The Grievances of a Small Person

I always hear about how everyone wants to lose weight and about how hard it is. How inferior they feel around people and how bad it makes them feel. But then what about me, us? What about the small skinny people who also want to gain weight but can't gain it? People never seem to realize our pain nor how inferior we feel because of our size. We want to gain weight.

Then we'd heard, "You don't know how many people would kill for your metabolism." 

But does that completely make us feel better? Initially, NO.

Why is it that when I talk to someone, they end up telling me about how worse off they are. It may ease me a little, but it doesn't help. How come no one seems to be able to comfort me? 

I feel like I'm lacking so much but I can't do anything because of my size and it leaves me feeling completely helpless. But no one seems to be able to understand. I'm not good at anything. I'm not super smart. I can't meet expectations. 


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I beg to disagree. It is NOT true that you are not good at anything. For me, your writing skill is a talent and a gift that not everybody have. You might not be aware of it but Im sure that through your stories, you brought happiness, comfort, motivation and encouragement to others [including me]. So believe in yourself and cheer-up :) There are things that we can't change but there are those that we can improve and develop, so it's better to focus with the latter, right?
But I'm fat.. kekeke..
SetsuKai #3
I really can't say much towards this except that everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses. We can't always expect people to understand us completely, but as long as we understand ourselves, I think that's more important than anything else. I'm probably belonging to the former category of people wanting to lose weight, but I can see that because we try so hard to go by society's standards, we don't necessarily see what others are going through vice versa. Don't feel so down, because your stories have definitely been my motivation for the past year :) Keep doing what you're doing and one day people will learn to appreciate you for who you are ^^