A song that recently makes me cry a lot

Beast - Will You Be Alright? 




I don't know... the melody, the lyrics... it just makes me cry and only a few songs can do that. My favorite lines have to be these, I don't know, they just make me sad :(


Think of it twice, think it through again
(If you leave me) Will you really be alright without me?
Because you’re clumsy at everything without me
Because the you that I know is like a child


I just find this part so adorable. I like when relationships are like this, when one is dependent on the other (not in a sense that he is really unable to do anything alone, but more like he needs the other to exist... okay that's confusing, not sure you know what I mean)


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i do! i understand it. :) its like he's half of your life that u cant live without by his side. ^___^
i love this song too..
its very deep and make me feel pain also by just seeing the lyrics>.<"
and usually i'll listen to rainy days also..this two song like completing each other..^^
B2st will you be alright isnt it?
Junhyung s part.... sigh like on rainy days..
So b2utiful