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Choi Da In!


- - - - - - - - -I’m your weakness, I’m your Kryptonite

» come closer,  i don't do harm
“Come closer, the air is getting thinner and weaker. Come with me, I'm your weakness, I'm your Kryptonite.”


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» harder than  rock

Username ¦ TheLandofBrownSugar

Nickname ¦ Anna

Activeness ¦ 8-9




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Choi Da In!


- - - - - - - - -I’m your weakness, I’m your Kryptonite


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» i wanna know you!

Name ¦ Danielle Choi

Other Nams ¦ Choi Da In (Korean), De Ning (Chinese)

Nicknames ¦

  • Dani - short for her full, English name
  • Sujeong - Korean for "crystal" due to her fascination with them

Date of Birth ¦ October 19, 1994

Age ¦ 19

Birthplace ¦ Melbourne, Australia

Hometown ¦ Seoul, South Korea

Ethnicity ¦ American-Korean

Languages ¦ English (fluent), Korean (fluent), Chinese, Japanese







Choi Da In!


- - - - - - - - -I’m your weakness, I’m your Kryptonite


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» open up to me,  gurl!

Likes ¦

  • Crystals
  • Fashion
  • Video games
  • Playing online
  • Reading fanfiction
  • Photoshop
  • Animals
  • Scrapbooks
  • Butterflies
  • Clocks
  • Owls
  • Sports

Dislikes ¦ { bullet form. 5+ }

  • Cleaning
  • Dusting
  • Cooking
  • Sweets
  • The color yellow
  • Spicy food
  • Heights
  • Snakes
  • Annoying people
  • People who are bossy

Hobbies ¦

  • Reading
  • Karate
  • Graphic design

Habits ¦

  • Plays with hair
  • Bites bottom lip
  • Puts things on top of head when bored, i.e. a book, pillows, pencil case, etc.
  • Apologizes a lot
  • Squeals when excited

Fears ¦

  • Heights
  • Disappointing others
  • Failure

Trivia ¦

  • Despite not being fond of sweets, she really likes Chocolate Sundae ice cream
  • Used to make song covers and post them on Youtube
  • Has a soft-spot for anything with big eyes and thin voice
  • Jogs almost every morning
  • She is ambidextrous; she finds it confusing and a bit of an identity crisis (right or left, you know?)
  • Secretly a very submissive person

Personality ¦ Da In is a very energetic and playful, especially around people she feels a connection to. She likes to show others that she can keep a smile on through good and bad times. She is always there to let people rely on her, but she is a little more reluctant to let herself be dependent of others. Da In can come off as cheeky and frank to the point of being harsh, having absolutely no problem with saying exactly what she thinks if asked so.

She loves children, but hates the work it usually involves. Playing with them and taking care of them, sure, but she's not the group's best cook and she doesn't want to be either. Even in stressful situation, she has a tendency of being a bit sarcastic in order to tune down the seriousness a little. She's smart, but easily stressful and besides sports, she's rather lazy when it comes to doing things. She'd rather lie on her bed reading fanfiction on her phone than practice.





Choi Da In!


- - - - - - - - -I’m your weakness, I’m your Kryptonite


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» tell me a  story!

Background ¦  Danielle Alicia Choi was born on October 19, 1994, to Choi Yoo, a high school teacher, and his wife Samantha (née Olsen), an author, in Melbourne, Australia. She is the oldest of two siblings, with a younger brother who is an up-and-coming child actor. When she was 10, her family moved to South Korea after attending a family reunion there. Soon after, her younger brother was born.

After since she was a youngster, Da In's been a bit of a stubborn student. In Australia, she'd talk back at the teacher when she was unhappy, reasons mostly of childish origin. Her mother enrolled her in ballet classes, but she lost interest and quit after a year. Her father wanted her to focus more on her studies, which she did until middle school where she discovered the wonders of martial arts. She was granted permission to attend karate classes and found it a more natural thing for her to do. She learned a bit of Japanese in the process, which pleased her linguist-loving parents.

When looking back and wondering when she began wanting to become an idol who lived off of her talent, it would most likely lead her back to early days in South Korea. Her mother brought her to a Shinhwa concert with a friend, and she was mesmerized by their teamwork and stage presence. She wanted that to be her someday.





