A question to those who read Remedy and/or Sinful Riches

Hey everyone,


I have been having a bad period in my life. I am getting rejections on the job front (I got one today as well), and it's making me very-very depressed. I feel like Ren fron The Bodyguard and if you have read the story (I am referring to the last two chapters) you know exactly how bad it is :( For now I just wanna lie in bed and cry. But I am not trying to make people pity me, this isn't the point of the post, I just want to give an explanation for my slow updates. Being depressed = no motivation to write. I do want to give you guys updates though but as you probably already noticed, before I used to update almost every day, now it's down to once a week maybe... Anyway I am planning to update Remedy or Sinful Riches next. Since it will take me a while to write a chapter (it used to take 5-6 hours, now I just can't concentrate anymore) I will update the one that has more interest. Please vote, thank you :)






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I'm so sorry, I know how important writing is to you, so not being able to concentrate must be torture. As for your sadness, my heart goes out to you. Even in these tough times, try to stay positive, things will get better. I apologize for not being much help, but I do truly wish for things to get better for you. Your a wonderful person, I hate to see you have bad times. Take your time with updates, your readers are dedicated, I am sure they will understand. <3
I know how you feel, hon. I was getting rejections for a year and then nothing. I would apply and never hear from them again. It will get better, you just have to stay positive that something will change.
I wish you all the luck in the world.

And as much as I would love to see an update for Remedy, I will continue to wait patiently.
Oh my gosh I'm sorry. :'( I hope things get better for you. Fighting <3
hanna_mirjami #4
Take your time. Rushing it will only make you feel bad if you're not happy with it yourself :D
I'll keep you in my prays. FIGHTING!
FanFicLover92 #6
Just take your time,unnie....^^....
don't over-stress yourself to update story....
I've been 'following' you for awhile now...I know you wouldn't delay updates just with no reasons....things just happen....I'm sure other readers that already familiar with you would know this fact too.....thanks for letting us know, though.... :)
hope things will get better for you.....
I hope you feel much better soon, and I hope a good job offer comes your way soon too. I hate job hunting. It was the bane of my existence. My brother used to go out one day and bam, home with a new job.. Me, ? it took me months... /sigh... I totally know how you feel... /comforts hon... Wishing you much luck /hugs..
kpoplvr1345 #8
your inspiration will come and you just have too keep trying. The jobs will come and you take the time that you neeed. I just hope that you feel better soon so keep your head up and keep trying. little rennie wouldnt like to see you sad(:
If you don't feel like updating, then don't. Inspiration isn't something you can force on you, you've got to wait until it hit you somehow. Don't update just to satisfy people, put your feelings first, ok?