Updates + Apologies

So I should probably get hit for this but I think the time has come for me to apologise.

I'm going to start my internship next week, specifically on the 23rd of September (SGT or KST; doesnt really matter) and I'm gonna get reallyyyy busy.

Thought I'd share that my intership will occur all the way to the 7th of March next year and my work takes place from morning all the way to the evening so night time will probably be the only time I have to rest and catch up on my sleep since my work requires lotsss of energy (no, I won't be sitting in the office doing nothing sadly. I'll be out in the sun and getting in on.)

And while I still have a week left to write, I find myself procrastinating. Yes, you can virtually hit me now. Let me explain.

I have started re-watching Khuntoria again and like before, I fell in love with them MORE so you can tell that my week is probably filled with khuntoria. I've also started writing a 5 shot series about them and like always, I'm taking in more load than I could possibly take.

But writing doesn't come easy for me right now because I'm so distracted with Khuntoria. (I've finished all 64 episodes yesterday and I'm back at episode 1 again today fml)

Yes, it's a stupid reason that I should probably get hit at but there's really nothing you can do when your current favourite ship is taking over your ultimate ship. And yes, I'm talking about Khuntoria and LuFany.

So I thought it'd be nice if my fellow AFF-ers and readers could read this and forgive me haha.

Here's my train of thought for my fics, at least for this week.

1) Finish my Khuntoria 5 shots and publish them here.

2) Finish the chapter of Another Earth that I'm already done with halfway.

3) Write the last few senteces for the first chapter of The Vampirs.

I don't know if I can finish till number 3 by 22 September but I hope everyone waits patiently. I know it's annoying but my inspiration really doesn't come easy for LuFany right now (blame Khuntoria and my lazy self being)

On the bright side, I don't really like to publish my work if I feel not much effort has gone into it so I guess in a way you can expect quality chapters from me and I hope that makes up for this whole lack of inspiration thing.

'till another time! (: Thank you for putting up with my annoying self.

Lots of love!


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life happens, your internship is more important.
if you get the inspiration, you will write no matter what time it is. but exhaustion will sometimes block all your thoughts. so take care of your health first then take care of us.
good luck!