12 Princes, 12 Roses - Yellow Rose | Gwak Aaron


http://31.media.tumblr.com/f5f4ce528c6cfb33e9875c3dee071749/tumblr_mpr7bmRgFn1rfu572o1_1280.jpg http://media.tumblr.com/2dcdc8cedee067ae64fcdf79fa285e0f/tumblr_inline_mji1u40VfH1qz4rgp.jpghttp://media.tumblr.com/9e7a89f84d0c776436af5b0bc730d461/tumblr_inline_mjhfz55XUA1qz4rgp.jpg

Gwak Aaron

The Real You Babe ;)

Usarname: YeojaUiMongsang
Activiness: 8/9
What Should I call you?  Yeoja or Lyn

It´s Your Rose Baby!

Name: Gwak, Aaron
Age: 18
B-Day: 21/November/1994
Birthplace: Rome

HighSchool: Junior
Power: Animal Control
Back-Up Power: Weather Manipulation
Plot: Yellow Rose (tomboy)
Back-Up Plot: Grey Rose (silent)

Hometown - Seoul
Ethnicity - Korean/Italian
Bloodtype - O+
Height - 167cm
Weight - 64kg
Languages - Korean (Fluent) Thai (3/4 Fluent) Latin (Fluent) Chinese (Learning)


Background - When Aaron was born she was lucky to have been born into a very nice and caring family. You could say it was like one of those perfect like families that you see on TV shows. Her mom, who was Italian, and her dad, who was Korean, loved each other very much and they loved her as well taking very good care of her. Her mother was the one who worked while her dad was mostly the stay at home parent; so she would spend time with both of them but mostly with her father. And speaking of her dad she was like one of those daddy girls. Whatever she wanted her father would most likely get it for her. While her mom planned out amazing trips for them to take like to Thailand. Aaron was very happy but because she was young was unknown of how lucky she was until around the age of 11.

Around age 11 is when her mom got pregnant again. At the begging her parents were happy to be having another baby while Aaron was excited to be having a little sister or brother. And because of her pregnancy her mom had to stay home while her dad went to work. The first 3 months were fine and then everything went downhill. Aaron’s mom became very stressed and her father started coming home more late each time, like around 2:30am. Aaron hated listening to them argue almost every night from in her room; their fighting was so loud that blocking her ears with the palm of her hands didn’t really work that well. Eventually her dad left the family just a month before the new baby’s birth leaving Aaron to comfort her mom as they both cried on the dining room floor.

The next month Aaron’s new baby sister Celeste was born. Without really having someone to take care of Celeste, when Aaron’s mom went to work she would work and take care of things at home; her mom stayed at home while she was at school then went to work in the evening when Aaron came back. During this time she learned to become more mature in things, became a much harder worker and realized that her perfect family wasn’t so perfect. It was like this until Aaron was 13 when her mom’s brother, Dexter, came to live with them which helped out a lot more. These incidents made Aaron realize that life is not a fairytale where you can wish for anything you want. Things happen for a reason and if you don’t like it well that’s too bad because you’re gonna have to live with it.

Also you’re probably wondering how Aaron became a tomboy, well she wasn’t always one. Back when she was younger and had a happy family she was actually one of those girly girls. She loved wearing skirts all the time, the color pink, and when she could tried on her mother’s makeup whenever she played pretend as the princess damsel in distress with her many friends that were girls. But after the whole split with her family she began to turn more into a boy. She hated the color pink and started liking black, red, and white; also purple sometimes. Got into video games like shoot em’ ups and fighting. And started doing things she probably never would have before like skateboarding, BMX biking, boxing, and playing ice hockey with her many friends that soon turned into mostly guys; no longer was she a princess damsel in distress. She’s not really sure how she transformed into a tomboy herself but I think it’s because they're generally was no male figure around. Her mother didn’t really like that fact that she became more of a boy saying things like you’re a girl and should act more like one but still she loved Aaron as her daughter and never forced her to change. Plus it was also kinda good because it’s like Celeste had a big brother/sister or mother/father figure around; but even though being a tomboy she still had girl moments/aspects to her.

