The Coffee Shop | Jung Ah Yeon


The Coffee Shop

Jung Ah Yeon

TheLandofBrownSugar | Anna | 9



And WHO are you?

name 〉 Jung Ah Yeon
nickname 〉 Anabelle (
English birth name)
age 〉 19
birthday 〉 April 28, 1994
birthplace 〉 Sydney, Australia
hometown 〉 Melbourne, Australia
ethnicity 〉 Korean
language(s) 〉 English (fluent), Korean (advanced), Japanese



What do you look like?


style 〉 Ah Yeon's style is very laid-back and relaxed as she doesn't make any extraordinary effort in styling herself unless she's going out or when being formal. She likes to wear shorts and jeans with comfy sweaters and oversized jackets. She loves experimenting with different kinds of ccessories, like jewelry, makeup, nail polish, scarves and headwear. Her colors of choice are usually blacks, hites, reds and various cool colors such as blue and silver.
casual 〉 Link 1 | Link 2 | Link 3
formal 〉 Link 1 | Link 2 | Link 3
home 〉 Link 1 | Link 2 | Link 3


ulzzang  Shin Ae Sol ( gallery )
backup 〉
Park Cha Hun  ( gallery )




What are you like?

tumblr_lp97fcGGyP1qjsldro1_500.jpgpersonality traits 〉 Friendly, social butterfly, smart, impulsive, frank, vegeterian, loves to swim
personality 〉 Ah Yeon is a smart and sociable girl who loves to spend her time reading fanfiction or being on places such as tumblr and Instagram. She loves to take selcas of herself and friends, but also just anything that catches her interest as the day goes along. She loves people and can be a bit of a people pleaser as she wants to be everyone's friend. She has an insatiable thirst for knowledge and likes to use it to her advantage, such as using big words and being people to put others on the spot. She has a dry sense of humor, often made up of puns and wordplay. She's also very honest to the point of being harsh and may do certain things without thinking it through as it makes her life more interesting, according to herself.
background 〉
Anabelle Jung, or Jung Ah Yeon, was born on April 28, 1994, to Jung Yoo, a business man, and Jung Hara, an accountant, in Sydney, Australia. She moved to Melbourne with her family at the age of three, where her younger sister was born. Being originally from Korea, her family often went there during holidays to visit family and old friends. Ah Yeon was rather fascinated by the culture there and dreamt of moving there one day.

During elementary and middle school, Ah Yeon discovered her love for the art. She began drawing at an early age, but also took singing lessons and piano lesson from her aunt. When she was in high school, she came to Seoul as an exchange student in order to see how the life was there. She enjoyed it quite well and decided on moving there once she entered university, which she did.





More about you


likes 〉 Fruit salad, small animals, art, music, shopping, hanging with friends, reading, star-gazing, dictionaries
dislikes 〉 Spiders, meat, nagging, stealing, lying to people, ism
habits 〉When she's guilty about something, she goes around squealing "wee" to everyone in sight. Whenever she's lying, she stutters and starts sweating. Bites her bottom lip a lot and runs her hand through her hair multiple times a day.
hobbies 〉 Art, graphic design, music, stars

character trivia 〉

- Likes to play hide and seek

- Once, when her family went to Egypt, someone tried to buy her for a lot of camels

- Her favorite dessert is Chocolate Sundae ice cream

- She's a bit of a feminist

- Her dislike towards meat came after watching a documentary about haggis and the origin of hamburgers

- She wants to be a astronomist or an artist when she graduates

- Her parents were against her moving to Korea due to their sometimes harsh attitude towards foreigners

- She still, to this very day, has some issues with speaking Korean fluently





Who is important to you?


father 〉 Jung Yoo | 49 | Businessman | Strict, loving, oblivious | They have a rocky relationship, especially when it comes to Ah Yeon's choice of education. He wanted her to study law or business like him, but she had other plans.
mother 〉 Jung Hara | 46 | Accountant | Hard-working, sweet, smart | They are closer than Ah Yeon and her father. Mrs. Jung supported her daughter from the start, although she did protest a bit at the thought of her daughter studying abroad.
sister 〉 Jung Eun Ah | 17 | Student | Smart, quiet, reclusive | They have always been close, but there is also a bit of a competition going on between them. Eun Ah was always the favorite student, but Ah Yeon was always better with interacting and being social.

best friend 〉 Lee Hyeri | 19 | Student | Tough, sensitive, quiet | They go to the same university and were introduced to each other in class | They are very close and often meet up after school to catch up as it can be days and more between each meeting. They love to joke and talk about everything together.
friend 〉 Oh Sehun | 19 | Bus Boy | Quiet, respectful, observant | Hyeri introduced them to one another through a mutual acquaintance | Their opposite personalities might be a problem from time to time, but they are there for each other and have similar interests in music
friend 〉 Kim Hyuna | 21 | Dancer | Passionate, flashy, energetic | Hyuna was in the same dance class as Ah Yeon once | They sway between friends and enemies as they are both kind of competitive, but also admire each other's will and strength


Who do you love?

love interest name 〉 Oh Sehun
position 〉 Bus Boy
age 〉 19
How did they meet 〉 Sehun and Ah Yeon were introduced by her friend, Hyeri, through a mutual acquaintance. They were invited
oh+sehun.pngto her apartment and greeted each other. It was a little awkward at first, because they are rather oppsite of one another, but once they found a common interest, they hit it off right away.
how do they interact 〉 It's talker to listener with those too. Due to Ah Yeon's habit of stealing the spotlight during a conversation, Sehun is often stuck with listening to her, but he does get to talk as well. They are a bit like siblings, despite the small age difference.
status 〉 Friends


how did she find the cafe Hyuna told her about this wonderful place that sold amazing pastries and delicious coffee. She'd always been wanting to find a little place of peace, and had gotten a bit tired of Starbucks and whatnot.
how often does she go 〉 It depends on the days, but she comes in almost everyday except in the weekends. Week days in Korean coffee shops are usually the calmest, she'd heard when she was looking for places as she was about to move. She visits about 3-4 times a week, at least.


the end?

Thank you for applying!

comments/questions 〉 I saw that you didn't ask for the love interest's personality, and as I put him up as a friend of hers, I added a few traits of my own to his persona. I hope it's alright.
scene suggestions 〉 Visits to the coffee shop increasing, and Sehun getting teased by fellow workers in the shop about it. Ah Yeon experiencing jealousy in love for the first time. Sehun getting jealous of Ah Yeon hanging with some of the other boys in the shop.
anything you want to add 〉 Nope. ^^
password 〉 Mistake - SNSD



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