UNSTOPPABLE: The Return ¦ Kim Hyunseok

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Hyunseok | The Little Charm | SM Entertainment | SM Entertainment | Son Eunji


» Behind The Mask.
Username: TheLandofBrownSugar
What you'd like to be called: Anna

» Just The Basics.
Birth Name: Henry Elias Kim

Other Name(s): Hyunseok (Korean and preferred name)

Nickname(s): N/A

Age: 20

Birthday: March 20, 1993

Ethnicity: Korean

Nationality: Korean-American

Language(s): Korean (fluent), English (fluent), Chinese (basic), Japanese (basic)

Birthplace: San Francisco, California

Hometown: Busan

Bloodtype: A

ual Orientation: Biual

» The Face.
Ulzzang Name: Park Sang Il

Back-up Ulzzang Name: Kwak Min Jun

Height: 183
Weight: 64

Anything Else?: Small scar on the back of his neck from a surgery in 1999.

Style: Hyunseok enjoys attempting different kinds of styles. As casual wear, he likes wearing hoodies, loose-fitting jeans, T-shirts and colorful sneakers. He prefers warm over cool colors, such as red, orange, and yellow, but also dark colors like black and navy. Hyunseok also likes dressing up, even if the occasion doesn't say so, like wearing dress shirts and form-fitting sweaters and jeans. He is a guy who cares about his looks, but isn't vain in anyway.

» Digging Deeper.

First impression - He is a very handsome young man with an almost prince-like appearance. It often makes people look twice to him, just to see whether he's real or a fantasy. Despite this, he also seems very cold towards strangers, due to a blank expression and lack of words. He is more of a man of action, as he has problems expressing himself through words.

Behind the mask - Hyunseok might seem like an Ice King, but he is also a very sweet and playful guy. He is a bit of a bully when he has special feelings for someone, whether it's friendly or romantic.

No leader - He finds himself comfortable under the control of others. He is no leader and would almost never even consider it, but knowing that someone else, who knows what they're doing, is leading the group makes him more at ease with himself.

Romance - Romance didn't really matter to this guy until he actually experienced it for the first time. His first love, back in middle school, made him realize that it was a wonderful feeling to have. He liked the idea of having someone to look forward to seeing every day to be a great thing, which is something he wants to experience again.

Caring, nurturing - Deep down, behind his playful personality and cold looks, lies a man who wants to become a child again, or just be surrounded by them. He isn't very good with children by any means, but secretly he adores them. He'd be the kind of father who'd tell his children stories and make sure they didn't lose that innocence while growing up.

Stubborn, anger management - He gets easily mad. Due to past bullying, he tends to overreact when he's stressed and confused, often resulting in a bad concience and lots of apologizing afterwards. He hates this side of him, but he's never really managed to get it fully under control. He may seem calm, but the inside of him is definitely far from calm.


  • Building things
  • Sports
  • Food
  • Shopping
  • Following the lead of others
  • Small animals
  • Spiders
  • Video games
  • Reading
  • Solving puzzles


  • Hospitals
  • Doctors
  • Birds
  • Clingy girls
  • Sweets
  • Fish
  • Screaming


  • Scratches the back of his neck
  • Sweats when nervous
  • When he's hot, he fans himself with anything he can find
  • He sighs a lot
  • Swears in English when really mad
  • Doesn't take a lot of intiatives


  • Solving puzzles
  • Reading
  • Playing games
  • Cooking


  • His favorite word is 'loyalty'
  • His dream girl is someone who's faithful and with kind eyes and pretty hands
  • He used to have a best friend, a cow named Chicken
  • When he speaks in English, he sometimes get a bit of a Texas accent due to spending a lot of summers there
  • Enjoys the beach a lot
  • Wants to go hiking once
  • He is secretly a fan of knitting
  • A good cook until you ask him to fry anything
  • Favorite dish is ojingeo bokkeum (Korean spicy stir-fried squid)

Pet(s): N/A

» My World.
Background: Henry Elias Kim, or Kim Hyunseok, was born on March 20, 1993, to Elias Kim, a lawyer, and his wife Janice (née Lucas), a nurse, in San Francisco, California. He is the oldest of two children, who were both very involved in music during their childhood. When he was young, he used to spend his summers in San Francisco or with grandparents in Austin, Texas. He picked up a bit of an accent there, but was often known for having a very clear, simple English.

When his family moved to South Korea when he was 10, they settled in the big city of Busan. Hyunseok was ready to tackle the new challenges, but was quickly discouraged because of bullying due to being a foreigner. He was often teased for his long hair, which made him actually go and cut it himself, resulting in a bad cut behind his ear.

