To my subscriber and friends...

To my subscribers, I'm sorry I haven't updated in quite while. I've been having family problems and depression problems. The only thing I'm trying to get done is school work. 

My mom thinks I'm wasting my time on the Internet. She always thought me liking kpop was stupid and pointless. So she was complaining that I don't have any friends and she saying that I'm weird and she's ashamed of me and my brother.

I've been feeling pretty suicidal since then... That's why I haven't been updating T_T

I don't wanna kill myself, it's just sometimes i get really,really sad and don't care anymore I just want to give up on everything in life...

now I know how onew feels I guess...


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I don't know if this will make you feel better or not but I have practically spent more than half of my life on the internet (legitimately about 60+ hours a week). I am also thought of to be a little strange by my mom and I don't have a whole bunch of friends.

hehe. We're kind of in the same boat then, maybe?

Okay okay, i go now.
Even though some people wont exactly be too supportive of the things you like, the important thing is most probably that fact that you like it. That's all that matters at the end of the day, and it's all that ever will.

I think that all of your friends and subscribers on here support you and understand your situation. Though, I don't know the extent to your depression, I think everyone has felt at least slightly similar. It seems like you have a lot of stuff weighing down on you and I hope things get better and you can feel happy again.

You should take your time and recollect yourself and your thoughts. Then, come back when you're ready, no rush, we'll all be right here when you get back. This, I can promise.

*caresses your face and hugs you*
^hehe. I hope that wasn't too awkward.
Sadly, I've been there and I know how it feels, though for different reasons... But you must keep in mind that even though today, this week or this month , it'll get better eventually. Don't take everything your mom says to the heart, being from a totally different generation, she sees things in a different light... my mom is like that too. But that doesn't mean that she doesn't care about you ^_^
Anyway please don't be sad *hugs you*. Smile :)