I am leaving AFF for good this time


I have been on the edge of leaving AFF about two times before and I was held back by people saying they love my writing, they asked me not to leave, people even said they cried when they read that I want to leave and promised me they will comment. Some of them did for two weeks, then it stopped. Recently I am getting more subscribers, yet less and less comments for each update. I don't know why, and I think people don't realize how hurtful it is for me. Most of my stories have 2-300 subscribers, yet 90% of readers are staying quiet. It's the most hurtful from those who used to comment on almost each update before and now they stopped. I always get excuses and promises that they will comment yet they never do. It really-really does hurt! I can't write for a silent crowd anymore, I do need to get feedback that motivates me to keep going, and I don't mean praising, just an opinion about what happened in the chapter. Each posting is stressful for me, and I am on the verge of crying when I see the views going up yet people don't say anything. I have enough troubles in my life and I really don't need the added stress. 


So what I have been thinking about before is that I know about myself that I can't stop writing, I love it too much, it's a way to occupy myself when I am bored and the only way I can express my creativity, because I am really bad at everything else. I also can't stop for those who has been supporting me with commenting on every update. You guys have no idea how much it means to me! I also saw a few people saying 'sorry I never comment on stories I read' yet I see them commenting on other people's stories. Lying isn't cool… Anyway, I am going to deactivate my account, but before that I am going to send a private message to everyone who have been my support. Unfortunately it's a very few people. I am going to email my updates to you guys if you are interested of course. I apologize to those who have been staying silent, but I really can't do this anymore, I don't see the point of posting on AFF. I'll write for myself and my handful of supporters. 


I never wanted to sound like someone who makes drama, but this is how I feel, and you can blame me for it, I guess those who don't write or simply don't care about what other people think of their work won't understand me and that's fine. But I had enough of the lethargy AFF is causing me. 


Thank you for reading, 




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Kinghala #1
Oh monchi what a bad timing
I was looking for ur stories like forever
It had been stock on my brain for the ing past two years
I never though that there are great writers with great ideas like yours , all of ur stories have its own touch , you are no 1 for me
But I do really want to read it again since the last time was in the middle school
I missed and want to read your stories again , and see the few other stories that I didn't read yet
But how could I reach it again ? When I click the author's stories it says there's no stories please help me guys ~
I'm gonna be honest. Most of the time I can't comment on your stories because they leave me speechless. I don't know what to say and half the time I'll just end up repeating whatever someone else has said in a previous comment and I don't like repeating things.

I understand that you feel like that, lots of views and subscribers and no comments. People are reading your stories, people are enjoying them and subscribing as a result so they can see more.

You say you will keep writing but only for those who want it... Do you realise that you are now basically shutting yourself away? I see you getting more depressed because you might not end up with so many people reading your work and I'm not sure that's the way to do it. Put your stories up here and then don't worry about whether people are commenting! I'm sure most people are too lazy, or like me have nothing more to add. Comments are not what make a story. The author makes a story.
Darling, I understand your worries and all... really, I do. I know it's frustrating when you write a new chapter, update it and wait for someone to tell you what they think about it.
I also feel so, but SERIOUSLY; you shouldn't be so based on how many people read/comment/subscribe to your stories.

I am not trying to bash or something, I just think that people normally write for themselves and for their own joy and a little comment here and there can be pretty nice, but you don't need to focus on such things.
I mean, you love writing, don't you? Then you shouldn't pay too much attention on what others are saying.

I don't really understand why you are so sad or upset that less people comment or subscribe to your fics, I mean you have SO many readers and subscribers you should be happy about it.
Also, I think that so many people aren't commenting because they also have a private life and they just aren't online 24/7.
I really, really like some of your stories (especially "Heal Me") but you just shouldn't care so much about feedback.
And I don't get why it should be stressful for you when not so many people comment (because seriously, so many people don't even have over 100 subscribers and still continue their fics and they don't complain).

So in all honesty, please think about leaving AFF. I really enjoyed reading some of your fics, but I will always respect your decisions. Just please stop being hurt by such minor things.
I can already see in the other comments that you get like LOTS of love, SO PLEASE STAAAAHP.

And if you really decide to leave, I would still like to read the continuation of "Heal Me".
;___; That's really sad, but I respect your decision, if this is what you want. It's still a shame, because your ideas are really creative in my opinion... I just love your rather critical topics in your stories.

I don't want to sound like a , but I'd like to continue reading your stories, so if you're willing to show them to me I could send you my e-mail adress. That way you would always get feedback from me, I promise.
Ughh!! I have been trying to comment for soo long~ life has been getting in the way, though.

Sorry, Monchi-ah, if I've hurt you you. Or anyone for that manner.

I hope you'll be doing well in..... Whatever. Oh my gosh, I feel like I'm writing a letter to someone that's dying. Ahhh~ as long as you're smiling, go ahead and leave and don't be so pent up with stress anymore.:) Saranghaeyo (And your stories). <3

Don't stop writing, yah! In fifty years, I hope to see a story published you. XD. Be good~
Koreanlover1995 #6
I knew this day would come but I'm still not ready to stop reading your stories. When are you leaving? Can I save your stories? Can you send me the updates? Now I don't really have a reason to be on this site, I stayed just because of your stories.
I understand hon, I hope this will ease your stress a little bit ^^ I'm happy to hear that you will continue to write <3 That warms my heart, so so much. If there's anything I can help you with just say so <3<3
And it would be great if we could stay in contact,I would definitely still like to read your stories*-*
Its okay,we understand ....if it hurts you to where you almost cry,its for the best.
Just know that your stories are amazing and you should NEVER stop writing,and thank you for sharing your talent,we'll miss you TT~TT
Just let me say this when I first come onto this web site you were the first story I read and hands down my fav author on here I admit I don't comment on all the chapters be cause I didn't want to be a bug a boo of I new you wanted comment then comments you would have got but I love your story's and I want to read them until they finish even so I also want to read the new story's you posted and it's sad that your leaveing I don't want to sound mean or be rude but it should not be about the fact that people are not commenting if you love to write do it you have views and people are reading and looking at your stuff isn't that a good reason even if there is one person reading so I am saying as your fan to please not give up and to do what you like to do and not worry about thing like comments am i not a good reason for you to update and if this does not give you the drive to continue can you at least not deactivate your account I like to read your storys over and over again
SoUhmYah #11
Aww. I understand why you would want to leave and It really makes me sad. But Im not going to beg you because its your decision and you can do whatever you like. I just want to say that you are literally one of the best writers on AFF and I've read literally every single story xD You fulfill my baekren needs. ;v; Usually baekren fanfics arent the best written but yours are AMAZING.
Anyways, thanks for everything. ;n; ~Olivia
LittleRachel #12
Well, this is my first comment on something that you write, and I'm sorry for that, that I only came when you're leaving. I'm not going to give any excuses to why I don't comment, but the fact that the last thing I do in my day is reading your stories, and after that I go to sleep, well, I always forgot. I'd love to continue reading your stories but I totally understand you. Sometimes is better if we keep our stories for ourselves, or only share them with a few people we know. As you're going to deactivate your account, I just wanted to tell you before you do that that you're my favorite fanfic writer. I found your stories incredible and you're so creative, and I admire the fact that you always write everything. You're kind of an inspiration for me. I have so many ideas but I never get to write. Anyways, even if you stop updating, do never stop writing. You're a gifted person, your ability to write is amazing, so please, don't stop writing. I'm really sorry for never commenting, even though I suffered the same you're suffering now, and I stopped writing because lf it. I'll miss you and your stories a lot.