Woollim Entertainment Girl Group | Application





AFF Username : bangmil

AFF Profile Link : http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/68259



Character Name : Joo Mirae

Nickname : Mirae

Age : 18

Date of Birth : March, 21 1993

Place of Birth : Busan

Hometown : Busan

Ethnicity : Full korean

Height : 163 cm

Weight : 48 kg

Blood type : B

Languages : Korean, Japanese, English




Pre Debut : One | Two | Three

Debut : One | Two | Three | Four | Five

Ulzzang name : Baek Jae ah

Style: Simple

Casual : One | Two | Three

Practice : One | Two | Three

Formal : One | Two | Three

Pajamas : One | Two | Three




Background :

Her father was a famous baseball player. Now, he works as a baseball coach. Her father is kinda strict, but he always lose to Mirae when it comes to arguing. Her mother is a lawyer, so her speaking skill is come from her mother.  Mirae often gets punished by her parents at home. Having a strict dad, she is trapped by many kind of rules. But for Mirae, the more she is forced to do something, the more she will rebel. Sometimes her family get sicked of it, and let her do whatever she wants.


Family :

Joo Giyoung | 49 years old | Baseball coach

Over-protective, and kinda strict. Well, actually he is trying to be strict but he can’t.  He always wants Mirae to be an athlete, no matter what.


Joo Minjung | 47 years old | Lawyer

Funny, cheerful. Rather than being a soft, caring mother, Mirae’s mom is different. She likes to tell jokes and have fun with her children. She is also good at playing video game.


Siblings :
Joo Junyoung | 14 years old | Student

An 180 degree opposite of Mirae. He is cold and sometimes arrogant. Doesn’t really pay attention to what people do and say. He always obey her parents, so her parents favor him more than Mirae.


Personality :

Mirae is known for her silly jokes and body gags. She is always smiling and laughing, under any circumtances.  She likes it when people are laughing because of her. She is the one who cracked the awkwardness around her. She is also talkative, creative, and playful. She can be friends to anyone, older or younger. But because she likes talking, sometimes she doesn’t realize that she said something wrong, such as spilling other’s secrets.

But behind her smile, she has some of hidden personality. Being a high school student, she is quite rebellious. Her laziness makes her come to school late and sleep at class. She often get punished and kinda ‘famous’ among the teachers.

Like a typical blood B type, she likes challenge. She likes to do diving, bungee jumping, riding roller coaster, and everything that can rise up your adrenaline.  And she can be all serious and competitive when it comes to sport. Being a daughter of an athlete, she has her father’s blood inside her. Her speciality is in running. She only spends 15 seconds at 100m.

She also ha s some cunning side of her. She likes to do pranks, and tricked everyone with her poker face. That makes her earn name as ‘Mi-choding’. 


Likes :

  • Meeting new people
  • Gags
  • Pranks
  • Sports
  • Dangerous thing
  • Horror movies
  • Sleep
  • Animals
  • Beef
  • Blue

Dislikes : 

  • Rules
  • Losing
  • Coward
  • Sweets
  • Bossy people
  • Awkward moments
  • Excessive aegyo

 Hobbies : 

  • Singing
  • Listening to music
  • Running
  • Playing pranks
  • Doing gags

Habits : 

  • Shows a poker face
  • Jogging at early morning
  • Misspelling things
  • Severe sleep talking
  • Spilling other’s secrets accidentally
  • Her ears get red when she’s embarassed

Trivia :  

  • She likes blue
  • Black-belt taekwondo
  • She doesn’t like it when she accidentally spilling secrets
  • She likes doing kkab dances
  • If she weren’t singer, she would be an athlete
  • If she is told to obey, she will disobey. But if you told her to disobey, she will obey.
  • She is also known as ‘cheetah’ because of her running skill

Talents :

Singing, Rapping, Running



Partner : Hoya, Myungsoo, Woohyun


Partner Personality :

Hoya | Serious, kinda quite.  He is caring but when it comes to sport, he hate losing.

Myungsoo | Mysterious, only shows his feeling to his closest ones. He doesn’t talk much, but he can be funny sometimes.

Woohyun | Friendly, funny, likes to do aegyo. The first candidate to be an older brother.


Best friend : Teen top’s Chunji.

He is the same age as Mirae, and they are studying at the same school. Both of them dream to be a singer, so they understand each other well. He is caring and always listen to her story. He treats Mirae like her own sister and so does her.


Friends : Jiyeon (T-ara), Bomi (A-Pink), Sungyeol (Infinite).


Rival : Bora (Sistar).

Bora is known for her athletic figure. Mirae admires her and always looks up to her. But deep down, she promised one day she will beat her in running.



Trainee history :

It was on a high school festival, she was in a band and she played guitar. On the D-Day, her vocalist fell sick and couldn’t perform with her band. At last, Mirae was the one who sing. People get surprised by her good voice, even Mirae herself. After that time, her friends supported her and she decided to pursue her dream as a singer.  With the talent she had, she passed the audition and accepted in Woollim.

But it was not the same with her family. Her father against it because he wanted her to be an athlete. Well, Mirae loves to run, but she loves to sing more. Disobeying her parents will is also a common thing for her. But this time, it was serious and her father was not easy as usual. After a long discuss, he finally let her go but with one condition. She is forbidden to come home before she is succeded.


Trainee years : 4 years

Stage Name : Joo, Mirae.

Persona : Spoilers Bomber

Position : Sub Vocalist & Sub Rapper [Variety Show]

Personal fanclub name : Miraecle

Personal fanclub color : Blue sky

Singing One | Two | Three

Rapping : One | Two | Three


Password : Give me the idea of the GROUP's name and the FAN CLUB's name

Group name: Julia

Fan club: Knights


Others : Enjoy reading and let me be a part of your story! Hwaiting~ ^^


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