How to get over a major crush?

Someone, some help please? It's been almost 6 months since I last spoke to him, but at times, he still appears up in my head. Whenever I get close to someone I possibly like, I can't seem to get steady just because I'll think of him. It's dramatic I know, but someone tell me how they got over their crush? Otherwise, I'll be nervous and afraid everytime someone mention his name.


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I know it's hard, it can last as long as for years /:(/
Only time can heal, that's for sure.
VIP_Bee #2
I dont really have a major crush i think xD i just get over it without even knowing XP i'm just busy with things and forget him ^^
You will know when you wil get over someone. Nothing physical will work in this case, but when your heart is ready to move on, you will slowly find that you're over him. Erasing him out of your contacts and physical reach won't erase him from your memories, but time is a way to get over him. I hope. OTL
I am in the same shoes as you ;;
There's guy I haven't seen for over nearly 2 years and I still think about him lol OTL
focus on something/someone else.... keep yourself busy with school, friends, loved ones, family etc. I did this and it helped alot especially the first one
the_exotic_angel #6
I have no experience but if u can't get him out of ur head then u probably really like him which means u either tell him to get some closure or find all the bad things about him to make u like him less.
You get someone else to like.
And figure out the many ways he's not right for you and just a jerk overall.
be like park hye shin in heartstring. you ignore him then he realizes he has this thing for ya and then you guys = ♥

i don't know

It's not an easy thing to do, but try to avoid him.. I've already been on your shoes, and all I did was avoid him or whenever we were together, I acted like always, like If we were just friends and I tried to show him that I'm not weak and that I would go through it. I know that at first is really difficult, but you'll be fine. Just be yourself and show him the side that he never saw, and try to frequent other places, go out with friends, don't talk with him on the phone/pc, talk with him only when he's the one who started the conversation first. Things like that.

Now that I'm not into him, he's the one who is into me. When you lose something, is when you finally figures that that thing is really an important thing to you, that's what happened to him!

I don't know If this is going to help you.
Hmmm, well, I've tried a ton of methods, but what works best for me is the zero contact method. As in, delete him from your life - his cell number, unfriend him, unfollow him, ignore him when you see him and when you even start to think about him, distract yourself. If someone mentions his name, change the subject. Yeah, it's pretty extreme, but it's worked for me. That and a combination of time did it.
Blue world child, I'm in the same predicament, I wish I knew how. Anyways, just try to forget about him.