Oh my gosh you must check this out!

It something done by Rooster Teeth on youtube if anyone knows them

It's an animated series called RWBY and is super cool!

I'm currently watching it right now

In the description it says it's a story about 4 girls that go to a type of academy where they learn fighting and the slaying of monsters and stuff which is totally awesome!

The main girl Ruby even uses a scythe for a weapon that can also transform into a gun which I think is amazing because I love scythes. Like if I were to become a hunter of some sort in real like I would totally want to use a scythe :D I kinda feel like they are over looked in things like anime and most people use swords and stuff but things like scythes or chainsaws really stand out to me.

So yeah, you should totally go check it out because you just should. And I'm totally gonna right some type of fanfiction like this because it sounds awesome, and no I will not copy all the things just using the idea of a fighting school which I did think of something like it before a long time ago back when I watched anime like 5 years ago but yeah...

Go check it out, here is the first episode RWBY

P.S. The opening theme song is awesome!


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