This is The TRUTH, whether you like it or not

There are many reasons why people give up on their dreams.

Most reasons are probably because their dreams are too impossible for them to achieve.

Some would be because there are too many competitions around and life is just too hard to keep on holding onto something that you're likely to be struck by lightning on a sunny day than to achieve.

It also happens when something you enjoy ends up to be burdensome that you need to let go before you hate yourself for doing it and everyone around you for making you do it.

And then there's that other reason too. When you know it'll be hard to keep on pursuing your dreams because the majority of the people you want to care will not appreciate it.

These things do happen. Why? Because humans are social butterflies. In my opinion, we are too social sometimes. Not that being social is bad, it's how we keep our friends, how we build relationships, it's how live; we need it. Because no man is an island.

But sometimes, people are too social. We try to please everyone. Until such time that we forget that we need to be happy too. We forget that sometimes it has to be about us too, and not always about them, about how we could keep them. We forget to be who we really are because we don't want to dissappoint people around us, because their expectations about us has risen so high that a step back down could mean a sudden downfall. It's not the fall we are afraid of per se, it's the loss that comes with it.

And this is where we become fakes. Plastics. (let us try not to be hypocrites; there'll be a time, if it had not already happened, in our short lives that we become who we swear never to be)

We become the people who others want to see, who they expect. We bury our insecurities so deep, along with our true identity. People around would tell us to be true to ourselves, because that's what going to make us happy. The truth will set you free, right?

But are they actually being true to themselves? How many dreams have they given up just so they would fit the norm of society?

You see, the pressure of social expectations is so high that it's better not to exist rather than fall from that set standard. Because let's face it, no one will ever be happy for a loser; sympathize, yes, but deep inside, they are just glad it wasn't them who fell from grace.

These are just a few of the many reasons why people, instead of damning all the odds and going for what their hearts tell them, strive for the monochromatic life that everybody else is living. Because it's what society demands of them. It is so they could feel a sense of belonging. Because only a handful of the billion people around the planet is brave enough to be an outcast if it means they could live their life the way they want to. Because dreams are for children. And we are children who were forced to grow up and face the reality we call life.

This may not be true for everyone, but let us accept that this is happening somewhere out there.

I am not being bitter about life itself, but just stating one side of life that is hard for us to accept because many of us wants that fairytale ending, that perfect story, where everything is in place. But it's not because we want them to, but because everybody decided that they are to be there. Going with the flow is easier, right? So why fight the current?

We don't want to stand out like a sore thumb so we do what chameleons do, we blend in.

Until such time when the TRUE US is FORGOTTEN.

this is just a personal opinion

do not take offense

excuse me if i somewhat overstepped the boundaries

but i think apologizing for writing something i feel is a bit absurd

so i won't appologize if i hit a sore spot

as they say: 'walang basagan ng trip'



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