucamonga, ca ; new zealand

ethnicity: thai chinese
nationality: thai
languages: english ( fluent ) ; thai ( fluent ) chinese ( basic ) korean ( intermediate )


visual name: yanin horvejkul
links/gallery: 1 2 3 4 5

back-up visual name: ahn sukyung
links/gallery: 1 2 3 4 5 

height: 168 cm
weight: 44 kg

fashion: Yanin's taste in clothes is what she likes to call eclectic.  Everything from brightly colored skirts and dresses to black lacy fabrics reign freely in her closet. Her choice in casual wear mainly depends on her mood that day. Her clothes are like mood rings, changing just as rapidly as her feelings. But if she had to choose just one style she would have to say "retro" is her favorite. Give her a pari of mom jeans or a high-waisted skirt and a loose blouse and she's in heaven.

others: industrial bar in her left ear, tattoo that reads: "I Still Believe in 398.2" on the back of her neck.


personality: Horvejkul "Yanin" Nichthima, the physical embodiment of “looks can be deceiving”. Take one look at her artificially colored tresses, bright red lipstick, designer clothes and high heels. What do you see? appeal? Confidence? Maybe even maturity? If you thought anything along those lines, you weren’t looking close enough at the playful, insecure, child inside that she’s fighting so hard not to be. Despite being well on her way into adulthood as she enters her twenties,  Yanin is still very much a child at heart. Anyone that has ever met her parents see clearly her father’s enthusiastic sense of humor and her mother’s quick witted sarcasm. Horvejkul is her parents' child and still so much more.

While she can’t honestly say she’s always held such astounding confidence, it shines clearly now through her vanity. Yanin is not necessarily narcissistic enough to think she posseses an Aphrodite level of beauty. She is not the most dazzling girl in the world or even the group but she is much too self satisfied with the body and look she’s worked so hard to attain to let it go by unacknowledged. In a way, it’s a thinly veiled attempt to both praise herself ( even if no one else will ) and disguise the physical insecurities that have haunted her since childhood.

However when her methods fail, the least she can do is illicit a laugh, at anyone’s expense to draw away the attention. Whether it be a well thought out prank or a semi harmless tease, there is little Yanin won’t do to raise the room’s mood. However it is times like these when she is most like herself, instead of the Barbie doll image that has become a steadily built barrier over the years. This is when she is at her best. The most playful, carefree version of Nichthima that she can be. One who’s smile lights up a room, who’s dorky and obnoxious laughter is contagious, who would do anything to see a friend smile. It reminds her of the earlier, less dutiful years of childhood when her biggest worry was whether or not boys truly had cooties. Though she doesn’t seem to mind that much now. Despite the pure, innocent, untouched image that her predecessors carried Yanin is a woman of experience in the ways to love.  Not so much so that anyone would consider her a pro(stitute) or anything of the like but enough so that if a handsome man were to kiss her, she wouldn’t revert into a catatonic state and mourn the loss of her first kiss.

Moreover she’s not very easily embarrassed and not in the least bit fearful of making her feelings about a person known, good or bad. She will just as easily and openly flirt with a man at a bar as she will tell the resident mean girl exactly where to shove her pom poms. It doesn’t help that the word tactful is mostly non-existent in her vocabulary. She says and does things bluntly and, unfortunately, without thought for the consequences until it’s too late. Which is why is should come as no surprise that she’s found herself practically at war for her “I-Am-Who-I-Am” approach to life. It’s not often she finds herself in such a position, as she usually proceeds throughout her day without much concern over others’ opinions on her, but if she feels she, or a good friend, was truly wronged or low blowed by someone, the vain but playful Yanin becomes a vengeful stranger. Even if it takes her a few weeks or if she has to bring out the most deeply hidden skeletons from your closet, she will not feel satisfied until you’ve felt just as hurt as she did. An eye for an eye.

