❛ twenty & married // park seyi



•••••••••• haekyung    dani    activity level 5    english is my first language ••••••••••


hey, whatever! 

It was just a childhood promise. Marriage wasn't supposed to be a game, but with two individuals tired of rejection, that old promise was sealed with a chaste kiss down the aisle. He found no harm in marriage, she strived too much to refuse. But what started to them as an easy way out, ended as much more than just a search for love. "Jagiya~" "I have a name, Oh Sehun." "I know, and it's beautiful."

full name — park seyi ( 박세이 )
nickname — jagiya ( 자기야 ) ; a newly made nickname used by her newly-wed husband
date of birth / age — 13-02-22
ethnicity — full korean
birthplace / hometown — jeju, south korea
languages — korean ; mother-tongue, english ; moderate



ulzzang #01 — riho
    » pictures — clickeu!

ulzzang #02 — kiko / jooyi
    » pictures — clickeu!

appearance — as a woman who knows too much to want too much, seyi prefers to keep away from needles peircing skin, which includes earrings, etc; her skin is quite fair, considering she likes the outdoors better than the in. with hair that's requestedly dyed a lighter shade of reddish-brown, opposed to her once natural black, falls past her shoulders at a longer length. although slightly waved at it's tips, seyi often straightens out her hair or tie it high into a bun. being a girl who's partically blind, she wears contacts, a shade similar to her eye-color in order to compliment the two. when she's not out, she's wearing her specricals, which is usually only worn at home; at an average height of 165cm and at a weight of 56 kg, seyi isn't too thin nor too big. she may not be spectaculary fit, and may not be emensly skinny, but she's finds she's happy with her body.

fashion style — whether she's home or out exploring the great depths of the world, seyi is always kept in a fashionable manner. her excuse being that everyday's a special occasion is what causes her to wear skirts and floral dresses every other day. she's a person who likes to dress femininely, with calm pastel colors, contrasted with minor accessories such as jewelery; wedding rings especially. seyi's not the type of person to wear anything too revealing and although not upset with her body type, isn't comfortable flashing much skin. at home her clothing sense is just as similar to the one she wears out to dinner dates, or just quiet strolls around the park. there's never been a day when seyi hasn't spent time looking nice for the day. be it a dreaded downpour, or a horridly heatwave of a day, seyi will keep to her opinion. even her sleep-wear is quite fashionable. though, keep in mind, that her fashion isn't put to extremes. it's the simplicity that makes it stunning.



character traits — discreet, courteous, headstrong, independent


( courteous )
something that never goes unnoticed is how amazingly courteous seyi becomes when she's around strangers as she is to her own family. having been brought up the way she is, seyi is incredibly polite. always being one step ahead of someone when it comes to mannerisms or being the first person to assist anyone when it's needed. be it youngers or olders, seyi is always acting with respect as everyone should be. whether it comes to minor things, such as holding the door or simply pleading a thankyou, or whether it be bowing at a complete 90º angle, seyi knows how to act around certain people and prefers to keep it that way. it's to treat others the way you want to be treated, right? and with that being said, she's quite discreet about things, never feeling the need to praise herself when she can easily praise others. it becomes a habit really, never seeing much potential in herself as she seems to in others. it causes her to act on impulse, to help when others don't ask for it, sparing her own time when it's not necessary. although she's loyal to several people, and although she has intentions of keeping it that way, it grows to be habit where she doesn't think for herself.

( headstrong )
though referred to as a sweetheart in which a girl named seyi is always willing to help, seyi is also a lot more stubborn that when her appearance tells to be. she's a girl who never takes no for an answer, and is usually always sure of herself. even if she isn't sure, I tell you - she's sure. as a woman who likes to keep to her opinions, whether she keeps to speaking bluntly and honest (in the politest way possible), seyi is one who never seems to see through another's eyes. although kind in various ways, she's often too confident in what she thinks is right. like a mother who feels she knows everything about their child; that is seyi towards everything and frankly.. everyone. what seyi starts, she finishes. what seyi wants, she will try to achive. though, certain topics, such as love in this case don't, seem to come as easy as seyi would have planned. but, that's not to say seyi would ever give up, considering she does find herself newly wedded (to someone she has never felt romanced to). yet, even when others point out her faults, seyi is sure to assure you that she knows what she's doing. it's to have it already handled, or to make it up along the way. it's to never say never.

