「↬ : the coffee shop」┊application form

I'macquiring the bitter taste of coffee...





*place a picture of your ulzzang here 400x300*





tell me who you are first?
username: [enter username here]
link: [link your account here]
activeness: [out of ten, how much are you on?]

you are new....tell me the basics
name: [characters name please, try adding a korean name]
date of birth: [mmddyy - please stick to your desired plot line age]
height: [cm]
weight: [kg]
blood type:
languages known: [state fluency and, not every korean knows how to speak english so remember that.]

you definitely caught my eye
appearance: [ulzzang please. 3 links and a name, lee dasom is taken]
back up ulzzang: [same as above]
casual wear: [3 links]
formal wear: [3 links]
sleep wear: [3 links]
anything else: [piercings or tattoos or birthmarks?]

you are quite unique.
personality: [at least a paragraph]
background: [at least a paragraph]
likes: [8 max]
dislikes: [8 max]
fears: [5 max]
habbits: [5max]
trivia: [go crazy here]

people that you hold dear to your heart?
family members: [name-age-occupation-relationship-personality]
siblings: [same as above]
bestfriends: [same as above, 2 max]
friends: [same as above, 4 max]
pets: [name-age-what type of animal are they?-relationship with them]

you aren't in control of your life but you can change it.
desired plot line: [the name of the plot line]
position at work: [in need of 2 chefs, 3 waitresses and a barrister put in a back up position too.]

love interest: [kim myuyngsoo and wu yifan are taken]
relationship with them:
his job:
how did you meet/how do you want to meet?:

back up. love interest:
his job:
how did you meet/how do you want to meet?:

rival: [fill this out if your desired plot line has someone trying to destroy a relationship between you and your love interest. If not then this is optional]
in what way did they try and break the relationship?:
personality: [this doesn
't have to be long]

let's be friends?
anything else?: [about your character]
password: [look. the password is right at the rules. its not hard to find.]


i hope you enjoy lovelies and have fun <33

[try not to change the layout c: and delete brackets please <3]


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where did the fanfic go? O.O I was almost done my app....
Here is my application ^^


Anything wrong please tell me :)
ummm do you have a source code...? c:
http://www.asianfanfics.com/blog/view/653088 Applied as Jung Daeun!!!! :-)