Birthday 2013

Unlike last year, I'm not going to show a birthday picture of myself =P


But like last year, I'll show you by birthday cake ^_^  Just think of the bunny in the picture as me? Hahaha!  It's a red velvet cake btw.


Who doesn't know about EXO's drama ep 2? I'd like to think of it as their birthday gift for me since I can't go to their concert here in my country on Sept. 7~  sigh~ this bittersweet feeling~ 


I updated my birthday fic "Your Number On My Coffee Cup"  which is a KangMin fic so if you haven't read it, have a go~!!! And don't forget to comment~!


I only expected birthday fics and banners which I haven't received any so far XD but what I didn't expect is to receive points and a llama in deviantart~ <3  I don't think I'll receive any gifts in real life except maybe just money, but that's just about it.  I miss the part where I'm supposed to open a gift... oh well ^^;;


Some university classmates greeted me in facebook and I'm like... "Oh! She's married!"  and then the next person "This person is married too?!?!"  and just that.... I've been seeing university classmates and other people I know wedding pictures this year.... and here I am... never even had a boyfriend yet.... X___X  Forever alone~ hahaha!


Somebody gift me a boyfriend!!! Hahaha!! Kidding~ 


I'll end my birthday rant now. ^^;;



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Ohhh so it is today~
Happy birthday...I thought it was yesterday >.< otl
The gift of XIUDO is on the way~
HAPPY BIRTHDAY~!!!! Exo Drama Version 2 gotta be the best birthday XD I was going to write a fanfic for you but school got in the way T____________________T
Happy Birthday noona! I present to you your present, (imaginary) Moon Jongup! *trololololol.
Anyways Happy Birthday again! XDDD Selamat Hari Jadi in Malaysian. :) May you have a blessed life. x3
hey, happy birthday! :))
joyeaux anniversaire..j'espere que vous aurez un petit ami bientot..:]
it's french xD
jongup_leejoon #7
Happy Birthday
unnie, happy birthday!
you sure are lucky, having EXO mv movie out on your birthday ouo Anyway, Happy Birthday Honey!!
Happy Birthdaaaay! :)
That cake looks delicious~ Lol, someone should gift me a boyfriend too :p
/gifts imaginary boyfriend/
ayawani #13
Happy birthday to youuuu..
The cake looks so awesome~ <3
And ohh poor Jishu~... If I could I would give you a boyfriend as gift xD But yeah... sorry, not possible XD