Interview Thing of Sorts

I got asked a few cool questions by informantxgirl! Here we go~


Why did you get into writing fanfiction?
-Hm, I think my friend and I were talking and we ended up writing for each other. I ended up really liking it so it just stuck lol
What would you say are your inspirations?
-Other authors, pictures, music, movies; a lot of ideas hit me randomly.
What are the main fandoms that you write in? Why?
-infinite and EXO (recently); but if requested, I write other idols. But for my own stories, definitely Infinite and EXO.
Would you consider branching out to other fandoms? Why or why not?
-Perhaps. Not on my own, but as a request for others. 
Which of your fics are you proudest of/is your favorite?
-I think Before I Break You is one I'm proud of because I spent a lot of time and research on it. Though I really was proud of Ilicit Affair as well as a few oneshots. 
Which of your fics do you feel is most underrated? Why do you think that is?
-Possibly Before I Break You. I got a bit discouraged because the content is so dark and mature, but I think if people gave it a chance, it's rather enjoyable? I don't know. 
What is your favorite scene and/or favorite character that you’ve written?
-My favorite character I've written is SungGyu's character in Before I Break You and Hoya in Hey, Mr. Angel. 
What do comments and subscribers mean to you?
-I really do appreciate every single reader, comment, and subscriber I get. I try to respond to every comment on my stories because I love talking to readers. 
What is the hardest part of writing for you?
-Staying motivated. I have diagnosed ADD and slight ADHD and I don't have meds for it yet. I can have an idea but the idea of actually sitting and typing makes me feel ill lol. But I'm getting better...I hope. 
What writing challenges have you set yourself?
-Write down every idea I have if I think it'll be a decent story. Also stop procrastinating and DO something with my stories. 
I hope this was okay!! Let me know if you want to know more!! 


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rayybayy92 #1
Awesome. Your stories are well written.
Ok so infirmantxgirl wrote exactly what I wanted to wrote after reading your answer for her question ;D
I just simply think u are on of best author here, and this is what I truly think!
Before I Break You And Ilicit Affar are my fav stories ever, both are quite dark (esp 1st one) but that's ok, cuz u show the other reality, which isn't always pretty. Stuff u write are not simple to take, but that's more than ok, and for your research and hard work THANK U, like really, really thank u!
This was awesome. Let me just tell you: Before I Break You is a freaking masterpiece. I love that it's dark and goes into territory that I think a lot of people would be afraid to explore (drug abuse, threesomes) and you did an absolutely superb job on it! :) Thanks so much for giving us insight into your creative process and I'm looking forward to more of your stories. :D