Trainee || Park Mintae


Username: BlackAngel18
Gender: Female
Age: 14
Activity Level: 9


Character's Full Name: Park Mintae
Nickname: Kuro Tenshi/ Black Angel (because of her cold and mysterious ways); Ms. Beanies (her obsession with beanies)
Birthday: June 18, 1997  + 16 years old
Ethnicity: Korean-Japanese
Hometown: Tokyo, Japan
Company: Woolim Entertainment


Kind hearted, an angel inside and outside, that's something to describe Park Mintae. She's very kind-hearted, well mannered, polite and obedient. True, her beauty shines inside and outside. She extremely very loving and caring to others as well. She was raised up near perfection and that made her parents very proud of her... and her siblings of course. Mintae also likes to help ANYONE in need, may it be a friend, an enemy or even a complete stranger, she doesn't care. As long as she knows she can help, she will. A living angel indeed.

But will one even believe if she states that she has another side? Yes, another side. A completely different side. This side is named Minty, her other side brought by her disorder, DID or Dissociative Identity Disorder, is a spoiled brat. A violet lassie who has a foul mouth. Unlike Mintae, "Minty" is very cold and rude to everyone, even strangers! Frightening, right? She's a living monster in this side, opposite of her original self being a living angel.

In both sides, there's several similarities. First is her short temper. Annoy her and if you're facing her wrong side, you'll get -kicked to the moon and back. She has problems handling her temper, either she cries a bucket of tears in anger or she vents her anger by doing physical stuff. Second, their intelligence. Yup, fooling either side of her no matter how much impression they make, they still remain smart and fooling them will actually take centuries to even succeed. Finally, third, their protectiveness and soft spots. As either Minty or Mintae, both sides are very very protective over their loved ones. Their soft spot? Of course, family, may it be her mother, father, eldest sister or even twin brother, they'll get weak by their presence.


  • Drawing
  • Eating
  • Taking Selcas
  • Writing
  • Sleeping
  • Reading


  • Biting her nails
  • Blinking too much
  • Skinship
  • Cracking her knuckles
  • Pouting


  • Cats
  • Sweets
  • Fashion
  • Music
  • Meat
  • Dull Colors
  • Stuffed Toys
  • Strawberries
  • Snow


  • Dogs
  • Clowns
  • Darkness
  • Dolls
  • Vegetables
  • Neon Colors
  • Blood
  • Injections
  • Teases
  • Discrimination
  • Shouting


Mintae was born in Tokyo, Japan year 1997, 18th of June seven minutes later than her twin brother and seven years after their eldest sister by a Japanese mother. She was raised well along with her siblings and grew up near perfection. Like her siblings, she was a perfect child, a perfect daughter like her sister. Lots envied her parents and girls like her looked up to her. They followed her "perfect" ways. Well, being born beautiful inside and outside paired up with great intelligence and amazing athletic skills, who won't see you as perfect? 

School days were always interesting for Mintae. She did well in class like her twin brother and eldest sister. She participated well in recitation, garnered high marks and everything. Ah, a perfect life. Lots liked her, lots befriended her and she was glad. She thought her life was perfect. THOUGHT. It wasn't. Nothing is ever perfect. There was one time she learned her twin brother, Kwangmin, were having rumors being spread about. She was enraged and for the first time, she snapped, marking the discovery of her disorder, DID. Another side of her, Minty, came out and began to "physically hurt" those rumor spreaders. To her twin's surprise of seeing a new side of Mintae, he even got scared. Her parents learned about this and decided to take her to a psychologist, learning that the poor young girl is suffering DID or Dissociative Identity Disorder. Her perfect world slowly crashed.

But with her beloved ones, namely her family, standing beside her, she stayed strong. She was isolated from the others along with her twin. Having only each other, they faced world together. Lest it be them versus the world, so what? They are twins anyway and they were born to be together.

When she and her twin were 14 and their eldest sister was 21, their family moved to Seoul, South Korea and began a new life. Thankfully, she adapted quickly, learning Korean and Hangul easily. She started to make new friends too and that made her turn over a new leaf. She didn't want anyone to learn "Minty" so she had to control her emotions frequently. But emotions cannot be caged forever, thus, she snapped once yet to her surprise, her "friends" understood unlike those friends she befriended back in Japan. She actually lived her life happily.

Now, before even moving to Seoul, eversince she was young, Mintae had one dream and that's to sing for the world. She wanted to be a singer and soon, an idol. That's her one goal and being in Seoul, she knew things will actually succeed.

