Hello, my Indonesian friends.

Any recommendations of places to go, things to do, things to eat? Whenever I have free time, I'll just stay in my hotel rooms and I'm getting bored of it. 


P/S: I love to eat. But please don't recommend me food with rice. Not a fan of rice. Heh. :/ 

or you guys can teach me some indo language. HAHA! Seriously a bored person here. 


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vronaldo16 #1
where are you?
you can try semur jengkol, nasi goreng,krupuk or es cendol
vronaldo16 #2
where are you?
you can try semur jengkol, nasi goreng,krupuk or es cendol
liahyul #3
ehm.."pecel?" it's indonesian salad..
where are you in indonesia author ssi??
purehell #4
U can try sate padang it delicious ^^
adoreyulsic #5
Hello author-ssi.
Still bored heh?
U can ty to eat pempek or bakso.
I can teach u indonesian languages.
If u want :D
lilkjungie #6
Well, are you in jakarta?
You can try at skye :) its in bca building ..