UNSTOPPABLE: The Return ¦ Choi Sae Young


Sera | The Black Diamond | YG Entertainment | SM Entertainment| None



» Behind The Mask.
Username: TheLandofBrownSugar
What you'd like to be called: Anna

» Just The Basics.
Birth Name: Choi Sae Young

Other Name(s): Alice (English), Soo Lin (Chinese)


  • Saengpa - a pun on her name (Sae Young) and yangpa (onion in Korean), called by friends because of her different layers
  • Honey Princess - by her father; because she loves honeysuckles

Age: 22

Birthday: August 18, 1990

Ethnicity: Korean

Nationality: Korean

Language(s): Korean (fluent), English (advanced), Japanese (basic)

Birthplace: Jeju Island

Hometown: Seoul

Bloodtype: B+

ual Orientation: Panual

» The Face.
Ulzzang Name: Park Cha Hun

Back-up Ulzzang Name: Baek Jae Ah

Height: 168 cm
Weight: 53 kg

Anything Else?: Birthmark on the back side of the hand; a faint reddish-brown mark close to her wrist.

Style: Sae Young's style is simple and feminine. She likes to wear clothes that sits comfortably, but at the same time shows off her figure. She is proud of her waist, resulting in a lot of bright-colored and dark waist belts over skirts or a long shirt. When caual, she usually wears a pair of dark jeans with a simple shirt and some playful accessories. She is a big fan of owls, as she feels like she has a connection to them. She likes cold colors such as blue, green, white, grey and silver. Her favorite thing to wear is a good pair of form-fitting jeans, a shirt that emphasize the waist and a bolero. She has a secret love for clocks as well, used as necklaces or rings. She likes traditional things used in a more untraditional way, to put it simply.

» Digging Deeper.

Smart, studious - If there is one thing that matters a lot to Sae Young, it's education. She is always very focused on having good grades and puts a lot of effort into getting the best results possible. Because of this, she might have a bit of an inferior complex because of not feeling good enough at times. She is very intelligent and will sometimes go as far as go online on an anonymous chat site in order to find someone suitable to her high-standard tastes.

Reckless, stubborn, distant - Sometimes, she acts before she thinks it through, often resulting in her getting into trouble for something. She is very strong-willed and is not known to be swayed very easily. She has a tendency of spacing out when being in one place for too long, resulting in missing out on certain words or even sentences. This may make her a bit stressed and frustrated.

Playful, friendly - She often finds herself wanting to be a little mean towards other people. When doing this, she will often play pranks on them. Her pranks vary from utter ridiculous to rather clever, but she is very easy to read, making it hard to go through with it without being caught red-handed. She loves meeting new people, always with a big smile and information to offer.

Linguistic - She loves learning new languages. Sometimes, she will look up a random phrase and say it too other people. If they don't get it, she'll laugh and explain the meaning of it. If they do, she walks away with a bit of a happy smile on her face.


  • Detective novels
  • Manga
  • Anime
  • Playing games
  • Walks
  • Gymnastics
  • Magic tricks
  • Optical illusions
  • Snow
  • Languages


  • Eel
  • Volleyball
  • Strawberry ice cream
  • Lemons
  • Sweets
  • Kiwi
  • Failures
  • People who fake itC
  • Clichés


  • Bites her nails
  • Rubs forehead and neck
  • Bites bottom lip
  • Snorts when laughing
  • Squeals when exciting
  • Says "sorry" a lot


  • Reading
  • Listening to music
  • Watching anime
  • Graphic design


  • Likes to sleep somewhere where she can see the door
  • Is allergic to citrus fruit
  • Her favorite flower is sunflower and hoya flower
  • She sleeps longer on sunny days
  • Likes the cold more than heat
  • Clowns make her nervous
  • She's afraid of dogs and mice

Pet(s): N/A

» My World.

Choi Sae Young was born on August 18, 1990 on Jeju Island. Her father was a single-parent, a surgeon, who had to take of her and her siblings after the death of their mother at birth. She is the second of three children; one of which is also in showbiz as an actor. She was only four years old when they moved from Jeju Island to Seoul, where she started attending dance lessons and violin lessons. Her wish to become an idol first appeared when her father, a big Shinhwa fan, brought them to one of their concerts. She was mesmerized by their teamwork and stage presence, wanting the same herself.

Sae Young is the cousin of Choi Sooyoung, a member of Girls' Generation, and her sister Soo Jin, a musical performer. Their fathers were brothers and they spent a lot of time together during their childhood, but lost touch after Sooyoung became involved in the entertainment world in Japan. Sae Young continued to do as she wanted, enrolling in various activities such as martial arts and archery. One day, as she was heading back from hagwon (after-school school), she encountered the to-be manager of HALO, who scouted her for the company.


Father | Choi Yongseok | 46 | Surgeon | Protective, caring, a bit childish | They are very close to one another, always watching out for each other and making sure the other is doing alright. Sometimes, the roles switch so that Yongseok seems more like a child than an adult, so she has to play the role of the mature one. It annoys them both, but they love each other anyway.