Reason For Auditioning:

A reason for auditioning is her passion for music, obviously. But to be honest, this wasn't her only reason. Knowing her twin's desire to be an idol as well, she wanted to help him yet knowing how shy her twin is, she had to make a move. Auditioning wasn't entirely a reason because of her goal to reach her dream but to help her shy twin as well. Knowing that her twin doesn't want to get separated from her, she auditioned in an entertainment and as expected, her twin came along. She and her twin brother, Kwangmin, auditioned together basically and failed twice in two companies they joined but that didn't stop them. The two soon got the chance to be trainees but in different companies. Well, at least they reached their goals, yes?

Mintae's reason is her passion for music and helping her beloved twin brother.
Training Period: 3 years
Trainee Life:

So far, her trainee life is well. She gets along with her seniors and fellow trainees. Sometimes, she gets teased but she handles them well anyway. She stays strong and just ignores those teases, focusing her mind with training and getting better alone. Still, she never forgets to be friendly so lots of trainees and seniors like her.

Park Taesun // 54// father // Alive //Taesun, towards his daughter, is very supportive and very caring to him. He is very loving and very humorous too, as well as very strong willed.
Park Ayame // 52 // mother // Alive  // Ayame and Mintae are also very very close especially because the two share the same traits physically and mentally.  Ayame is a very loving and understanding mother to her kids. She supports them greatly and is very loving and caring to them. She is very well known for her well-poised attitude. Mintae is said to be her mother's identical.
Park Minhee // 23 //eldest sister// Alive  // Minhee is very protective and supportive over her two younger siblings. She is very well-mannered and very gentle and sensitive, unlike Mintae. . She has a pure heart like her siblings. She can be very shy too and her and Mintae's level of shyness are just the same.
Park Kwangmin // 16// twin brother // Alive // Kwangmin is actually very shy and to others, cold and mysterious. In reality, he's actually a sweetie who looks up to his younger twin sister. He is very protective and caring too.



Singing Twin: Juniel - soloist
Example of Vocals: Link 1 ~ Link 2
Backup: Bang Minah - Girl's Day
Dancing Twin:
Kim Hyoyeon - SNSD
Example of Dancing: Link 1 ~ Link 2
Backup: Song Victoria - f(x)
Rapping Twin: Kim "Lime" Hyelim - Hello Venus
Example of Rapping: Link 1 ~ Link 2
Backup: Kim Hyuna - 4Minute 


"I'm In Love"

Program Love Interest:
Name: Kang Sihyun
Age: 18 tears old
Why You Like Them:

Mintae always liked how Sihyun is. Sihyun, being a "childish" type of guy who has at least, lots of similarities to her ideal type! What is Mintae's ideal type? Chidlish, prankster, someone older than her and GETS INTO TROUBLE everytime. Everything fits Sihyun as if he is the puzzle pieces to complete a jigsaw puzzle! Mintae likes how Sihyun can be clueless at some time too, and how he isn't afraid to show aegyo at times of desperate measures come. Not all men can be cute, yes?

Aside from this, what attracted her next, first being his attitude and cuteness, is him being a gentleman. In the modern day now, real gentlemen are very hard to see to be honest. It is really amusing for Mintae to see that Kang Sihyun is quite a carefree guy as well.

Another reason is that well, he's simply CARING.

How They Act Together:
Together, Mintae still has to find how to act normally since she has problems on how to control her "feels" when she's with her love interest/ ideal type man. Well, at some times that she is calm though, they act like typical friends. They hang out, talk, find some things to do together that they are fond of or sometimes, they simply do some jamming.

Together, they are quite bland but Mintae looks forward that as time pass, she'll learn how to be more "interesting" when together with Sihyun.

How Will/Did They Meet:
For some unexpected reason, Sihyun actually mistook Mintae as Kwangmin, being twins they are. Funny, isn't it? Of course, Mintae was shocked to hear someone call her "Kwangmin" as she doesn't hear that often despite her being his twin. After wards, probably because of some reflex actions, she was terrified and shocked that she ran away from Sihyun. (this happened when they were in the beach). Realizing how she acted to her "group mate", she was too embarrassed to even approach him again.

To her astonishment, this "guy" who mistook her for Kwangmin was actually her twin's friend! Sihyun was introduced to her by no other than Kwangmin himself. Not knowing how to act, she just stood there, paralyzed until her brother brought her back to reality. The sound of Sihyun's laughter over how she got lost in reality sent tingles down her spine and before she knew it, something was not right. She was love struck by her brother's friend.

Soon, she decides to befriend Sihyun and desired to start a rather strong bond of friendship, which succeeds. Now? They are friends but still having problems acting around him, Mintae often looses control of her emotions and runs away by reflex actions.

