This author is AMAZING!


Now I’ve always said that no matter what you like/don’t like, ship/don’t ship, etc. a good writer can make you love anything when it’s done right. And she did just that! I have never EVER liked cross-dressing in fanfics. Even when it’s written by a good author, I see it on the tags and I skip it. But damn she wrote this so good and in a way that I just LOVED it. And she also did something amazing that I didn’t think was possible. You wrote Himchan cross-dressing without emasculating him. It just bugs me so much how ppl tend to write him so feminine when that’s not how I see him and that’s not how he even is. And yet she somehow managed to throw in this kink without taking that away from him. She are truly amazing, I’m such in awe of her writing skills. I’m so gonna read whatever else she writes asap because she’s already one of my top authors just with this fic!!!! <3


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