I have been robbed.

My father just called because he flew back to New Jersey to get all of our stuff that was in storage. He hired some guys to help load the truck, and they robbed us and didn't care for our belongings. Our television is smashed. Any sterilites we had are smashed. All cardboard boxes are crushed and anything that was left open was rummaged through and stolen. Emotionally it has taken a tole on my whole family. There were many irreplaceable items in all of our boxes. My dad expects to make it to Little Rock by maybe Monday night. Somehow he ended up $80 short and needed that for gas to get home. The movers were just a joke. They tossed everything. Getting stuff out of the truck will not be as simple as planned. Things are falling and tumbling around. One of the car engines was mishandled and broke the oil can and now oil is all over the bottom of the truck. Currently I am trying really hard not to have a mental breakdown. It has been a week since I've had a mental breakdown, and I am not lying when I say that is the longest I have gone without losing it. I'm trying really hard not to think about my personal belongings. I have a stress toy that I can garuntee has exploded. All of my artwork is most likely ruined. Any ceramics must be shattered. I had a large cedar chest that was full of plush toys, which most likely broke and may have gotten oil in it. My shoes and clothing are probably all ruined. 

Really I wish I was joking but I doubt a single thing is in tact. Really, right now I want a hug. I want to curl up and wait for this all to be over. It's going to be a long week. 


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-virtual hug- Im so sorry <3 if you ever need someone I'm here.
I've been robbed in NJ before.
*hugs* Oh hun, I'm so sorry >.< *hugs you again*
Just go cry. It'll make things a lot better, promise. *hugs*