Other Love Interest: Lee Sungjong : INFINITE

"I Will Show You"

Program Rival:
Name: Liu Hua
Age: 20
Why You're Rivals:

Competitiveness. Simple as that. It started with a simple game of basketball where it was Mintae versus "Hua Hua". Unfortunately, being better than Mintae of course, Hua Hua won and that upsetted Mintae, A LOT. She soon challenges the guy again and lost for the second time, then third time, and finally, TENTH TIME. She tried practicing basketball with her twin just to get better than Hua Hua even, but still, it fails.

Soon, it was into dancing. Mintae saw Hua Hua as a big threat in the field of dancing. They often have dance battles to see who's better at such, which always turns into an answer that they are both good at it.

But being rivals doesn't mean they hate each other. They are actually in good vibes, friends to be exact. They only turn into rivals when the topics are in their fields of competiting with, and that's either sports or dancing.

How Will/Did They Meet:
Mintae and Hua Hua met during the first training sessions. At first, they were really in good vibes and had some talking together. They got to know each other and well, got along real well!

And because of that, Hua Hua learned that the young girl is interested in sports as well. He invited the young lass for a basketball match, which she agrees into. Unfortunately, the young girl looses by one point, leading to Hua Hua's win. More challenge matches came and Mintae looses. Straight! That then, started their rivalry.

Other Rival: Lee Hi - soloist

For You"

Program Friends:

Shim Miyeon // 18 // Female // Woolim // Cheerful, optimistic, bright, some of the few words to explain who Miyeon is. She can be clumsy at some time, loosing things easily just like that. At some time, she can also be possessive over things, getting mad that easily whenever someone tries to touch her stuff. At some times as well, she can be forgetful as her mind has "too much information" already. 
~How you act together: 

Miyeon and Mintae often finds drawing a bonding moment when together. Sometimes, when not drawing, they chat about anything around or sometimes, Mintae helps Miyeon find something she looses again. Actually, those moments seem quite plain but for the two, it's a precious form of hanging out together. Sometimes, togther, they walk around together as well.

Some commons they have is drawing and likes with sweets. The two are also hating darkness for the time being, Mintae's reason having phobia in it and Miyeon simply disliking it as she sees nothing but blackness in it. So far, there are STILL similarities in it but they need to find them as time pass by. Drawing and hateness in darkness are so far the only things they found to be common with.

Mintae and Miyeon are actually trainees of the same company but for some reason, they never knew each other. Sure, they sometimes greet each other and see each other every time but never actually knew each other better. They never even thought that there will be that time they'd be in the same group! After moving to the dorm, Mintae actually found a checkered hankerchief on her way inside the dormitory and decided to bring it along. Soon, she found out that it was Miyeon's lost handkerchief she lost! Since then, Miyeon was rather thankful to Mintae and got along since then. What's more surprising, they didn't even recall that they were trainees of the same company! Funny, right?

Other Friends:
Lee Sungyeol // 22 // Male //member of INFINTE// dorky, caring, supportive, protective
~How you act together: (What do you do when you hang out? What do you have in common? How did you become friends?)

Sungyeol and Mintae, when together, they act like idiots. With Choding Sungyeol and Innocent Mintae, the two bestfriends are known as "Dork Duo". Along with this, the two hang out together, often times, playing, eating or maybe simply "hanging" around silently together. Mintae actually finds Sungyeol's presence more calming than other's presence. The two often jam at sometimes, sometimes, play prank on others, especially on INFINITE or simply sleep together.

Talking about their commons, Sungyeol and Mintae are partners in crime. They like to prank others, especially INFINITE. They also share a big interest in music and being Mintae's senior, Sungyeol often helps her in singing, rapping or maybe in dancing despite his position not being any of those. These two also share a similar sense with fashion. Mintae and Sungyeol have unique fashion styles in a good way. Sometimes, Mintae even picks Sungyeol's fashion and such. 

Their friendship started in some way Mintae never expected. When she first came in to Woolim, who knew one of her seniors is a far cousin of hers? Yup, and that's no other than Lee Sungyeol. The two are far relatives and knowing that, Mintae felt better when Sungyeol's along and Sungyeol, well, having a younger cousin in the same entertainment he is, he felt that a big responsibility is put on him to protect and watch over little Mintae. Well, at first, Sungyeol really didn't know how to approach the young lass so he just stayed afar, watching her... that was until some female trainees began bullying her. Sungyeol made a stand. He had to protect her and since that day, he befriended Mintae. He became her best friend and so on. 



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Your rival and dancing twin must be female