Asian Cultures Fascinate Me

Out of all the cultures in the world, Asian cultures always captivated me.

They are so intriguing and colorful and deep.

Growing up in Hawai'i we were surrounded by Asian cultures (We even celebrated Chinese New Year in school) and I was always interested.

The language, art, history, and stories just amaze me.





Wwwaaahhhh! :) I want to visit China and South Korea one day (Well don't we all :p)


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I wish I could go there. It's like, my life's dream to go to East Asia!
The culture is so rich and interesting; everything they do seems like fun. The culture is extensive because, although there were, and still are, many influences, it is still very unique.

People who've been there or lived there are so lucky {^_^}
Yesh!! We all do :)
Lovex2254 #3
Right? I grew up with Asian culture all around me like no shoes in the house, eating with chopsticks, traditional New Years breakfast (which takes like three days to make), and red envelopes around February which usually contained money *yay*. Lol. I especially love this holiday called sichi-go-san in Japan. (Seven-Five-Three). It's when all kids who are seven five or three get to get all dressed up and go to the temples and stuff. I was three and my sis was five and we went to a salon and got super dressed up I felt like a princess lol