( indepdent )
true to her words, seyi is a person who's intentions are usually to work hard for herself as she does for others. but, what comes from this a girl who never likes asking for help, for being too confident in herself that she is capable of handling her own situations is what brings her independence to a different level; she never seems to accept another's help, which is why she likes to keep things organized and one-step ahead of time. it appears as if she's almost always prepared and always ready to hit go. yet, this isn't always a good thing because she has grown to rely more on herself than to others. in acceptance to this though, others take it to their advantage knowing seyi has a habit of saying yes to every plea given her way. though intelligent in most parts, and mature enough to understand her own situations, seyi is still somewhat oblivious to the fact that there are others to reach out to. too worried over others to really worry about herself, and too confident to think that she doesn't need help; "I can handle it," "I know what I'm doing," either excuses to think that she doesn't want to feel babied, or words to say that she just wants to work alone.

( overall )
park seyi is just a hard-worker; a busy bee who doesn't keep jobs open-ended, or discussions made without a conclusion. a woman who tries her hardest despite often hitting overdrive. someone who is both sweet and kind, yet stubborn and straightforward; honest, and loyal, yet also too self-willed to open up when it comes to things as complicated as her own emotions. aside from the personality she carries amongst others, seyi is also just like every other girl in the world. she still has yet to understand love, for she's too occupied and driven to know of it's aspects to truely understand it's meaning. too intelligent and calculative to see that love isn't something you can just find. a girl who is sharp when it comes to the most irritant situations, but a girl too dense to see what's right in front of her. what we have is a girl who is too caught up in detail to face the minors seen with the blind eye. a girl, or a woman who tries to handle anything and everything. someone who isn't easily expressed unless she wants to. someone who takes too much time pleasing others than herself - a woman who thinks too much for others than herself. someone collective, and reserved, but imperfected in her own way. someone who is too organized and frank for her own good. someone like ark seyi. the one other's call a saint, whereas some would say otherwise.


family background

sheltered; one word to describe the single life of a girl named park seyi. born an only child and grown into what was once an over-the-average family was how seyi spend a majority of her life. captivated in the depths of her home, only ever leaving to attend classes; she never had time for friends and frankly - wasn't allowed to have any. in the park family, there was only one priority and that was school. school was what made girls and boys successful in the future, and that was what her mother had said since the girl could even mutter her first word. she was always told how life wasn't about the answer, but about the work that came before it. and thus, she grew up determined to keep in reach of her parent's wishes. but, amongst this was just work. her mother was forced into a marriage she had never wanted and deemed that love was just a figment of one's imagination. it was difficult to understand why her parents never acted as others did on tv, or in movies. through working hard and earning good grades, it was as if there wasn't any room for love. only room for success, and hard-work. only room for the money-making. only room for certain things when the small ones went irrelevant, and along that line - love became a fascination. love would never be mentioned at home, which is why a little girl grew so fond and eager of earning it. not the love she'd recieve from the warmth of her mother, but the love a couple shares when their eyes meet, and the sparks begin to fly. it was something she wanted to experience herself when her parents obviously couldn't; too busy with their own business, and honestly their own lives, seyi was often left to fend for herself, gaining a load of independence at a young age. she taught herself certain things, and gained more maturity than most kids. yet, when she was troubled she'd keep herself quiet. when she was hurt, she prevented the tears. when she needed help, she refused to ask. despite it though, seyi felt everyday an occasion. it was to learn something new, do something new; to pursue something that would make everything different from the others. she was just a little girl who discovered things on her own, too much to the point where she felt adventures were made to be explored alone; a mother who found love inexistant, a father who was rarely there. and a little girl who learned to stand on her own when there was no one else around her.



