Is there a stupid idea sensor I can get?

Seriously this is my third week I school and I've managed to embarrass myself countless times. 

1) we were in geography and we were goin over land forms and our peninsula example was Korea and the teacher asked what t was and a few of us said Korea and then the teacher asked what the formal name for the written language of korean was and I said "한굴" which we all know as hangul. But because I know how to pronounce it correctly, it sounded weird to everyone else and they started laughing. Now for me, when you get me started with one korean word, it takes a minute for my brain to switch back to English. So I go to say thank you and instead, I say kamsahabnida, an we all know that means thank you. Which caused an even harder laugh from the class. And I shut my mouth and burried my head in my hands.

2) my best friend and I were walking around during lunch and there were five of us. Now my best friend was the only person I knew, so I tend to shadow him around (not gonna lie, this has been the most embarrassing moment so far) and  so we were just walking down the hall but I tend to stay a few passes behind him, and we pass some couches and by the end of the couches he turns into an open doorway. Ok now this was my second week of school so I should have realized by now that that hallway with the couches has six bathrooms (3 female 3 male) so with that information I'll let you guys figure out what happened.

3) my other close friend, his girlfriend just broke up with him. Ok, so he stormed off but I was busy shadowing the other friend as so the girlfriend(ex) was dissing him saying "he wasn't supportive enough" and now normally that does qualify as a bad boyfriend but se always dissed her parents and doesn't respect them. He doesn't approve of that and I just snapped. I had ne'er really liked her, so I was already pissed off. And so I went on to yell at her about how she will probably end up a drugie and have an abortion after she graduates and will live the rest of her life working at McDonalds. Ok I guess this isn't so embarrassing but because I was the only one supporting my friend, everyone kind of rejected me and my friend won't talk to me because we aren't super close, and now I'm left on my own.









i'm really sorry if the abortion and drug thing bothered any of you. That is just my personal opinion on the kind if person she is. I did not intend any harm done.


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