Apparently I am a crazy catlady...

Today in my study group at a time with awkward silence I said "My cat fell down from my balcony yesterday", to which Kristina said "God, I know more about your cat than about you!". I was really hurt, actually. First off, she has never expressed any interest in getting to know me. I don't know if it's just me, but I don't think awkward silences are filled well with random info about yourself such as "Hey, by the way, I'm obsessed with Kpop!". Second off, I hate awkward silences and I just... it's a lot easier to just spew out random stuff about my cat since she is always doing something idiotic. Also, Kristina is a person who practically never talks and when she does it is so low and hard to make out. I just... I don't know. It made me feel like a crazy catlady and it really wasn't nice. I mean... I am, but it's just... there is so much more to me than that even though I don't it in people's faces. I don't know. I'm just really down because of it. 


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I'm a crazy catlady, too. I have five at the moment ><
I like cats and hey I know a real crazy cat lady called my nan. She has over 10 cats, and they just they're everywhere.
And she's just jealous as your cat get more love XP
Bwahahahaha!!! Been there done that but it was with my brothers-ex. We are really good friends but whenever we hangout I seem to talk about brother
Don't be down! I love you and especially your crazy cat-stories XD They are epic!!
And for the second... She's a downer... xD