❝❀ FLORAL Application ❀ || TheLandofBrownSugar || Kristin Young || Ariya❞


Annyeong haseyo, I'm FLORAL's Ariya

❀ The Real You

Username: TheLandofBrownSugar

Activiness: 9

How i can call you: Anna

❀ 1st Step

Name: Kristin Young

Nickname(s): Jane Doe, Nancy Drew, Brainiac

Age: 18

Birthday: December 28

Birthtown: Los Angeles, California

Hometown: Busan

Ethnicity: American-Korean

Languages: English (fluent), Korean (fluent), Chinese (advanced), Japanese (basic)

Other informations?: N/A

❀ 2nd Step


Smart/studious; when she grew up, education was an important element. She's intelligent and will take a few risks in order to find someone who matches her high-standard tastes.

Distant; she has a habit of spacing out when bored and it often results in her missing out on certain parts of the conversation.

Stubborn; she's strong-willed and can be hard to sway when she's made up her mind about something.

Reckless; she sometimes does things without thinking it through, resulting in trouble from time to time.

Romance; she enjoys the thought of romance and what it may involve, but she enjoys it more as a sub-plot in her life than the main focus of the plot known as her life.

Background: Kristin Elizabeth Young, or Young Jiyeon, was born on December 28 to Jeffrey Young, a lawyer, and Alison Young (née Carroll), a high school teacher. She grew up with high standards and high expectations from her elders, being the youngest of two siblings. When she was 9, her family went to South Korea for a family reunion and ended up falling in love with the country. They moved there two years later.

Kristin's interest in becoming an idol first arised when her father took her and her brother to a Shinhwa concert, being a big fan of the group. She was amazed by their teamwork and energy, wanting to do the same as a way of living. She was a decent singer and had taken dance lessons from a young age. She entered a talent contest at age 13 and was scouted by a representative from SM Entertainment.


  • Clothes
  • Detective novels
  • Sunny days
  • The smell of rain
  • Math
  • Science
  • Extraterrestrials
  • Supernatural beings
  • Sports


  • Frogs
  • Snakes
  • Bugs
  • Seafood
  • Slimy objects
  • Hissing


  • Solving mysteries and puzzles
  • Collecting clocks
  • Magic tricks
  • Reading


  • She and her brother used to be called Trouble Twins because of the way they pranked other people
  • She's left-handed
  • Nancy Drew was her idol when she lived in America
  • She has a secret love for biochemistry
  • When she was young, she used to play a lot of sports, especially martial arts and basketball
  • She wants to marry by the age of 30
  • Her top priority is getting a degree
  • She is hopeless at chess
  • Clowns make her nervous
  • She's allergic to citrus fruit (lemons, oranges, etc.)

❀ 3rd Step


Name of the Idol: Girl's Day Sojin

Back-up Idol: Girl's Day Yura

Style: 1 2 3 4 5 Her style is very simple and elegant, preferring quality over quantity. She enjoys experimenting with different styles, anything from preppy to bolder outfits. She likes to keep her modesty, but isn't afraid to show some legs and shoulders.


❀ 4th Step


Name of your Love Interest: Chen

Personality: Gentle, caring, soft-spoken and serious. He doesn't like talking in public, at all, and he is not fond of playing games either.

Relationship: They are good friends

How you act around each other: They aren't afraid to speak their minds around one another, although they are a lot more reserved on camera and on stage, but once they're alone, it's all about laughing the hardest and having weird competitions.

How you first met: Chen saw her dance in one of the practice areas at the SM Entertainment building. She didn't notice him at all, and when she finally took a break, he clapped for her little performance and she became a blushing mess.

Back up Love Interesst: Oh Sehun


❀ 5th Step


Name of your Rival: Nam Soohyeon

Personality: She's a young artist with a lot of talent and personality. She's energetic, passionate, a little arrogant and very respectful towards her elders. Around her friends and fellow trainees, she acts a bit conceited at times, knowing her own talent and flaunting it with pride.

Occupation: Dancer

Reason of being rivals: They were both considered as members of FLORAL, but in the end, Kristin was chosen over her despite Soohyeon being a trainee for much longer and really wanting to be in that particular girl group.

How you first met: They first met in a dance rehearsal where Soohyeon showed off her skills on the dance floor. Others were amazed by her focus and detemination, including Kristin. She praised her skills, although adding that she could've followed the rhythm more.

How you act around each other: They are very competitive towards each other, but they aren't enemies by any means. They are very different in personality and goal, but they admire each other's hard work and do know how to get along off-camera.


❀ 6th Step


Stage Name: Ariya

Persona: The Dancing Diamond

Position: Vocalist, lead dancer, face of the group

Back-Up position: Vocalist, lead dancer

Personal Fanclub Name: Aringsters

Personal fanclub color:         


Show Suggestion:

Scene Suggestion: Bonding with the other girls and receiving dance lessons, perhaps getting caught in public with him, shaking up a potential scandal

Comments: Thank you for reading, author-nim!

Anythig else?

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