The Haunting in Seoul

Application form :-

Username: siti_nktc

Name: Jang Byeongchan/ Qi Zhen

Nickname: Ong, Zhen or Channie

Age: 16 years old

Ethinicity: Half Chinese, Half Korean

Birthplace: Taiwan, China

Birthday: 19/04/1995


Qi Shen,father, owner of successful cafe,38 years old-He like when his son came help him because everytime his son help him, his profit increase and his work will be more easier. He just a simple-minded father that always feel happy. He always root for his son in whatever decision his made. As long it not illegal, it fine with him.

Jang Gyumin,mother, cashier at her husband cafe,38 years old-She is the best mother in the world. Even though she has a busy life, she still manage to spend time with her son and daughter. She like to hear all his son problem since he is a teenager. She like her husband too. She will root for any decision that his son tak as long it not illegal. She like to cook for her family than buy fast food that doesn't healthy for their health.

Jang Ryechan,little sister, student,10 years old- She is the source of Byeongchan happiness. She always being cute and like to be pampere by her older brother. She really like when her brother send and take her hom from school. She really love him and want to be just like him when she grow up one day. Nothing can't make she less happy than her brother laughter and smile when he around her.


Byeognchan maybe appear like the most perfect guy that you ever met. But the truth is he is the most forgetful guy that you ever met. He is good at remembering thing in just short time but he also good at forgetting people names. Sometime he even forget his friend name that he knew for years.

He like to be taken care by people and he also like to take care people. He maybe seem like an irresponsible guy at first. But after a while knowing him. He is the most person that we can rely on. He always be there when we have problem.

He behavior are mostly the same. He always appear in happy mood. He rarely seem to be moody or cold toward anyone. But that side of him do appear when he in really a bad day.

He don't like when people talk bad about his friend. He really a hot temper guy. SO people that want to talk bad about him or his friend or family should think twice. Or they might ended up to face the most unwanted side of Byeongchan that no one want to see it.

He don't like to do something complicated that make him use his brain to think really hard. He prefer to do think without thinking than do thing that need a lot of thinking.

He like to eat everything that people cook for him. Give him everything that you cook. Then he will eat it and comment if you want him to comment.

He will sleep early when there is school or when he need to do something in the next morning. When ther are nothing to do in the next morning, he will stay up all night or he will sleep really late like 5 am.

He like to smile to everyone even to a stranger. He will always smile when he notice someone watching him. For him a smile can made the day better.

He don't like to cry in front of someone. He just can't. When he in front of someone his tears won't come out even if he feel really want to cry. But when he alone he will cry all out until all the load on his shoulder gone.

Byeongchan is a person that always positive and always confident in doing something. He will try to make the best even if the result not good, he will make himself believe that in life there is always second chance. To him failure is the mother of success. And to him, without failure people can't learn how to be better in life.


Byeongchan move to Korea when he is 12 years old. He has hard time when he first move. It because it hard for him to socialize wth other people around him. So when his came to Korea, he decided to just stay at home and play with her baby sister.  But luckily there was her mother to teach him some Korean language that he can use for daily. Until he really good in Korean, he doesn't go to normal school. Her mother maka him attend a homeschool at least until he can speak Korean. But since he is a fast learner, he only attend the school for 5 months and then he go to a normal school. When he first at the school, he has hard time to find friends and to socialize with them since when he first arrive he always stay at home. It take him one day to get new friends since he is a friendly guy. Byeongchan never fell in love with anyone in his life. None of the girls or boys that he met that can capture his heart. Until now, he still waiting for the right person to make his heart beat for he/her.

Height: 181.7cm

Weight: 70.9kg

Your look (Four links ,please.If you want,you can put it whoever you want,even if not Korean.But no idols):

-image 1

-image 2

-image 3

-image 4


~help his father at cafe
~take a walk
~learn new break dance step
~read mystery novel
~watching television
~poke his little sister cheeks
~copy girl group dance


~hand band
~cute or innocent people


~thick makeup
~bad hair day
~see somebody cry


~Sigh for nothing
~listen to music before sleep
~eat everything that people cook for him
~take shower when he need to forget something
~stare at the sky when he upset
~his ear turn red when he embrassed
~Hiccup when he eat something delicious


~make someone heart break
~become blind
~anyone in his family die
~doesn't have love in his life



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LOrd_JY_ #1
Hey,I'll change the pics 'cause it's not working with me -__-;