Double A

I just can't help but feel that these guys are so AWESOME! >_< I totally love them!!!! (Just  recently found about them XP yeah, I'm so slow, right?) I still need to memorize the members, but I know one for sure- Kimchi. He's name is so unqiue and different from all the other idols I've heard O_O

What do you guys think of these guys?


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iSuperSushii #1
I've listened to that song so many times today, I think if I listen to that song one more time, I'm seriously going to go crazy (in the good way). D; I love Kimchi, he's so adorable! I can't find a good fanfic though. :(
Kimchi!! :D
lolz XD

Love the song, but not quite a fan of the boys… XP
yeahh! I think so too! :DD
Watch other videos of them ;D Their good at dancing~. I recently fell in love with them too~
I love Kimchi's dance at 1:08 >;] so hawt~! They're chorus, very funny and catchy and entertaining at the same time >;]]]].