↷ ✩ seventeen cafe | wu mei mei | entertainer






Wu Mei mei





username : sheepish-

activeness : 9.9999

nickname : conrado  or bomi. 


the basics.
name : wu mei mei [ 吴梅妹 ]

other names : persephone wu [ english ] woo miyoung [ 워미영// korean + preferred name ]

nicknames : 

 // little wu - mei mei, despite given with a 187cm tall brother, only stands at 153cm + mostly used by her annoying brother, kris, to piss him off.

 // miyoungie~ - the cuter ( and the annoying ) version of her korean name. albeit she hate it, but there some undefine feelings that pull her back to punch mingyu and also that nickname makes cheeks turn red. + only mingyu or else she will punch you.

 // small - an insult from her haters, thank you very much. yet sometimes, when her friends is pissed of her cocky attitude they used this without her knowing.

age : 17 

birthdate : may 13, 1996

ethnicity : chinese-canadian

languages : mandarin [ fluent ] english [ fluent ] korean [ profficient ]

birthplace : guangzhuo, china

hometown : vancouver, canada.



what makes you beautiful.


face claim : chen yu an

pictures : (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ

back-up face claim :  park jihyun

pictures : (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ


all about me.

personality : 

001!// with a cute smile, tinsy bitsy height, baby cheeks, and a cheeky smile, you can possibly guess she's your typical bbuingbbuing typeof girl, right? but im very sorry dear, she's not completly crude or something like that. the girl simply believes in a motto " be nice to me and i will be nice to you " ; that's her lifetime motto. anywoo,  mei mei is not the type of person whom you can manipulate and control over her - and that's is precisely right. in fact, ever since she was a little girl, she was all about taking charges. she loves the feeling of leading others and fact : she wish to be south korea first female president. she doesn't like to lazily sit and disregard many dispute - a true heroine. thought sometimes she can come as rather pushy and bossy, as she also loathe weak and delicate people. to wrap it up, she is brave enough to punch your face to handle problem and a fierce independent woman who needs no man or so i guess?

002!// besides being #fierce. one of her notable trait would be; confidence. in history, there's only two things ( people ) that can make her uptight at all ; first, the little disciple of satan, dogs. and lastly, the tall guy who goes by the name, kim mingyu. and later on, she's scared how she's going to confess to mingyu and how mingyu wiill react. you will never or maybe it's a rare sight for others to see mei mei back down in many things, and when's she's wrong - she's right; that make her sound so sure about herself. besides being confident, she also knows as master of spit and sarcasm. cause let be honest here, the way i describe her make mei mei not exactly the nicest person around. in her view, "being truthful and blunt is way more convinient that beating around bush" is the exact approach. having a little criticism never hurt anyone, and if they can't handle, then sorry dear, mei mei will give no to you. 

003!// though she gives off an " i-hate-guys " aura. the truth is, she still wish to have a person loves her from what she is and a person who can she leans on ; a boyfriend, the romantic side of her. when it comes to romantic relationship, she became naive, mainly because  she didn't much experience it. she's always been curious when it comes to love, but she's too shy to asked her friends and co-worker since she have a " reputation. " cheesy as may sound, but mei mei is er when it come old-fashioned way of love. things such as seranading the girl, a kiss on forehead, holding hands while walking, cuddling on moonlight and etc. she secretly squeaked when seventeen boys tries to have a " romantic " moment to other girls. she's a tough cookie on outside but a romantic daydreamer inside.

004!// albeit she's bossy and sometimes rude attitude, she's still a good person. mei mei always  does mean well despite her concrete as rock stubborness and demanding nature, as in reality she cares for those she's attached to and she's assuredly loyal person. mei mei is a valuable friend to have - she will do anything and risk herself for others welfare. she's a hard-worker, she doesn't want to boast nothing. she knows god doesn't give her a perfect skill like other people. it's true but what can she do but she still sad about it, but that doesn't change a detail, so she always does thing two times than others. that's why she's a good worker, when she know her boss give 100% trust, she will work nonstop and try not to dissapoint them - but that doesn't mmake her a pushover; she knows the limitation of her employer power to her. when she sense that she's being mistreated - then god knows what will happen. 

background : 