Overall, Yanin might be quite the handful but she will bring the brightest of smiles to your face if only you stick around long enough. 

likes: »musicals
»cookie dough
»american movies from the 30's-60's
»star trek
»superhero comics and movies ( specifically wolverine and the avengers )
»american 90's sitcoms
»historical fiction and sci-fi books/movies
dislikes: »classical music
»tight spaces
»small dogs
»children ( doesn't hate them, just feels uncomfortable being left alone with them )
hobbies: »reading comics&books
»fashion design
habits: »whines often while feeling ill
»presses her tongue to her cheek when she feels she's about to say something she shouldn't.
»flirts to get her way or when she wants something
»smiles & her lips when she's losing her temper but trying not to show it.
»scare her, she'll scream. terrify her, she'll cry.
fears: »claustrophobic ( fears tight spaces and no exits )
»hydrophobic ( fears water & can't swim )

trivia: »she used to be overweight,
»battled an eating disorder in middle school and the first half of high school,
»if she hadn't become an idol she would've gone into film studies,
»idolizes lee hyori ( in case it wasn't obvious enough by now ),
»when she was 16 she broke her nose and it became a bit disfigured,
»she used that as an excuse to have her parents pay for her plastic surgery,
»failed her driving exam twice because she can't park well,
»her first boyfriend was when she was 15 though though her parents and nichkhun believe it was 17.
»sometimes the stylists allow her to help/watch during the designing stages for their new concepts
»can play the dizi
» though she openly admires ( and drools over ) muscular, fit guys her ideal type is boys that are lean and have a broad smile. bonus points if he can dance/sing well and make her laugh.
»can imitate regional accents well
»is known as the fangirl idol because she often admits to having a "crush" on many idols and actors ( pretty much any guy who's ever shown his abs )
»plays the "favorites" card on her brothers. though it seems as though she and nichan get along the easiest ( because they do ), it's actually nichkhun she feels the strongest bond too, despite her pestering him and his nagging her.
»nearly drowned before
»is easily startled when she's alone ( from watching one too many horror movies )
»is considering a career in fashion design/modeling or acting once she retires from idolhood
»hates being called nichthima but she's never told her parents or grandparents that


background: Yanin wasn't exactly the most popular girl in school, in fact she was a downright outcast. Her grades were top notch but her social life had gone to the dogs. Yanin was overweight as a child and we all know that children can be cruel, so it should be no surprise that she was bullied nearly everyday. Her only saving grace was that her older brothers had been a bit more popular than her but as she grew older, she realized that she couldn't rely on them forever to take care of her and learned quickly that the fastest way to make friends was to make people laugh and became what was considered a class clown but still she wished for something more. Back in those days she wanted nothing more than to be as beautiful and admired as the models and idols she saw in magazines. But Yanin was a realist and she knew there was no way she'd ever achieve something like that with her body type, no matter how much talent she had. But she wanted to be a part of that lifestyle so bad that she aspired for the next best thing; the person behind the lens instead of in front of it. And so our little Yanin took up photography and joined the photography club, eventually fashion design as well. But she couldn't shake her love for singing and her brothers influenced and encouraged her to at least try to become an idol. Now all she needed was the support from her parents.

          If nothing else you could say that Yanin's parent's were an odd combination of characters, that much was certain. Her father was the strong/silent type. He couldn't easily express how he felt but one look at the way he watched his daughter grow let you know that Yanin meant the world to him even if she didn't always know it. He took her on fishing trips at least once a month, they talked about boys, school, typical parent-child stuff. It may not have been much but it's how he showed he cared. Her mother, on the other hand, was generally a fun and outgoing person however she becomes a My-Way-or-the-Highway type when it came to her children. She wanted her children to be the best, do the best, and have the best. Sadly she was so aggresively caught up in what she wanted her to be that she never asked Yanin what she wanted. She was very traditional and totally against every career decision Yanin made that didn't include the word "wife". and almost had a heart attack when her daughter claimed she wanted to be an idol. She proudly proclaimed that it wasn't a "proper career for proper ladies" but Yanin's father, wasn't having any of that. He encouraged Yanin 110% and when her brother Nichkhun hopped on that plane to Korea Yanin was right there beside him, ready to pursue her dreams. Her parents sent her off with a tearful goodbye .  


