Asianfanfics Name:


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Full Name:

~Lee Qi Mae~


~May, Joseonjwi, Zime and Honey~


~19 years old~

Birth Date:


Birth Place:

~Shanghai, China~


~Half Chinese and half Korean~


Languages Spoken:

~Chinese(fluent), English(fluent) and Korean(fluent)~



~Qi Mae was a kind and helpful yet clueless girl that sometime can even not knowing something that happens in front her eyes. She always got arrogant as her first impression. But the truth is she not arrogant at all, she just shy to talk to unknown or stranger. Sometme she cry at her big brother because because she doesn't have friends. She at least take a week or 2 weeks just to find friends. When she already have found friends, her shy side dissappear little by little. Qi Mae doesn't really know how to start a conversation when she near a stranger. Everytime when she near one, two impossibility that can happen is she run away or she just stay still until the stranger go away. When she with her friends, she will talk random things and make joke. Qi Mae cannot eat chocolate in the morning. It because she will turn really hyper. She will talk and disturbed her friends or family until the she become tired and then she wil turn into normal person again. Qi Mae often get hungry in the middle of night if she doesn't sleep yet. But if she already sleep, the hungryness will go away. Qi Mae will either cook herself or wake her brother up to ask him to make her a late night snack. Even if she want to cook herself, she will wake her brother up to accompany her to the kitchen. Qi Mae really afraid when blackout or there no light at all. She will spontanously hug someone near her or if she alone she will either call her brother name out loud or run to place that has light or she will stay still and close her eyes. Even though she look like a girl that seem perfect all out but the truth is she just the same like other. Qi Mae like to smile a lot like her brother and her cousin, but she only smile at someone that smile at her first. She afraid if she smile first the person will not return her smile back. Onew like to play with Qi Mae during their free time. Sometime they play papper rock scissor and sometimes they play something new. Qi Mae always spend time with Onew. Even if Onew has dance practice, he will brought Qi Mae with him to teach Qi Mae how to dance. Qi Mae and Onew share the same ambition, both of them want to be idol. Whether solo or in group. QI Mae work really hard to follow her brother step. Everyday she will spend sometimes to practice dance and she will seek for her brother help when it come to vocal. But when it come to dance, she ask one of her bestfriends or her friends to help her. Qi Mae really good at winking. But she only like to wink for a few time only. When she has to go to a variety show, she always ended up winking and do some cute thing to impress the viewer. Qi Mae has a lot of passion when she involve in doing something. She will gave all out but if the result turn out badly, she will feel really dissappointed and she will feel mad at herself more than everyone else.~

Family History/Background:

~Qi Mae father is a Chinese and her mother is a Korean. Her father is a manager of a successful company that has many branch around the world. He always had to go out station. In the past 6 years he has to move to Taiwan to manage on of the branch of the company at there. He has to stay there for quite a long duration. So he decided to move ther along with Qi Mae and her family. Qi Mae and her big brother has difficulty to adapt theirself with new enviroment at first. But later when both of them has become comfortable with the enviroment. 4 years later, Qi Mae father has to move again to Qi Mae mother hometown, Seoul, South Korea. At first, Qi Mae and her brother also experience the same difficulty that is to adapt with the new enviroment. Plus they both only know how to greet people and say thank you using Korean language. Luckily their mother is Korean so she teach both of them. Qi Mae father also know how to talk Korean but he busy with the management of the company. Qi Mae and her brother only took 1 month to understand Korean and to talk in Korean. And while they still learning about Korean, both of them have to attend home school until they can talk and understand Korean. In the one month period, the only friends that they both have is their cousin and their cousin friends.~

Family members:

~QI Zuan/40 years old/head manager of famous company- Qi Zuan is the kind of father that only want to give his children a best life. He determind to make his children to be a successful person. He  even willing to sacrifice all his safe and even his life just to see his children become a famous person. When he has been promoted, he almost has no time for his family. He felt that between he and his family has this kind of wall that seperated them. So he decided to break the wall by always call his family when he can't go home for lunch. And he also will take his family to a vacation or a picnic just to make their bond stronger. He also the type of father that always support all kind of good decision that anyone in his family take.~

~Lee Hae-ri/38 years old/housewife-Hae-ri is kind of mother that always been sweet towards her family and furios toward anyone that mess with her family. She also like her husband, willingly to do everything to give the their children the best life. She always be there for each one of her family member. She has the kind of smile that can give us calm feeling and sometimes the smile can change into a scary smile that you can't bear to see. She like to cook for her family a lot with fresh ingredients. She don't really like to eat something that in can or pack in vacuum or unhealthy snack. Almost of her free time, she wil learn how to cook various food that healthy and delicious. She is the patience type. She is the one that make almost all the decision when her husband not there. Since her children busy and also her husband busy, she took a gayageum class to fill her free time after finish with the housework.~