CHILDHOOD!// wu mei mei was born on a hot summer day of may 13, 1996. she's the second and the last child of wu xin shu and wu min xing. 6 years younger to her brother, kris. she was raised on guangzhou, china and have a normal childhood but since having a two child is bit tricky in china. both of her parents decided that all of them will immigrate to vancouver, canada - her mother hometown. life in canada is pretty melancholy to mei mei. why? first, because she doesn't really know how to  speak english. secondly, she was bullied by the others since she was so small like a mouse but of course, her brother was always there for her everytime yet  still, that doesn't stop the others to bullied. after taking many insult, she finally stand for herself and promise that this day till forever no one can degrade her and that is the reason why she's like this now. many things happen but thats a long story and suprisingly, one day, kris tell to his parent that he will bordering in south korea in order to pursuit his dream and since mei mei also want to attend s.k schools since s.k education is more better to someone like mei mei. so the sibling pack their clothes, got their visa, and fly away to korea in order to attain prospective goals.

lIFE IN KOREA!// life in korea was pretty loose unlike in canada - or maybe because the wu's sibling found themselves free from their parent nagging and chores. the wu's lived in a humble aparment complex that can supply their daily needs and stuff. the first year was good since they still have a fine budget but when the second years comes, the sibling faces many problem. kris was seriously injured so in order to aid it they need to cost a big amount of their pocket money. their parents tries to bribe them to come back in canada but since these are two stubborn they insisted they can help themself's, their parent sighed and supported them. so the second school/university comes but now with no parents' allowance, they struggle to get money and the only way is to work. thanks to his good look, kris instantly find a part time job with no ease. on contrast, to her little sister, mei mei finds job not easily like kris since she's small and delicate that she can't do heavy work. but it seems that fate played on her when one day a flying poster landed ( more like crashed ) on her face saying that they urgently need a worker. as fast as lightning, she run to the cafe and thanks god, she's accepted. she don't know what event will happen when she's going to meet the pabo giant, kim mingyu

likes : 

✿ cookies. 

✿ taking charges

✿ waltz

✿ bubble tea ( she's still arguing with the jang sibling - she wants to add bubble tea on the menu list )

✿ fortune cookies ; not the destiny . she really just like cookies

 heels - she likes the effect it gaves to him. she can finally stand to mingyu and her brother.

 white roses ; red roses is not exactly her type.

 pixar&disney movies.


 KIM MINGYU......... psssh, quiet he may hear you!!!

 dislikes : 

✿ irritating sounds

✿ weakness

✿ her height

✿ sweats

✿ ism

 kris lazy person

✿ taking pictures

✿ arrogant males - urrgh

✿ clammy and dirty person, things.

hobbies : 

✿ reading novels. ( genre : mystery, angst and romance )

✿ watching mingyu works

✿ singing

✿ playing violin

✿ on free time, she checks other welfare

✿ cleaning

habits : 

✿ clutching hands when she's very angry

✿ twitching right eyes when she's and crossing arms when she's not impressed

✿ raising an eyebrow when she's asking question

✿ sleep talk

trivia : 

✿ a major cheapskate. 

✿ she's not a morning person

✿ attending school as senior in middle high and student council secretary ( she can't run as a president since money shortage )

✿ a very light sleeper ; as simple snore can wake her sense up. 

✿ she have a high tolerance in alchohol

✿ she can't cook 

✿ at the age of 17, she's still taking height supplements.

✿ of all greek goddess, she admire persephone the most. ( that's the reason why she chose persephone as her english name )

✿ she still can't hit high note so she often trained by seokmin and sometimes, seunggwan

✿ she can play violin since she was 10

✿ despite of her personality, she has a soft voice ( for reference, use snsd's jessica )

✿ she's a classmate of jang jiyoon

✿ she's has cynophobia ( fear of dogs ) 

✿ she mistaken as ocd due to her hobby of cleaning

✿ always mistaken as her girlfriend due to the extreme closeness and skinship they have.