  • mother | yenjit horvejkul | 54 | housewife ; former teacher | protective, opinionated, traditional, witty | they never quite got along because yenjit's traditional ways and yanin's modern views always seem to clash. she doesn't quite support her idolhood but every once in awhile they manage some genuine mother-daughter bonding.
  • father | teergiat horvejkul | 57 | company executive | quiet, trusting, kind |Tries his best to point Yanin and his other kids in the right direction but lets her travel the path herself. Lets his kids be independent but would appear in a heartbeat if they needed him. He may seem like the strong, silent type but the look in his eyes when his kids are around says different.
  • brother | nichan horvejkul | 27 | cf model, rookie actor, thai rep. | supportive, playful, peacemaker | The age difference between Yanin and Nichan isn't necesarily huge but it was enough to put a hamper on their relationship. After all what 14-year-old guy wants to hang out with his 10-year old sister. They never got to experience gooing to school together, going to the same parties, hanging out with the same crowds; they were basically a generation apart. But that doesn't mean he loves her any less, in fact it was Nichan who talked Nichkhun into letting up on Yanin and to stop trying to get her to quit trainee life.
  • brother | nichkhun horvejkul | 54 | idol - 2PM | humble, unintentionally transparent, protective | Always got along with Yanin and defended and babied his sister sister but didn't support her becoming an idol only because he doubted she could handle the pressure of it based on how she handled trainee life.He is goofy and sometimes tells corny jokes. Humble and usually doesn't let on when something is bothering him.
  • sister | nachjaree ( cherreen ) horvejkul | 19 | thai idol trainee | shy, impressionable, ambitious |  Much like between Nichan and Yanin, there stood an obstacle of age between Chereen and Yanin. However being Chereen's only sister and the closest in age to her in their immediate family (not counting cousins) Yanin wouldn't let Chereen fall to the wayside. She always made time to teach her adorable but painfully shy sister about the ways of life. Talked to her about boys, helped her with homework, bailed her out of trouble whenever she could, she would even do dance covers with Chereen. She tried her best to be the perfect sister to this sweet, shy, easily embarrased girl and she came pretty darn close. 

best friends: 

  •  no yijae | 23 | fashion and design student | loyal, ambitious, unrealistic, immature  | attended the same university and had overlapping classes | yijae is the devil on yanin's shoulder. forever encouraging her to go through with already scatterbrained ideas. though, as much trouble as yijae gets her in, she always sticks around to pull her back out and vice versa. they rely on and count on each other as if they were sisters.


  •  kang minhyuk | 22 | idol | childishly reckless, quiet, perpetually hungry | filming for heartstring | Minhyuk is the closest thing to a conscience/common sense Yanin has ever had, though he's far from a pinnacle of responsiblitlity himself. He talks her out of her more radical pranks and tries to keep her out of trouble when he can. But he's a quiet, selfless thing and isn't necesarily going to stand up for himself under most circumstances. That's where Yanin comes in, if there's one thing she hates it's bullies. She knows how it feels to be the one everyone is talking about and will fiercely defend Minhyuk at the slightest hint of malintent. She's not opposed to making him a victim of her flirtatious teasing though. In fact, it's not uncommon for them to be mistaken for a couple. And while Minhyuk would rather stammer out an explanation with his face blushing red, Yanin would prefer to add fuel to the fire with a well-timed hug or cheek kiss.

