☯ choi seolhee ↬ kim jongin

Choi Seolhee
name  kim "kai" jongin
jjongie~ - a cute endearment he recieves from her aprrentice, seolhee. seolhee thinks that calling him sasaeng-nim is too old fashioned. jongin can't help but to blushed a bit and chuckle how childish seolhee is for making this nickname.
gender  male
age  19
occupation  part time computer shop clerk, regular gamer 
visual  kai
links  #tumblr #tumblr 
SHY BOY : kim jongin, despite given an face that many girl swoons for and a built body that can make your go wild, is a natural shy. preferring to be with friend than to other peoples. kai found himself having troubles from making a conversation to people especially with girls. he often stutter and akward laughs was always been present to his conversation to others. so to make things order, jongin isolate himself from the crowd and tries to be a wall flower but thanks to his status and good look, he can't. he also can classified as lazy and dependable to others, he can't do things without his friends. but despite this, once you break an barrier to him, you will find a goofy jongin he may have a very lame joke but his laugh is contagious and you can't help but to laugh with him.
relationship ↬ 
it's natural for jongin to be shy to seolhee. though seolhee always make an conversation to him, he always tries to talk to seolhee but shyness is dictating, so in the end, seolhee ends up getting a nod or worse, an ignore from him. jongin tries to make a conversation but again, shyness taken him so it easy to pinpoint that seolhee-jongin is akward. but after some many times, when jongin found out that they both have interest, he became more expressive to her but still pure atleast he's not stuttering anymore and both became ta-dah "awkward friend"
backstory ↬ 
 he met seolhee in gangnam, seolhee just finished her workshift and just strolling around the street. her eyes were pierced on the big screen : a new games was going to be released. she was gear up and promise herself, she so gonna buy it herself. about to leave, she saw an talled dark skinned man, looking also at the big screen : kai also want to buy that game. moment gives them when they looked at each other, and man, jongin feels that seolhee is the one but seolhee feels is none other than cliche love at first sight. the moment takes a minute and suprsingly, jongin take the iniative to dragged seolhee in a quiet place : park. seolhee doesn't know what to do. * is this guy confessing he's tender love to me? or he's trying to kidnap me or worst, me? that was seolhee thought that was running on her curios mind. kai sheepishly interogate her about the zodiac. and seolhee gulped, she doesn't know what this guy talking about. *he's hot but - are he out of his mind. she again thought. it takes minute to seolhee understand things but she's denying that she's not a succesor or whatnot. jongin lifted up his shirt in order to prove seolhee that he's not lying " OMAYGASH YOU'RE ...................... ABS IS FREAKIN HOT - OH WAIT WHY YOU HAVE AN TATOO LIKE THAT " seolhee said, she finally understand it and accepted it. jonging marked her and they both take off to the quarter in order to improvise seolhee new found power.
ending ↬ of course, they ended up as lover. /OTL.
out of character
back-up love interest ↬ do kyungsoo.
question/comments/concerns ↬  taehyung/v her virtual bf is some sort of his love rival in order to spice things up. and that's all.
scene requests 
jealous jongin? jealous seolhee? both is okay with me.
an akward first kiss in the rain - urgh. so fluffy i wanna die.
jongin follow or more like stalked seolhee when she's meeting taehyun. o/
first date in lotte world.



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