OMG!OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!! I found out my half little sister is coming to live with my dad in a couple weeks!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! WHAT DO I DO? I really wanna show her I'm a cool older sister she  can depend on.But the problem is im pretty awkward with people barely younger than me ^^" I really wanna be able to be a good unnie to her even though I barely even know her. I'm used to being the youngest but now that I have a chance at having a dongsaneg I don't wanna screw it up and make us have an 'I-barely-know-this-chick' relationship. I want ot be able to let her know I can take care of her. What do I do?


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I think you should start by getting to know each other and find things you guys have in common :) It should ease the awkwardness you get at first. But most of all, be yourself. That's the best way to do it! You seem like a very kind person, so I'm sure you'll have no trouble being an awesome unnie. Hwaiting! ^-^
You can share with her the things you like with her, like K-pop and all. My half sister is six years old and my half brother seven and they both are big fans of Super Junior and Shinee *even have their biases, I'm not jocking* I try to be a good sister like hang out with them, helping with homeworks and all when I can... Most of all, don't do things you don't want to just to be liked. People think kids are dumbs but trust me, you can't fool a kid. Some are smarter than some adults. Be natural, honnest and patient, golden rules to have a good start on your relationship with her. Good luck !
musicismyworld #3
Welcome her kindly and get to know her. Show her you are interested in knowing her as a person. Think of her as a friend or like you are just meeting her here. Treat her with respect and she will see how amazing you are as an older sibling. Spend time with her and treat her as a new friend. I know if my sister tried to be friends with me I would love that.
Say like, I am so happy to see you! AND JUST BE YOURSELF!
Just be yourself! Even if you spazz, people usually are entertained by it. :P Get to know her and don't be stiff or too clingy. Remember, she's family. Let her feel welcome! ^^
Just act naturally around her chinggu and get to know her more so that you'll know what she likes and dislikes... :)

I'm sure you'll get along pretty well and be a good sister she can depend on... :D