pets: none


love interest: bang junsook
age: 24
occupation: rising star in composition and songwriting at JYP ; graduate student going for a master's in music
relationship: friends in an awkward sense of the word
reliable, blunt, frugal, mature. If there was ever a self righteous college student who thought he was above childish nuances and expected to make a name for himself or change the world, it was Bang Junsook. Though he had the maturity, determination, and old-fashioned politeness and respect towards your elders that parents worshipped in a daughter’s boyfriend, he was a long way from universally sociable. At first glance he is blunt and stale and everything he spews from his mouth has been dipped, rolled and fried in sarcasm. He has little patience for those he deems childish or one dimensional. But if you, by some celestial force, manage to earn his respect and approval you’ll be shocked at what you find. While he’s no less snarky or serious, he is much more thoughtful than one might imagine.

The type to go out of his way to bring you medicine when you catch a cold or put his precious schedule on hold to treat you to dinner after a rough day. Though
he won’t hassle you any less. Junsook is almost parental in that way. He’ll scold and reprimand you for stupid, avoidable mistakes but he’ll also be right there to
help fix them.A very tsundere type of man whom you wouldn’t believe spends his free time writing sappy love songs and playing the cello or piano. He aspires to
be one of this generation’s most renowned composers and lyricists. He claims that everything he’s done since he was a kid has been towards that goal and the passion with which he talks about it makes it impossible to believe otherwise

how you met: In all honesty, neither of them can recall how or when they met or became aware of each other. In the sea of JYP employees, it’s easy to notice someone without taking notice. It was thanks to a momentary bout of absent mindedness and a not so unsual spell of over achieving on Yanin and Junsook’s parts, respectively, that brought them together one evening while Junsook remained an intern and Yanin, a trainee. In the maze of corridors, practice rooms, and recording studios that shape JYP Entertainment there is hardly ever a time when all is quiet. It wouldn’t be unheard of for some hardworking trainee to remain well into the night. However certain areas of the building become off limits after hours, so when Junsook stumbles upon Yanin tearing apart one of the locked studios, in the midst of a frantic search, he is livid and hell bent on telling the proper authority figures.

Yanin spent the entire walk from the studio on the sixth floor to the security office on the first trying to explain herself and/or possibly bat her eyelashes to get herself out of trouble. It was only when she mentioned having left her journal in there, that he actually heard her.  He knew the worry that came along with losing something so precious and personal. He spent the next hour and a half helping her search for it. It wasn’t until the next day that they found out it was in the same security office that Yanin dodged a visit to the night before, waiting for her in the lost and found.

how you interact: If you were to ask Junsook about his “relationship” with Yanin, he’d attribute it to something akin with having to take care of a pesky sibling or mentally challenged pet. Though the former wouldn’t be too far from the truth as Yanin spends a good portion of their time together bothering and trying to draw him out of his sarcasm guarded shell. Any other time is spent with her arguing her capability and lack of need of his assistance. Which then leads to her carrying out some ill conceived plot to prove herself and him having to clean up the aftermath. After one too many of those he finds himself off handedly giving in during such arguments just to avoid trouble later. And then there are times when he views her as a muse and makes various attempts to draw her in to his trap of Beethoven and higher thinking. Which she makes a genuine attempt at until it bores her to sleep. He’s yet to be able to play for her without it ending in snores. 

back-up love interest: nam woohyun
age: 22
occupation: idol 
relationship: good friends
Woohyun has a reputation for being "greasy" and flirtatious. A perfectly well-deserved reputation, I might add. He's playful, well-meaning and laid-back about most things but I'd advise you not to push his buttons. An angry Woohyun, is a scary Woohyun. Moreover the words 'conceited' and 'spoiled' are beyond an understatement, it's downright denial. That boy loves himself more than a dog and a bone. He tends to play around when he flirts and such but you can't help but think he really believes what he's saying. But admittedly he is loyal to a fault. Believe it or not he'd sacriifice his own happiness for the happiness of his friends. In truth, Woohyun treats basically everyone the same. Flirts with all females shamelessly and jokes around with/bullies  all males (depends on his mood really). It's how a person reacts to him that defines their relationship. Woohyun flirts with and teases her constantly but to his shock, Yanin returned the grease ten-fold.
how you met:
how you interact: 
They're very "open" with each other. Both physically and verbally. Yanin can just as easily kiss Woohyun's cheek or sit in his lap, as Woohyun can tell her about the pretty girl he met the night before or joke about something s did. They basically have a no-boundaries friendship, something pretty rare between a male and female in south korea. Though Woohyun has no problem subjecting her to the same shameless flirting, Yanin tends not to take him seriously.



