I'll probably get bricked or something, BUT...

... I really, really, REALLY hate SM right now! >.<" I hate it so much that I wish I never came across k-pop!

I get that they're a huge company that just swallows other, smaller companies, looking for a way to expand their influence on the market, but really now SM, you ! First you merge with Wollim and put Infinite under SM C& C, or whatever your name of that company is! And now, now J.Tune is in talks for the merging. This is it, I really had enough! Why can't they respect smaller companies?! Why can't they just, I don't know, focus on their artists?!

I get that maybe I'm childish and all, but I really HATE this right now! TT.TT 

I have nothing against the SM artists... I follow few of them to care, where to put that they have nothing to do with what the company decides since they're bound by their contracts as well, but really now SM?! Maybe you should focus on how to keep EXO safe when traveling abroad, 'cause it wasn't just once that the boys got hurt due to crazy so-called fans hitting them >.<"

*sigh* I thought J.Tune was part of JYP Ent.... what happened there? Really now.

Now throw your bricks at me. I sincerely don't know anymore. I don't think I'll come back to AFF today or tomorrow or this week. I'll just hide under a blanket and listen to MBLAQ and eat ice-cream until I get glorious fat and forget about the world and how there's a huge possibility that SM will tears MBLAQ apart just because they're not SUJU or EXO TT^TT




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SM needs to pay more attention to groups like f(x), too.
TheTimeChaser #2
wat. this is so mind-boggling. my mind is getting crazy with these news. I just hope sm won't touch the non-sm artists.
I can understand how you feel. As much as I like some of the artists in SM the Company has built a bad reputation which sticks in the back of my mind like gum wrapped around my hair.

I was worried about Infinite to begin with. They shed tears trying to explain about the merger because of misunderstandings. If the group has a strong bond then the company won't be likely to tear them apart, not after seeing the result from DB5K.

They're only rumors so don't fret so much. Park Jin Young I think cares about his artists and would have some say in what happens to J.Tune but we can only wait and pray. Maybe for all the wrong that SM has done will come and bite them in the back (as long as it doesn't affect the artists).
I love artists from SM but I can't stand the companies policy's. People claim that SM is a 'family' but that's bullcrap if you ask me. I believe the artists care about one another but the company? I don't see it.

I hope this doesn't mess up the artists from Woolim and other companies merging with them, who knows: Maybe this might be a good thing in the end though I'm doubtful because...well it's SM after all.
partiallystars #5
this is appalling. i honestly had no idea mblaq was going to be a part of SM. one of the main reasons i had actually liked mblaq was because it WASNT under a big company, because it WASNT sm. the last think i was is for j.tune to merge with sm, i mean, i could still bear yg, for some reason... but not sm. there are already too many artists there :\
I love SM artists but I don't really like the company. They seem to only care about money, not their artists. I know that there is the so called "SM family" and I 100% believe that it exists and is strongly bonded but I don't think it's the due to the actual company's contributions. The group members created it.
Argh, I've ALWAYS hated that company... I'm sorry to hear that, but maybe they won't tear Mblaq apart? I mean, HUGE fan-wars would start, they should really consider this. Even though I get where they're coming from, I mean, it's only natural in business, the bigger fish eats the others... but it's very low what they are doing. It just shows that they're not confident that their artists are talented or trained enough to get popular by themselves. The way I see it, they just stoop as low as possible, but I don't think this would be the end, who knows? Maybe Mblaq, if Sm is planning to break them apart, will sign with another company?
SM C&C is a subsidiary under SM so they aren't going directly under SM (they're a subsidiary under a subsidiary) they are not apart of SM like the current singers are, as for what I understand the labels that they ' in' are still there own group but they will get things out of SM (like their marketing power and what not) technically these groups are not under SM and SM has minimum control over them.

Obviously I may not be 100% correct because honestly I'm still a bit confused by the situation.
ADOVG;ENSDOFNVE I know exactly what you mean! Starship's a candidate for the merge too, and I'm really not into it. I used those exact same words this morning telling my best friend that SM pretty much just swallows everything in sight.

Can't they just chill and focus on the artists that they have now? Each company has their own colour which makes them different. Lumping them in together - wouldn't it inevitably take something away from the artists?
Please can someone explain me?
what happened?
JTent. is part of JYPE not Jtune Camp. It's two different bodies.
Rain was part of JTent. and since he was preparing to go to the army in 2011, he "gave" JTE to JYPE so they are now the "owner" of that part of JTtune while JTC is separate, and its under JTC that MBLAQ & TWO are, so they aren't under JYPE.

Here's a link that can probably explain better than me >.<

I'm really not for all this "coming together " tbh. I like it when companies are independent, because that way they can have their freedom , right?
But we can't really do anything about it, I'm just hoping that the companies that do merge with SM stay "in their own world". I don't want SM to affect their way of making music :/
Well, SM is the biggest music entertainment in Korea, and not even YG can touch them. It is a win-win situation for both companies, especially for the smaller companies.
Of course it has its bad sides as well, but money wise it is good for both SM/ SM & CC and the smaller companies.
They give a about the complains from fans because in the end they still get their cash.
Hate SM as much as you want, there are enough who don't (like me). Maybe I see this a bit more rational but yeah, in the end, as long as they make money it doesn't matter at all. Money means more music, bigger concert, more exceptional choroes etc etc etc.