Aaron discovered her power one night when she was 15 and her mother was out. It was past 9:30pm but her mom wasn’t home even though said she’d be back by 9:00pm. Getting worried Aaron told Dexter she was going out to look for her mother. Getting on her moped she headed out looking for any signs of her and eventually found her getting harassed in an alleyway by some crazy man. Jumping off she tried to get this guy off her mom but even with her strength she wasn’t able too. Crying Aaron kept yelling at him until there was barking heard and a bunch of wild dogs came out attacking the man until he fled away. She thought they would attack her and her mom next but they actually sat there calmly staring at her, some bowing their heads. Aaron was very confused and curious by this, it’s like they heard her plea and came to the rescue. They didn’t go away until after she told them they could go with a thank you; one even her face as to saying “Cheer up, we’re here for you”.

Personality - Mature - Having to take care of her baby sister for about 3 years has made her become more of an adult in some ways. If she’s instructed to do something she’ll get it done. Aaron is kinda like the older brother/sister or mom/dad figure. She takes care of things and you. She’s there for you if you need someone to just talk to or express your feelings or if you’ve got a secret she’ll keep it tucked away sage for no one to hear.

Protective - Aaron tends to worry about things a lot like people for example. Say if your missing she’ll be the first to notice and ask where you are and will immediately go looking for you if she can. Even if she doesn’t know someone or they’re the enemy or something, she’ll want to help you out in the bestest way she can because she’s caring like that.

Quite - After the family tragedy Aaron has grown a quite type of side. At first it was terrible because she would barely talk at all but it has gotten better. She’s like one of those people that likes to sit in the background observing what people say and the situation at hand first before stating what’s on her mind or an idea. Sometimes she’s so quite she becomes invisible and you don’t even realize she’s there. Plus she also likes to be a loner at times. For example if a teacher assigns a project or they’re doing something in class she’ll ask if she can work alone. Or when it's lunch time she doesn't like sitting in the cafateria where it's really loud and crowded but will go other places like the library, the roof, or outside by herself.

Cheerful - The little bright happy girl that she once was when younger is still in there. Aaron can be very bright that her face seems to be shining with happiness. Some would even say she’s kinda like the mood maker because when she smiles or laughs they do to. She’s very good at cheering people up when they’re down say by telling a funny joke or making silly faces or comments.

Stubborn - You cannot stop this girl when she is in action. Aaron is very stubborn say when she does something. She’ll stick through it to the very end because once she starts she’ll mostly likely not stop till she’s absolutely finished. For example if she has a job to do she’ll get it done even in the rain. Or if she believes in something she’ll keep believing till the very end.

Leader-Type - It’s like Aaron was born to be a leader. She’s very good as taking on almost any situation and is good at coming up with ideas. She’s never really called herself a leader but others around her say she’s good and just acts like one naturally. For instances if everyone else is in a state of panic she’ll be the calm one to tell everyone to relax. Also she likes being different and if everyone else is going in a straight line she’ll go in a squiggle, maybe make it a little more fun.

Depressed - Because of what happened in her background there was a time period when Aaron really didn't care about life or the world. She'd just sit around and basically do nothing; she wasn't active at all, her grades dropped, and she wasn't all that happy. Her mom took her to see therapists and they all said the same thing, she was depressed. Aaron says she doesn't see it but those around her do. Now it's gotten better but you can still see the depression in her eyes. She doesn't like to think about it and now she hides her emotions inside. You probably can't tell just from a quick glance at her grinning face but deep down she feels dead inside.

