Incheon Korean Music Wave 2013 Super Generation Moments?

So yesterday, September 1st 2013 was the Incheon Korean Music Wave, where both Super Junior and SNSD performed. I was wondering if anyone knows or seen any Super Generation moments??? It has been a while since Super Junior and SNSD were on the same stage, so i have been dying for Super Generation moments, (Specially any SeoKyu xD) But anyways. Anyone have any pictures, or Fancams???? 

I DID FIND A MOMENT!!!!! I FOUND A SEOKYU MOMENT!!! Also a KyunA but i dont really ship them, i only see them as friends xD 


First moment = The almost hug [Looks like Kyuhyun tapped Seo's sholder and she grabed onto his arm. Also he possibly said something to her

Second moment = She walked to the side of the stage where Kyu was and threw her towel and then they kinda walked off stage together - Starts at 4:09 This may have the best quality. But only shows the first moment of them - Same Moment as before starts at 2:03 SECOND MOMENT starts at 2:37 - Here is a clearer and closer versino of the first moment!


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diemanhlu298 #1
do u saw this link???seokyu moment so much,kyu glanceat seo many time^^^seokyute^^^;v=B5esO43zYfA
diemanhlu298 #2
I saw fancam and really have 2moment of seokyu when the end concert....once kyu touch on seo's arm and once when seo throw banner for fan.after they seem go together awhile,but seem seo so awkward and try to run to stage first,leave kyu at behind^^ sweetttttt...seokyu is realll...ah!u guys saw seokyu moment at skt fanmeeting of seo??she said to kyu but i cant understand because havent tranlated yet....;(
Well...I've been excited from yesterday!! I hope there's more Super Generation moments!!!You know...the super geneartion's moment is not much since 2011...
Seokyu is alive?! Oh thank god! My prayers have been answered twice in one day.