When Ren's supposedly cute action looks like something totally different :D

Or no? Because for me this isn't cute :P



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Oh snahp! Get it Ren:)
ohh~ren is gonna seduce Baekho with that dam finger!
FanFicLover92 #3
oh.m.c.....seriously....he's such a teaser!!!! >_<
hahahah....seriously, don't blame me if I dream something inappropriate about this....kekeke.... XD
* thoughts*
Man, I ing love your blog posts
O.o *nosebleed* Haha, yeah, cute, of course *dying from iness*
kekeke~~~~~~ omfg this laughing fit won't be over this soon!!!!! ahahahahh~~
Okay back to business... Yeah it was innocent but when it hit my eye it turned very very.....dirty ;P
Yeah, that belongs to Baekho's eyes only Minki~boo so please spare us from this gorgerous scene that makes our fangirl/boy heart beat way faster than it should..... Not that I mind ;DD kekekekeke~~~~ This seriously made my day hon <3
StrawberrySweetCakez #7
Hahaha that is not a cute Rennie!! X3 naughty naughty boy~
"Right here, Baekho I want you to right here" ;))
Baekho~~ I think Rennie wants to tell you something ;)