Sister | Choi Hae Ri | 26 | Actress | Sweet, caring, bubbly | They are rather close despite their age differences. Sae Young is a little jealous of her sister because of her work as an actress, but she is either way supportive and always there for her.

Brother | Choi Young Pyo | 16 | Student | Quiet, athletic, brooding | Being very different in both personality and view on life itself, they aren't quite as close as with others. They argue a lot when they are around each other, but they secretly love each other and want what's best for the other person. He was the first to support her in her career, though.

Cousin | Choi Sooyoung | 23 | Singer | Mature, supportive, a little silly | They used to be very close, but they aren't like that any more. Sae Young sees being an artist as a chance to reconcile with her childhood best friend, but she knows it'll be difficult with the group's popularity and busy schedules.


Seohyun | 22 | Singer | Smart, obedient, strict| Sooyoung introduced them to each other in the past | They are very polite to each other and sometimes meet up for coffee. They find each other easy to talk to.

Victoria Song | 26 | Singer | Motherly, smart, supportive | She likes giving Sae Young advice and acts a bit like a second mother to her.

Lee Sunny | 24 | Singer | Tomboyish, cool, smart | They like to hang out and just laugh. They find each other funny and enjoy telling each other about their trainee days and personal little adventures.

Best Friends: (Optional. 0-2 only. They may be idols, ulzzangs, actors/tresses, models, etc. And even OCs. Copy and paste as needed. Cross out if not needed.)

Name | Age | Occupation | Three major personality traits | How they met? | How they interact?

Rival: (Optional. 0-1 only. They can be idols, ulzzangs, actors.tresses, models, etc. And even OCs. Cross out if not needed.)

Name | Age | Occupation | Three major personality traits | How they met? | How they interact?

» The One.
Love Interest: (Optional.Can be anyone; guy, girl, idol, actor/tress, OCs, model, ulzzang, etc. Even a member. Yoona is taken.)
Status: (Crush, strangers, friends, love-hate, dating, engaged, married, etc. Don't go too crazy with the married and engaged opition.)
(Descriptive as much as possible. There is a good chance we won't be familiar with them. If you don't want them messed up, describe them well. Quality over quanity.)
First Meeting:
(How they interact together.)

Back-up Love Interest: (Same as above.)
Status: (Same as above.)
(Same as above.)
First Meeting:
(Same as above.)

» Talk To The Hand.
(Optional. If there is one, put them here. If there isn't, just cross this out or delete this section entirely.)
Ex's Name + Status: (by status, just if they're ex-lovers or an ex-crush... Maybe an old friend... You decide.)
First Meeting:
Reason for Break Up:
(If they're ex-lovers, crush)
Reason for no longer speaking: (if they're an ex-friend.)

Any feelings left? How much?:
(If they're ex-lovers/crush)
Would they want to make up?: (if they're ex-friends.)

» Time Gap.
What have they been up to?: Sae Young switched companies after HALO stopped. She tried out different things, including dancing and acting, getting on some big times. She was a background dancer for TaeTiSeo's Twinkle, she also had a small role in To the Beautiful You, Love Rain and played a tourist at the amusement park in one of the episodes of Dating Agency: Cyrano, which her cousin was a part of.

Activities: (Optional only if they're no longer in the industry. List all appearances and activities since October 2010.)

How did they feel about bringing back HALO/UNSTOPPABLE?: She was a little uncertain at first, but she missed being on stage.

Were they willing at first? Or were they hesitant? Why?: She was hesitant because it wasn't often a group like that came back together, definitely not with the change in dynamics. She was a little worried, to be honest.

Why did they end up agreeing to it?: The memories of the old days convinced her.

Are they aware of the risks?: Yes.

Any last comments?: Not really.

» The Idol.
Company + Time Spent: YG Entertainment + 5 years and two months

Still with them?: No.

Previous Company + Time Spent: (Optional. Were they anywhere before SM or YG? Trainee years from anywhere in between 2000-2009)

New Company + Time Been With Them: SM Entertainment. Two years and five months.

Trainee History: Not much happened to her before that time, really.

Stage Name: Sera
Persona: The Black Diamond
Personal Fanclub Name: Seizers
Fanclub Color(s):

Social Media/Networking: Instragram: mssera

Singing: Bang Minah
Dancing: Bang Minah
f(x) Amber

Solo Activities: She'd love to be involved in a movie and perhaps do some movie dancing.

» See You Later.
Questions, concerns?: I just hope she stays as much in character as possible. Also, I tried adding pictures many times, but every time I update the post, they all but disappear. I'm sorry, please forgive this mistake.

Scene suggestions?: Bonding with the girls; teasing them on their love interest.

Song suggestions?: Nothing lasts forever (Girl's Day)

Anything else?: Thank you for reading! ^^

Password: Forever Unstoppable




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