During elementary school, Hyunseok tried out basketball and soccer. In middle school, he continued with soccer and also tried out judo. He quit after a few months, deeming it too aggressive for him to take. After taking a trip to Seoul with family, was when a person from SM Entertainment scouted him and his sister. He was interested, but his sister was way too young and was refused. He saw this as a chance to find out more about himself and perhaps find something worthwhile.


Father | Elias Kim | 45 | Lawyer | Strict, loving, caring | They're usually there for one another when the other needs advice, but they aren't as close as others in the family. They don't talk much, especially after Hyunseok decided to enter showbiz.

Mother | Janice Kim | 43 | Nurse | Energetic, bubbly, sweet | She was very supportive of his decision as they were always very close. She was always there for him when he came to complain or just wanted someone to trust. She was his rock growing up.

Sister | Emily Kim | 15 | Student | Sweet, kind, smart | They are perhaps the closest out of all. Despite the age difference, they always played together and knew when to be there for each other and when to step away. Hyunseok was always a bit jealous of her ability to gain friends so easily while she admired and envied his talent.


Lee Donghae | 26 | Singer | Kind, calm, friendly | They were like mentor and mentee back in Hyunseok's trainee days. | They have a sibling relationship, always there for one another. They are very often with each other and aren't afraid to tell when the other is wrong.

Kim Hyuna | 21 | Singer | Playful, energetic, passionate | They met during after dance practice during trainee days | They always had this slightly flirty relationship with one another, but both admitted that there would never be anything between the two of them. They find it easy to talk to each other and often practice together in the little spare time they have.

Tiffany Hwang | 24 | Singer | Bubbly, cheerful, humble | He heard her sing and they interacted, despite their difference in age | Due to both being American in a foreign country, they often rely on each other for support during difficult times.

Rival: (Optional. 0-1 only. They can be idols, ulzzangs, actors.tresses, models, etc. And even OCs. Cross out if not needed.)

» The One.
Love Interest: Son Eunji
Status: Dating
Age: 21
Occupation: Actress
On first sight, she is a very calm and mature person with a charismatic and confident aura. She is very passionate about acting and is not afraid to flaunt it, but she also prefers to be modest and enjoy it more privately. She can be extremely bossy and takes control right away, earning herself the nickname of a 'Little Diva'.
First Meeting: After the separation of HALO, he decided to try and go a little more solo. He ended up as an extra in her drama, "Love's Logic." (fictionous show)
They have a bit of a top/bottom relationship. She is always eager to take the lead, and he is always there to follow her wherever she goes. They love each other a lot, and know what the other person wants. He likes it when she yells at him for something.

Back-up Love Interest: (Same as above.)
Status: (Same as above.)
(Same as above.)
First Meeting:
(Same as above.)

» Time Gap.
What have they been up to?: After the stop of HALO, he decided to try out something new and got himself into acting and modelling. He modeled for several brands and was in a few dramas, among others Fashion King and was also the strange boy in SNSD's I Got A Boy.

Activities: Look above.

How did they feel about bringing back HALO/UNSTOPPABLE?: He was quite happy about it, as he loved being in the group.

Were they willing at first? Or were they hesitant? Why?: He was willing, yes, but he did put question mark when it came to motivations. He was happy the way he was, with a girlfriend and whatnot, but he missed being on stage and sing his lungs out.

Why did they end up agreeing to it?: Eunji convinced him to it a shot.

Are they aware of the risks?: Not really, he can be a bit of an oblivious guy at times.

Any last comments?: Nope.

» The Idol.
Company + Time Spent: SM Entertainment + five and a half years.

Still with them?: Yes.

Previous Company + Time Spent: (Optional. Were they anywhere before SM or YG? Trainee years from anywhere in between 2000-2009)

New Company + Time Been With Them: (Optional if they changed companies after October 2010. How long they've been there.)

Trainee History: There were many times where he just wanted to throw a fit. He was often frustrated when thinking of not doing it right, and hated the thought of failing to himself and his family, who had been so supportive of him (mostly at least).

Stage Name: Hyunseok
Persona: The Little Charm
Personal Fanclub Name: Hyunsters
Fanclub Color(s):

Social Media/Networking: He's not really much online.

Singing: Eunhyuk
Dancing: Lee Taemin
Rapping: ZICO
(Long enough as one XD)

Solo Activities: He'd love to try hosting a show sometimes and act some more.

» See You Later.
Questions, concerns?: (No explanation needed.)

Scene suggestions?: Scenes with Eunji (hehe), bonding with other members (a scandal involving one of the girls, or boys for that matter, would be incredible, haha)

Song suggestions?: ... No idea.

Anything else?: Thank you for reading!

Password: Forever Unstoppable




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