Blabberings of a Weird Fangirl #5

So I was looking through my friends Facebook pictures today. (I don't have a Facebook, by the way. I just follow the links to their albums there) Sometimes you see friends that post a bunch of selfies with other friends and family, and its really adorable. But then it all ends when you see the duck faces. You know how you sometimes see girls that do this?


Yep, I've seen a lot of those lately. I'm sorry if I sound offensive, but duck faces aren't attractive. At ALL. Unless, you know, Kpop stars do it. Then it looks adorable because they DO IT RIGHT.

Seriously, you look like you out a giant horse turd when you do that. It looks really immature and it most definitely isn't cool. When Kpop stars do it, they look a bit... more normal? I don't even know. *flips table out of rage and confusion*

Now, I will be honest here, I've done it a couple times myself, and my sister laughs at me EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. So now every time I see someone doing a duck face, I just look at them like this:

Like, really? Do you really NEED to make your lips look like they were mauled by angry bees? Because I know I don't. My lips are already fat enough as they come. If anything, I'm jealous of girls that have small lips.

Okay, now I just sound strange. I'll stop now.

Now that I think about it, Kpop stars don't really do 'duck faces' per say. They just pout cutely. And call me racially biased, but it doesn't look over the top. I'm not much of a pouter, and I am really camera-awkward, so yep. Wow, I'm running out of things to say. I'll just stop here.

Rainbows are wonderful. They are the greatest! I want some Oreos now...


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Duck faces are awful, no matter who does them. Unless Chen's doing it to a duck, which is just freaking adorable, but if you're not doing it to a little purple duck, it's just not okay! No, no, no!
I do not know anyone who finds it attractive at all .-.