Why Kim Heechul is so Important to me!

Why Kim Heechul and Super Junior is so important to me?


   I’ve always been easily swayed towards being sad and down on myself. I was depressed a lot in high school, but it never lasted very long because I had my friends to pull me out of it and make me smile. College was a confusing time for me. I didn’t know what I wanted to do and ended up picking a career a bit blindly. My friends and I met less and less and it seemed they moved on with their lives and I was stuck in the same place.

   I graduated from college a little over three years ago. It was around that time that I got really depressed. I wasn’t happy with the career I was stuck with and I wasn’t finding getting a job easy. All the rejection from potential employers and all the misery I was feeling from seeing a hopeless future really got to me. I was in a very dark place back then. I cried almost every day. I didn’t want to get out of bed in the morning. No one understood how I felt. They thought I was lazy and trying to avoid getting a job. When in actuality, I was depressed and verging on suicidal at times. I was truly afraid that I was going to hurt myself one day.

   During this dark period in my life, I discovered Kpop. I’ve always liked music and I started listening to SHINee and SUJU because it was different and I needed a distraction. Then, I saw Kim Heechul. He was alluring and smiling and I was instantly drawn to him. The more I learned about him, the more I liked him. He was confident and not afraid to stand up for himself. He went through hardships and lost friends, but stayed strong. When HanGeng left, he was depressed, locked himself away, cried it out, and came back. He didn’t give up and it made me realize that I shouldn’t either.

   The small moments I spent online watching him on old variety shows and seeing him smile, made me happy, even just for a short period of time. When I was in a depressed mood and so close to giving up, I’d open up my computer and watch SuJu and I’d forget about the darkness for a moment. Kim Heechul and Super Junior literally kept me alive. When I started making some money sewing dolls for people, I’d buy kpop items. Knowing there was some Suju item coming in the mail for me kept me going. When I was sad, I’d buy a new CD and try to smile.

    I finally got the courage to tell my family that I was depressed and afraid I was going to hurt myself. I got the courage to tell them that I needed help. I needed to find a path that made me happy. I found this courage from Heechul. I know that sounds strange. But, his confidence made me feel like I could do that too. I could be happy if I believed in myself like he did. Heechul is the reason I’m happier now. He’s the reason I’m working on my 2nd degree and trying hard each day to find myself and believe in myself. That’s why he’s so important to me and that’s why I will always support him and Suju.

I just wanted to share that with someone. I just wanted someone to understand why Super Junior is so dear to me and why I’m so proud to be a petal.


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devilishlybookish #1
I'm so glad you found SuJu/Heenim to pull you out of that slump! My story is similar and now I'm living and working in Korea and have a boyfriend for the first time ever and my life is better than I could ever have imagined during those dark times thanks to those dorks. From one ELF to another, I am so proud of you for being strong!
kim_seul_young #2
Awww... You have a wonderful story and I am glad that Suju and Heenim helped you a lot. Same thing happened to me. When I had my first epileptic attack and no one could understand what I was going through, Suju made me stronger.

Our stories proves that Suju isn't just some boyband. They are actually inspirations to many people.
Yes, SJ are truly ELF's heroes.
I'm glad you're happy now.
I guess kpop has saved many people from dark places. It saved my sister and I and a couple people I've met. I'm glad you're on a better path :D I hope it continues well with you~
So much respect for you :) I found kpop when I was in a dark place to :) I survived
SilverKissMe #6
U are epic, and u have us to if u need a pic me up ¥^*^¥
Super Junior is more then just a band, they are inspiration and life savers for many people.

I'm glad you got help. They've saved so many.
About two or three years ago, I was planning my suicide. I had suffered long enough and was barely able to do anything. My sister could see what was wrong and tried to cheer me up by showing me Kpop and eventually got me to watch Super Junior's Full House. I was shocked at how dorky and fun they were, it was the first time I laughed in a first time. And as I got into them, I learned about how Heechul suffered, but kept moving on.
They're a great inspiration, and I hope they save many more people.
this is so inspiring unnie. SuJu is also my inspiration. i dont have lots of friends in school. and i was lonely and sometimes feel useless and all.. and then i met them..
but yours is much more inspiring than mine. like really..
Kpop, especially Super Junior, has saved so many people, it has changed so many of us, and I really can't imagin life without it. Their happiness is our happiness. Sometimes I would look at Heechul and ponder how he manages to get up every morning and smile, and be brave, and face the world...
Heechul was right! You can't be nice to survive in this world. People will onyl walk all over you!
I love heechul so much.he's my first bias in kpop world..i start liking him since 2009 i watched super junior old video(full house) hee is so funny on that show.and till now i still love him and yeah of course my parents dislike him.sometime my friend or my parents ask me why im too obsess with him i cant explain why i like him so much ..they just dont understand
reading about what u went through makes kpop that much more special to me i found kpop while looking up an amv for an anime or a (cant remember) and since i found the debut song of beast it has always made me smile i think i watched the mv so mamy times i can litterally remember almost every detail. there hav been times where i almost walked out of my house and into the street or got a knife from the kitchen and almost stuck myself through but listening to kpop or watching my fav idols also makes me happy and makes me want to fufill my dream and now whenever i think about how life changing music from japan and korea were to me i wil also think of u unni :3
I know how you feel but it was dbsk changmin that helped me with my depression and with being suicidal . I love heechul
I understand you so well. It is (almost) the same to me. I learned so much from Super Junior - especially Heechul. Though most of the stuff I learned I knew already, they help me to "live" it easier. It's hard to describe, but to put it short: without them I might not be here anymore. Not like I am now.