~Lee Jinki a.k.a Onew/20 years old/SHINee member-Onew was a very kind and protective yet dorky brother. He always cheer for each of his family and . He was the most clumsy person that Qi Mae ever met. He also the big brother that Qi Mae always rely on everytime she get in trouble or whe she needs someone to keep her secret. Qi Mae always talks with  Onew when they have free time. Onew always been "bullied" by Qi Mae. But he never can feel mad loger at Qi Mae. It because Qi Mae will always make his favorite food as sorry gift which is fried chicken. Everytime Qi Mae in bad mood, he always do gag ar slapstick comedy just to make her lovely dongsaeng smile again. To him, Qi Mae smile is worth more than millions dollar.~

~Lee Teuk/22 years old/Super Junior member-Lee Teuk is the most noisy yet helpful cousin that Onew and Qi Mae ever has. He was the first person that became Onew and Qi Mae friend when they came to Korea. Even though he just know their name, he treat them like his have known them for years. He was really friendly towards everyone. He really good at gag like Onew. Both of them can make duo dork leader. Lee Teuk not the type that get mad easily. He was one of Qi Mae victim of "bulied" after Onew. He like to have fun with his cousins at musement park. When he go there, he also will brought some of to make the trip more happier and more excited.~


~Chocolate, Ice-cream, Cooking, Scary things, Blue color, Smiley, Music, Hamster and Food~


~Novel, Bad hair day, Long nails, Playboy, History, Complained people, Thick makeup, Stare competition, Blackout and Someone that break their promise~


~Play gitar or gayageum, cook with her mother, play papper rock scissor with Onew and his friends, listening music and eat~


~Turn hyper when eat chocolate(not sweet) in the morning, sigh for nothing, take really deep breath when get irritated or mad, listen to music when want to sleep, avoid met eyes with certain person without knowing the reason, eat the ice cube after drink the water and cover when she laugh.~


Idol Appearance:




Name of Chosen idol appearance: Seungyong


Stage Name:



~The Angel Wink~

~The Hyper Hamster~


~Main Vocal~

~Lead Dancer~

~Jack of All Trades~

Trainee Years:

~1year 10 month~

Trainee Experience:

~She was a guest appearence in Let's Go Dream Team and Oh My School. She was in "Pianist" as minor star and also was in "Dr. Champ" as star appearence along with her big brother, Onew.  She was in LG cf and Lotte Crunch cf.  She also star appereance MC in "Show! Music Core". And she was the cameo girl in "Beautiful Target" B1A4's MV and in U-KISS's MV "0330".~

Trainee Story:

~When Onew has to go perform, Qi Mae will always occupied her time with dancing. She will go to a dance studio that located near SME. She will practice there alone and wait until her brother return from the performance. One day, Qi Mae decided to go to the studio in night to wait for her brother return from the performance. After 2 hour dancing, her brother called her and told that he already at the entrance of SME. Qi Mae pack her thing and walk to the SME to pick her brother. WHen she was walking, she felt that someone has followed her. She speed up her pace to SME. When she in front the entrance, a stranger guy grab her shoulder. Without looking at the person and without a second think, QI Mae shoove the stranger hand. When she was about to side kick the stranger, her brother came out from the building and quickly stop her from side kick the stranger. At first Qi Mae kind of mad because her brother stop her but when she heard that her brother say sorry and call the stranger Mr. Lee Soo Man. Qi Mae quickly bow 180 degree to him. She also say sorry because she thought that he is some kind of ert guy. Mr. Lee Soo Man laugh and say it okay to Qi Mae. Onew ask him, why he walking around in the night. Mr. Lee Soo Man said that he saw Qi Mae walk alone to dance studio, so he decided to stalk her and he found out that she has potiental to become a trainee at SME. So Mr. Lee Soo Man was wondering if Qi Mae want to join and become a part of SME family or not. Qi Mae eyes got bigger and she jusst stay still like a statue.By looking at her situation, Onew accept the offer behalf QI Mae. After listen to Onew answer, Mr. Lee Soo Man left both of them and told Onew to ask Qi Mae come to meet him tomorrow. Even after that Qi Mae still standing in the same position, so Onew decided to just dragged Qi Mae until home.~






Relationship Status:


~Hyunseong-Haven't met~

~Minho-Have met~

~Donghyun-Have met~

How did you meet?:


~Minho-He is one of Lee Teuk friend that Lee Teuk brought when he visit Qi Mae and Onew. Lee Teuk introduced he to Qi Mae along with Key and Donghae. At first Qi Mae feels comfortable around Key and Donghae but feels awkward when she left alone with Minho. Then after a while Minho start talking to Qi Mae and become good friend.~

~Donghyun-Qi Mae has bumped into Donghyun when she in hurry to go to dance class. She didn't get the chance to look at Donghyun face properly but Donghyun has look Qi Mae face properly. Qi Mae bow to Donghyun and say sorry, then she run in full speed to class. Donghyun didn't even get a chance to say anything. The incident happen in blink of eyes. He even didn't get the chance to ask her name.~


~Lee Teuk(Super Junior), Minho(SHINee), Key(SHINee), Donghae(Super Junior), Seohyun(SNSD) andAmber(f(x))~


~Other Super Junior Member, Jonghyun(SHINee), 2PM Member, Jeongmin(Boyfriend) and Taemin(SHINee)~


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