Does this happen to anyone else?

the topic came up since I am just really conservative in how I dress and when I am in the pool I prefer to wear a T-shirt over my bathing suit. I have nothing to hide I just feel more comfortable with a little more clothes on

and my mom was like ‘you do realize eventually you’re gonna have to kinda put yourself out there more. you know, if you want a boyfriend or whatever’


did you seriously just tell me that the only way I could ever get a boyfriend is to wear less clothing?


two of my other friends said their  moms are the same way too, like they get made fun of for covering up so much.


Shouldn't they be glad?


I told my dad she said that and he was like 0_0 wtf



well he didn't say it quite like that but seriously

I couldn't believe it when she said that


does this ever happen to anyone else?


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My dad never says anything, he's just proud I own a Dodgers jersey that's twice my size.

& then there's my mom. When she shows me something too open, tight, or i'll be worrying it doesn't look gd on me, she tells me how cute it is & I just say, "stahp trying to make me look like a ghetto fat gurl, gross mom." Her response: "okay pues, come mierda." Literally: fine then, eat ... & she waddles away. I still love you mommy. I like shopping in the kids section... always good shirts.

I don't think that had anything to do w/ what you meant.

<3 yew~
It happens to me, too. My parents wants me to be more lady-like and to act y and all. But you can't really push someone to do something he/she doesn't like.

They'll eventually realize that and accept us for who we are or just wait for us to discover it ourselves. (ง •̀_•́)ง
#3 mom and "dad" say that to me so's like a broken record.
my mom knows i dont want any boyfriends. so i do as pleased. LOL. (foreveralonesardine)
Oh.. it happens to me too.. not really wear less.. my mum keeps trying to teach me how to act 'y'. It's awkward and weird.