There is only so much Baekho my poor heart can take and this...

... this was too much guys. It's official, Baekho is sharing first place wih his baby on my bias list. I can't keep him on 1.5th place. He is too gorgeous not to be on first with Ren. I need to breath and calm down. He is beautiful on the first picure. You heard me right, BEAUTIFUL!! 



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FixxIdea #1
Handsome as always!
Damn... O_O
belenyho #3
:) First place!!!! But I love your 1.5th place.... you're rigth he is too gorgeous and HOT
giracrystal #4
He's too much for his own good :P
-dies- Omg.. god he is beautiful even with pink.. omg i love that hair, Your right he is first with Ren omg those to would be a amazing couple.. BAEKREN FTW
yoaisummer #6
He look.........very......Y~~~~~~
qhoons #7
On place 1.5? What is that? Place 1.5, I had to laugh, sorry.^^ #sorrynotsorry
DA_G-D #9
*dies because of baekho*
Congrats Baekho! ;D Well he's still a tiny bit behind Ren in my bias list ;)
He truly is beautiful in the first pic <3
Haha so he finally did it :D FINALLY he's sharing the first place with his baby eeee <3...i was wondering when this moment will come actually :D and this is the first picture ever where i think Baekho is beautiful and not just because you pointed it out...
Haha he is soo handsome ohhh THANKS BAEKHO FOR MAKING ME WANT A BOYFRIEND LIKE YOU! Maybe this is the reason why I'm single e.e ahaha ... Pff I lost my mind when he take appeared shirtless in "fine girl" ahaha from there he takes Rennie place in my bias list aargg but they can share althe first place haha
Baekho is always Beautiful/hot/y ;)
He is sooo cool!!! *Q*