✿ cannot dance ; have a stiff body.


one big family.

family members : 

brother | wu "kris" yifan | 22 | college student, part time convinience store clerk | 

gege i hate but the same time, i love you.  -  though he's quite lazy laidback, when it comes to mei mei, he always been a good brother who doesn't hestitate to punch you when you hurt her mei mei. sometimes, they bicker since these frequently have an opposing idea's. but still, they're sibling but what do sibling's do? share akward hugs and loves - thought it sound inappropriate for someone like those two, they still do it and skinship? ha! they both pretty good doing to each other to the point they are mistaken as a couple - they don't mind it all. kris want the best for mei mei and vice versa. kris maybe sometimes a typical brother who protect their little sister to guys but still, kris wish that someday mei mei will find the guy whom she cherish for eternal life + 10

friends : 

Yoon Bomi | 16 | student ; regular customer of seventeen cafe |

to you, my friend. you're so dumb it's make me gone crazy  - after meeting in school, those two became an instant friend. bomi is simpleton so she doesn't really feel the cockiness and sarcasticness of mei mei. they always been a typical bff's - shared secret, make an own body language, sleepover ( which make bomi spazz over her brother ), fashion secret and many bff's things do. everytime they will meet, there always a new topic to tell. from bomi's dumbness accident to mei mei certain crush to mingyu ; they all talk about that. they pretty linient to each other flaws and accept to who they are. + 10

Jang Jiyoon | 17 | seventeen cafe |  

i'm already tired of your face but still, we're friends right ? - being classmate and at the same time, co-worker doesn't mean this two will became friends. due to their clashing personality, they often argue everything even the smallest detail. from who's idea is more helpful to how amount of sugar the cafe will serve, they all argue that. and to make worse, jiyoon closest friend is mingyu and wu mei mei closest friend here in seventeen cafe is jisoo. so everytime one interact to mingyu/jisoo the one will feel jealous at all. though they don't accept, they a closet friend. they share one goal : to improve seventeen cafe. + 8

hong jisoo | 17 | seventeen cafe | 9

you like that too? despite their clashing personalities, they still became close. why? because they have common things. firstly, their love for music. secondly, they both played stringed instrument, jisoo played guitar while mei mei played violin. lastly, their loved for sweets, chocolate for jisoo and cookies for mei mei. and they both came from western country so they mostly talked about american song and things. like he's relationship to jiyoon, jisoo is more listener to mei mei but he's more expressive to mei mei. they relationship is not stronger to bomi but still their friendship make jiyoon both feel worried and jealous + 9



somebody to love.

love interest : kim mingyu


personality : the gif say's it all /lazy . ; v ; i don't want to oppose your idea so feel free to make him what you visualize to him

interaction : 

PLEASE NOTICE ME!// mei mei or miyoungie~ found herself falling for seveneteen's very own kim mingyu ; the tall, tanned, oozingly hot guy. she can't help but to fangirl when it comes to mingyu. the way he talks, walk, smile,  and broke the coffee machine makes mei mei go wild. though it obvious, the only thing she can do is to deny to others her infatuation to mingyu. while on another corner, mingyu is not completely aware of mei mei feelings for him. everytimes the boys about mei mei, he just shrugged his shoulder and say " we're only friends " and that makes their relationship is ta-dah " friend-zoned " nothing more, nothing less. but what will happened when mingyu finally find mei  mei charms and start to fall in love with her?

 bptappwpck-up  love interest : lee jihoon


sugar and sepice.

position : 

waitress | barista | entertainer | baker | janitor



all that jazz.

comments : hopes that you will understand my character. i made her a tsundere-like character so please understand her well. ouo;

finally, i add the relationship and finish everything i now hope it's now okay to you and it is okay for you to make jiyoon is my oc friendly-rival? cause if not, then say so so that i can update it? and btw, cute layout; simple yet can able to read easily. c':

scene requests :

themes suggestion;

o1 alice and the wonderland : the girls wear alice-like dress and the guys wear suit. 

02 cat theme : cats are spread in cafe and all workers are wearing cat ear hairband.

03 school theme : they all wear a specific school uniform

04 chocolate theme : all menu served are chocolates. eg: cookies, chocolate bar, choco frappe, choco milkshake.

05 gender swapped : all boys wear the girls unifrom and vice versa ( it will be hilarious )

06 animal theme : all workers wear individual animal

07 horror theme : all of them wear spooky dress - and to think, mei mei will wear gothic lolita -unf.

scene request

01 mingyu is a bit jealous of jisoo & mei mei closeness.

02 mingyu confess his love to mei mei in a very romantic way. 

03 shirtless mingyu : classic fangirl scene. looooool

+ suprise me. o/;

password : sobs.sobs. why all of you need to do this?



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