majoring in literature, seyi is an amateur novelist who works full-time at a local book store every sunday, monday and tuesday. although other days, she's at home studying, cooking, cleaning and working herself as a supposed housewife, seyi is often occupying herself, dreading the hours she has to waste when there isn't work to be paid. she will sit at home, perhaps learning new recipes (despite being a horrid cook), reading new books or finding other interesting ways to learn new things. if it's not something new to make the day as special as she did when she was younger, she's sitting down with her spectacles on, writing up her soon-to-be-published novel. although attending a different university from her husband's, seyi does her best to spend time with sehun, since he too shares a job of his own. if not at school, or not at work, seyi is always home or out exploring the world, maybe walking around with a notepad in hand to jot down what she observes; she may not live in such a big house as she did before, but it's comfortable and warm. even with it being just a small part of a townhouse, seyi is currently enjoying her life. even if it means busing around, and not getting to spend time with her long-time friend, she works hard for the both of them. or, at least she tries.


trivias —

» likes — start here
» dislikes — start here
» habits — start here
» hobbies — start here
» trivials — start here



family members 

» mother — park eundok : 58 : reporter : obstinate, cynical, pessimistic, straightforward  : close is something they'll always be, even if seyi's mother doesn't agree to what her daughter says. in ways they're relationship is a quiet one, where there is only minimal exchange, and not a lot of outspoken thoughts. together there can be only forced smiles, or general ones. with each other, they try to stay happy even when they don't mean it, because sometimes, seyi has to face her mother's harsh words, but she knows just how much her mother has gone through and can't help but feel sympathetic, yet protective over her mother's decisions.

» father — park yongsul : 57 : journalist : reserved, distant, mysterious, conflicted : she's not really sure what to call her father anymore. he was never home and still remains to distance himself from his own family, causing a very small interaction with each other. around one another is small talk, little communication and awkward, tense formalities. there has never been a time when seyi has ever felt stranger'd with her father, and maybe it's because her father doesn't always acknowledge his daughter's existance. yet, somehow there's a part of their relation that does show they care, when her father goes against her mother when the time is right.


friends and colleagues 

» neighbour — watanabe benma aka granny ben : 87 : retired : wise, self-willed, quirky, kind : the kind, japanese woman who lives next door to the newly-weds. this woman doesn't speak any korean, but she finds the two youngsters next door an adorable pair. especially the lovely seyi. towards seyi, granny ben is always greeting her. waving, smiling, maybe perhaps offering some gifts or treats she prepares when her grandkids are never able to finish them. seyi is always polite around granny ben, for the fact that she has a habit or respecting all her elders. it's due to the fact that granny ben is a lot livelier, and more carefree than other elderlies. that's why seyi always seems to act as if granny ben's fragile. she never seems to know what she's up to, whereas granny ben knows what the newly-weds are. she's been around long enough to tell, which is why she considers everyone a "child" of hers, one way or another. 


other relationships

» family dog — angel : unknown : n/a : character traits (4+) : brief description of their relationship with your character.

» mother-in law — oh ilsun: age : occupation : traits (4+) : brief description of their relationship with your character.
» brother-in law — oh juhun : 24 : occupation : traits (4+) : brief description of their relationship with your character.

* note : the in-laws names are false. but, sehun does have an older brother! so I added him in there! orz



husband — oh sehun ( 오세훈 ) : 21  : occupation : charming, humorous, impulsive, jaunty


expand the character traits you've provided. doesn't have to be too long, just enough to make me understand about him.


relationship prior to the marriage

how they meet, how was their first impression of each other, how they acted towards each other, how they got together, basically just a history about them before they got married. shouldn't be too long but don't be too short either.


relationship after the marriage

how they act towards each other now, does anything ever change like does one regret being married to the other, does one start to fall in love with the other, what do they do when they fight, anything you can think of in a marriage, basically.


trivias — fluffy, scary, romantic, any trivias or family facts about the couple. if there aren't any just put n/a.


ending — how do you want their ending to be. you can be either really descriptive and down to every detail about it or just say "happy or sad ending sounds nice!" will be fine for me too. c: 




scene requests

» i encourage you to be as wild as you can. i love inspirations.
» rated scenes are okay but please note that it's not my expertise so huge chance i'm going to disappoint you. creys.



» anything else you want to say that you don't know where to put?
» anything is okay, really. just anything.

» no? are you sure? /slapped. okay okay. cx
» oh and i'm so so sorry the app is so long cries i already tried to shorten it. just don't write unnecessary things?


why should i choose park seyi » lol this part is just for fun okay, don't take it way too seriously.


❛   go back to the story  



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