Likes -

  • Eating food mostly Italian
  • Riding her moped around
  • Animals and talking to them from time to time
  • Helping people out the best that she can
  • Sometime being alone where she can just think about things
  • Being different and not always following the rules
  • Being active either it be sports, or games, or say even an adventure

Dislikes -

  • People who are really spoiled and take what they have for granted
  • Seeing a love/close one hurt or in pain physically or mentally
  • When people fight using very loud voices
  • When girls are put down when people say they can't do guy things
  • Girly things like wearing skirts and putting on makeup
  • When people, say bullies, think they're better than everyone for no reason and/or pick on the weak

Hobbies -

  • Cooking
  • Sports and being athletic
  • Riding and by that I mean things like skateboarding, surfing, BMX, rollarblading, snowboarding, etc.
  • Video games


  • Being left alone by a loved one or someone who's close
  • Being taken advantage of ually (both these things happening to her mom)

Habits -

  • Clumsy by say spilling a drink or tripping over her own feet and then saying out loud "OH NO!"
  • Wearing boxers (only when not on monthly) and likes to take pants of when at home or a comfortable place like home
  • Calling people "dude" no matter male or female

Trivia -

  • Has a purple ferret pet named Ramsey that she takes around with her a lot
  • Aaron is currently on both the boys soccer and ice hockey team and is better than most guys on them
  • Aaron works part time at a resturnat that cooks all different types of foods
  • She has lots of physical strength from doing things like wrestling and boxing when she was younger, both for 3 years
  • Aaron doesn't really do it anymore but she used to be a dancer. She was/still is amazing at it that she was top at a dance club she took, used to be an instructer, and was/is so good that she could pick up a step just like that *snap*
  • Aaron sometimes will hate her old young child self because she was spoiled
  • When Aaron goes shopping for clothes she like to buy say shirts in her size for men

It´s Your Face, Your Style >.<


Ulzzang Name-Ren Aeru
Ulzzang Tomboy Style~

Back-up Ulzzang Name-Kwon Na Young
Ulzzang Tomboy Style~

Style - A tomboy style, clothes that she feels comfortable in and wears for herself, also clothes like from Hot Topic.

Home:1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Casual:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23,
Formal:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
School:  1
1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Combate Clothes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Extra Things: Skull Butterfly tattoo & Butterfly belly button piercing

More People to Know :P


Mom| Adriana | 39 | Manger at an office buliding | Alive | It's the typical teenage parent relationship, Aaron loves her mom but just wants her to leave her alone sometimes

Little sister| Celeste | 7 | School | Alive | Lil Celeste looks up to her big sister wanting to be like her while Aaron makes sure to be there for her and take care of her

Dad/Ex-dad| Soojung | 46 | Unknown | Unknown | Considering he walked out on the family I don't think they are on good terms

Uncle/Mom's brother| Dexter | 36 | Stay at home uncle |Alive | He's like one of those fun, cool, and crazy uncles that's there for Aaron and Celeste for things that they normally can't go to their mom for                                                                                                   


Cole | 17 | School/Tattoo artist in training | Cole is kinda like the younger playful lil bro that looks up to and asks for help from Aaron the older mature like brother

Best Friend: 
The Pink (girlish) Rose - Surprising right, you probably didn't expect the two to be fest firends but it's because of their opposite boy and girl like natures that they are close. It's like they balance and complement each other. When around each other the pink rose is girly while Aaron acts like her boy self; it's kinda like those boy girl friend relationships on TV.


You Love Me, I Love You!

http://kpoprookies.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/EXO-Member-Profile-Tao.jpg http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m6tlkv8Faw1qapcswo2_500.png http://s5.favim.com/orig/54/exo-m-tao-Favim.com-515275.jpg http://images6.fanpop.com/image/photos/33100000/Tao-exo-m-33156870-1280-904.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/dZqOx.jpg


