Stealing Other's Stuff/RANT.


So you're probably wondering "What's with this random outburst?" well yeah I'm pretty mad because I've seen a LOT of people taking other's stories/pictures/etc and not giving credit.

I mean sure, as long as you have permission to upload the story then go ahead and do it, but otherwise DON'T. You're gonna make people mad because they worked on it and for you to come and steal it and give no credit is ridiculous. And if I do see someone taking without permission I'll make sure the original uploader knows. It's happened to me before and I wasn't best pleased, so please please PLEASE do not take other people's work.

And you're probably thinking now "oh my god shut up everyone knows this" but obviously not from what I've seen. So if you know you've done it, either find the original owner and ask if you can keep it on or just take it down before you get into serious trouble. If you wanna talk about these kind of things my messages are always open for us to talk. I'm really hoping that what I've said applies to none of you because that would be bad, and also I check a lot of accounts (because even if I'm not posting things I'm always lurking) so I know if you've been doing it.

If you have done it and you're thinking "oh, she'll never notice" well I probably already have noticed. So you better get permission or take it down. I really do hope that you've read this properly. Please keep a look out for stolen work, keep the internet a friendly place and PLEASE DO NOT STEAL OTHER PEOPLE'S WORK.


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It's like when people recolor another person's artwork on DeviantArt and claim it as their own >< Plagiarism is a huge no-no in my book and we need to repeat things like this, to get it through the plagiarizer's heads that it's wrong to do so.