Choi Da In!


- - - - - - - - -I’m your weakness, I’m your Kryptonite


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» my beautiful sapphires!

Family ¦

  • Father - Choi Yoo - 46 - High school teacher - Strict, loving, hard to read
  • Mother - Samantha Choi - 43 - Author - Motherly, laid-back, carefree
  • Brother - Jordan Choi - 9 - Child actor - Smart, mature, obedient

Best Friend ¦

  • Lee Hyeri - A tough girl with a not-so-secret sensitive side - They were introduced through a mutual friend, and they found a connection right away
  • Kim So Jin - Quiet, respectful, straight-forward - They were both in the drama To the Beautiful You, where they bonded over having their debut in acting
  • Kim Hyuna - Playful, passionate, cute, energetic - So Jin was a friend of Hyuna, who introduced them to one another; their playful and energetic personalities made them click

Friends ¦

  • EXO - She bumped into them during training once
  • Seohyun - They met after dance rehearsals
  • Choi Sulli - met via the drama
  • Choi Minho - introduced to each other through the drama



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Choi Minho!


- - - - - - - - -I’m your weakness, I’m your Kryptonite


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» my heart beats for your  smile!

Name ¦ Choi Minho

Nickname ¦ Min-in-na (makes no sense, she just likes to call him that)

Status ¦ Dating

Personality ¦ He doesn't do things half-heartedly and prefers honesty above all. He is known for his charisma on stage, but is really a giant jokester who likes to go and around and act like a giant dork. He is very protective of his loved ones and is a mature and obedient guy who follows the rules and respects his elders and superiors, which he is often praised for.

Relationship ¦ Despite her comments, Minho still treats Da In like a little sister. She is very precious to him and gets upset when she won't refer to him as 'oppa'. He doesn't know about the more submissive side of her, admiring her strong will and ability to do anything she sets her mind on with sincere effort. They're dating in secret in fear of publicity, and they don't act much on camera together as schedules can be pretty hectic some days.

Back up ¦ Oh Sehun




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Da In!


- - - - - - - - -I’m your weakness, I’m your Kryptonite


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» dream come,  true?

Stage Name ¦ Da In

Persona ¦ Princess of Diamond Standard (... XD)

Position ¦ { put ‘x’ on first choice, ‘o’ for second }

[  ] Main Vocals - Lead Dancer - Sub Rapper - Visual

[  ] Lead Vocals - Sub Dancer - Main Rapper - Composer

[x] Lead Vocals - Dancer - Lead Rapper - Co Composer

[  ] Lead Vocals - Dancer - Sub Rapper - Center of the Group

[  ] Supporting Vocalist - Lead Dancer - Rapper - Sub Leader

[  ] Vocalist - Main Dancer - Lead Rapper - Choreographer 

[o] Vocalist - Lead Dancer - Lead Rapper - Co Choreographer

Trainee Years ¦ 3 years

Trainee Life ¦ Ever since I was young, I've always wanted to be someone who could make a career out of her talent. Ever since day 1, I realized that this was really what I wanted to do with my life. I wanted to entertain others and show off what I was able to do. Being a trainee in such a high-standard business is far from easy, but with the right attitude and a lot of passion, it's possible to achieve. I loved it despite the hardships, but it taught me to become stronger and gave me a lot of friends in the process. I'm very grateful!

Fanclub Name & Color ¦ Danisauruses                  

Sub Unit ¦

[o] Krypton - y concept

[x] Nite - Cool concept




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Choi Da In!


- - - - - - - - -I’m your weakness, I’m your Kryptonite


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» paper,  plastic!

Ulzzang Face-claim ¦ Shin Ae Sol

Links ¦ one - two - three + gallery

Back Up ¦ Park Hyo Jin

Links ¦ one - two - three + gallery 






Back to square 1!


- - - - - - - - -I’m your weakness, I’m your Kryptonite


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» hello,  goodbye!

Comments ¦ Thank you for reading!

Anything Else ¦ N/A

Scene Requests ¦ N/A

Story Ideas/Suggestions ¦ N/A

Link moi 2 it ¦ one - two - three



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