How you meet -
The Exo boys were hungry so they decide to stop by and eat at the restaurant that Aaron works at where she happens to be waiting tables that day (which she does on rollar blades by the way). When she goes to tell the cooks their order the owner says that she is gonna have to make their food since all the other cooks are really busy. She makes Exo’s food and when they found out she made it they complement her saying it’s really good and that is also the moment Tao feels the strange connection that she could be his rose.
Personality - Cute - Tao is and can be a very cute boy, especially for the fact that everyone thinks he looks like a panda. He tends to get excited about things very easily and wants lots of things. And if he doesn’t get it right away he’ll usually whine and/or using his cuteness, buing buing, to get things; people usually tend to fall for it. For example in your teaser ^^

Impatient - Tao just likes to rush into things without thinking about it. Especially when he’s excited about something he’ll want to do it or know about it first. Or for instance when maybe playing a game or going into battle he’ll just want to jump into it, and when he can’t he’ll usually pout or huff while crossing his arms.

Clingy - Tao is one of those people that gets attached to things or other people very fast. For example Kris is the person he likes to hang around the most in Exo. He’ll follow closes behind him, maybe holding onto his arm, or he’ll drag him around. He has a pretty hard time letting go of things he gets attached to and when he does it breaks him inside.

Sensitive - Tao may look like this scary intimidating person on the outside but on the inside his pretty different. He can be hardcore but he’s actually someone whose emotions can change very quickly depending on the situation. If a loved one is hurt he’ll get super angry, when sad he’ll cry tears of waterfalls, and when in a house said to be haunted he'll be scared because he doesn’t like ghosts.

How you act around each other -To Aaron it kinda feels like she’s taking care of an over grown little kid sometimes but in a good way. Because of his clingy nature Tao has become very attached to her, for example he always feels nice inside when she’s around. It’s like Aaron is entertained by Tao’s playfulness while Tao learns things from her, for example he learns to not be so spoiled for the fact she doesn’t like it and isn’t like that. Let’s just say the two bring out the better sides of each other while also experiencing and learning new things along the way as well.

Relationship- Strangers

Back-up Prince -Xiumin

How you meet - It was a Friday night and Aaron was bringing her little sister to go ice skating for the first time since she wanted to try it. Going to the ice skating rink Aaron taught Celeste a few steps then Celeste went to try and skate on her own but slipped and fell. Worried she rushed over to her little sister but was beaten by Xiumin who helped her up first; and because of Celeste somehow the 3 wound up ice skating together.
Personality -
All-Rounder - What I mean by this is that Xiumin is the person to bring everything together in harmony. He has this calm side so he makes sure to keep things sane when everyone is in panic. For example if two people were arguing he wouldn’t pick either side but would help the two look past their differences to try and get along.

Cute - Xiumin is very cute and funny guy; it’s kinda surprising that he’s the oldest. He has a nickname developed by Luhan, Baozi, because of his puffy like cheeks. He has a very bright smile and a small and cute posture.

Out-There - Xiumin is one of those people that are not afraid to speak their mindd by telling people his opinion on something. This also applies for his actions as well. Most actions or things people don’t like to do just because or it might be embarrassing but he doesn’t care and will go through with it; it doesn’t matter what others think.

Responsible - Since Xiumin is the oldest he also has a mature like side as well. He’s a very good listener and will hear out your problems. He makes sure to take full responsibility of something that he or one of his Exo brothers has done. And if he sees a mess like a dirty room he’ll try to find some time to get it cleaned.

How you act around each other - With Aaron and Xiumin, whenever they’re around it’s like a warm and comforting aura around them. They’ll just usually be quiet or talk to each other about anything that’s currently interesting. Together they make a pretty good tag-team; for example they’re like the couple consolers in the group. They’re so comfortable around each other that they don’t even think about or realize that they are developing feelings for each other.

Relationship- Acquaintances


If You want...

Scence Requests: Maybe some type of scene wher Tao wants something or to do something but Aaron says no. He goes to ask Kris but she tells Kris to say no too since she doesn't thing he should be so spoiled.
Questions: Is it ok that she wears pants with the uniform, or like boy shorts instead of a skirt?
Comments: Nice story you got here, apply stories like these are cool :3



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