  • park shin hye | 23 | actress | adaptable, opinionated, bossy  | to others, shinhye seems entirely unassuming and helpful which isn't necessarily far from the truth but she also has a reputation for being a bit bland.  | she's not entirely cruel to yanin but her opinions are often misplaced and unwanted, to which she doesn't take too kindly too. in those instances she seems almost forceful in having her advice valued and comes off as someone with a superiority complex when she does. overbearing.

why are you rivals?: while yanin played opposite shin hye as the y, overworked, too thin han hee joo, she was still very much a rookie. and, in most cases accepted her seniors' advice but shin hye more often than not rubbed her the wrong way. her advice deviated for guiding and strayed toward arrogant demands. shin hye's acting always came off as either comically over done or blandly under done to yanin which made her all the less likely to value her suggestions. but when she started to come off as forceful as if yanin owed it to her to be in a permanent state of shock and awe, yanin began blatantly ignoring her. it didn't go ver well on either side. it may have been a culture shock on yanin's part not being used to the way senior status was put on a pedestal in south korea, but the two haven't been able to co-exist easily since.


training years: two years and 7 months

previous company+time spent: jyp + 1 year and 4 months

trainee history: I basically owe my career to my brother. After JYP took him in my other siblings and I started getting a bit of attention too. My audition was a bit more formal than Khun's but it my spot in the comapny was sealed. It was more like an evaluation to see where I was lacking.

pre-debut experiences: a few local competitions and a few thai cf's


stage name: Yanin
position: main vocalist, lead dancer
persona: Two Sided Selca
personal fanclub: loveya(s) or camera(s) ( your choice )
fanclub colour(s): coral blue number 35

social network pages: me2day: kulcomics ; twitter: vainyanidol ; tumblr: ensign-horvejkul ; instagram: invadervejkul

singing twin: davichi's kang minkyung
dancing twin: f(x)'s luna
rapping twin: doesn't rap ( but just in case ; 4minute's sohyun )

solo activities: modeling ; acting - my princess & heartstrings


what was your reaction when Nara(former member) decided to leave the group?: It was more disbelief than anything. Personally, I love our lifestyle. Though it may be a hassle at times, I definitely wouldn't give it up for anything.

how did you feel when the CEO announced that there will be a replacement?: I wasn't happy about it all. Over the years, we kind of developed our own chemistry and everyone's gotten comfortable in their roles. It just seemed like a bad idea to offset it with the newbies.

and when he said there will also be an additional member?: more than anything, I was concerned for myself and my role in the group. I know that may sound selfish but if I don't put myself first, whwo will? I was worried about having fewer lines and less of a frontal role in the group. The more members there are, the easier it is to get lost in a sea of faces. I don't know how SNSD does it.

in all honesty, what do you think about the new members?: I may have been a tiny bit jealous and unwelcoming. People tend to gravitate towards what's shiny and new and before I knew it, evrything was suddenly about them. Helping them learn their lines, the choreography. Every interview is all about them and how they're loving the idol life.

do you want your character to personally know the new members?: no


requests: i'm pretty much brain dead at the moment. but i'll blow up your inbox with sggestions and such soon enough.

comments: sorry about the y picture qualitysince they're mostly selcas, i've seen better pictures/photo shoots but they're not on google so I'm automatically at a loss.

suggestions: see above

anything else?: let me know if I missed something.

password: perfect


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