When it rains, it pours..

As if my life isn't bad enough right now, just when I thought I could enjoy some time off my hectic life , I could have some peace with my family in this vacation, just to take my mind off that certain someone, life has other plan for me...

got into some freak accident and fractured all my four right fingers. GAHHHHHHH!!! 


typing is such a torture. What now? What else is in store for me?! Am I really that unlucky. Sigh... 


Maybe this is a sign that I should stop writing stories.. :/ 


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no you don't! please!
stay strong please! we're here for you!
liahyul #2
hey.. don't be like that..
you must thanks to God, although you got your fingers fractured, He still save your live.. and althogh so hard to write with that condition, you still can write this.. don't give up. i know you can do it..

"you only lived once, might as well enjoy it and don't let anything destroy your mood" you said it to me right? hehe, i dont know what the connection. but please don't think like that..

you should take a rest.. you can write the stories later.. if you feeling better :)
now just rest :D
izcavadern #3
dont loose hope just be strong author everything will back to normal...
tae1810 #4
u not unlucky..dont worry everything will be okay :)
please don't stop writing! :(