「↬ : the coffee shop」┊application form

I'macquiring the bitter taste of coffee...










tell me who you are first?
username: b2utyful374
link: Here
activeness: 9

you are new....tell me the basics
name: Sam (english name), Yang Jihyun
date of birth: July 21, 1997 (16)
height: 165 cm
weight: 49 kg
blood type: A
languages known: Korean (fluent), English (conversational), French (almost fluent)
eithency: Full Korean
hometown: Montreal, Quebec (Canada)
birthplace: Seoul, Korea

you definitely caught my eye
appearance: Kim Seuk Hye 1, 2, 3
back up ulzzang: Park Hwan Hui 1, 2, 3
casual wear: 1, 2, 3
formal wear: 1, 2, 3
sleep wear: 1, 2, 3
anything else: N/A

you are quite unique.
personality: An outgoing girl at heart, Jihyun brings many smiles into the cafe. Being the person she is, Jihyun knows the names of the regulars that come to the cafe and always greats them happily. She's a girl that always looks on the bright side of things but often times comes off as loud and rude to strangers because of her big mouth. Although she seems bright all the time she actually has a very low tolerance and patience getting angry at little things. She doesn't mind being teased at because of her "anger issues" but you could say she gets irritated sometimes. Also she becomes discouraged easily and is quick to act without thinking about the consequences. She may seem like a person who can hold grudges but in truth she is soft hearted being most likely the first to apologize.


background: Jihyun was born in Seoul, South Korea and moved with her family to Montreal when she e. Leaving their entire life behind they decided to start fresh. Jihyun had everything she could ever want with her dad holding a stable job she grew up without ever missing out on anything in life. Their family was one you would find in a story book until her brother was diagnosed with brain tumor. Her family began slowly falling apart and seemed as though everything was crashing down on her. Her parents had a divorce and shortly after her brother passed. Jihyun looked at them from the sidelines and couldn’t help but feel trapped. She moved back to Seoul with her mom as her father stayed behind. They moved back with her aunt whom had not yet married but Jihyun had trouble adapting feeling like an alien among others. It got better after a year as her now shattered family slowly healed but she never felt whole. When she finds the café it feels as though maybe being around others was all she really needed to be better.


  • White Chocolate
  • Carmel macchiatos
  • waking up early
  • cooking
  • reading
  • white roses
  • writing
  • christmas
  • dark chocolate
  • bugs
  • untiddiness
  • liars
  • people she considers annoying
  • Spiders (bugs)
  • the dark
  • heights
  • snakes
  • being lost (not sure if this a fear...)
  • sings/hums when she's working
  • avoids eye contact when lying
  • bites nail when nervous
  • whatever is in her hand when she's thinking she plays with e.g. like clicking a pen nonstop
  • really bad liar
  • wants to become a famous writer
  • likes to watch old dramas
  • antique items amaze her
  • really likes visiting temples and other historical stuff
  • legends and myths or other things like that inspire her
people that you hold dear to your heart?
family members:
Yang Sungwoo | 43 | Doctor | Father | He use to be very loving and fun but after the passing of his son he focuses hard on work only.
Kim Hae Seung | 41 | Owns flower shop | Mother | Although she was depressed for awhile after the death of her son, she eventually opened up agian and is now more or less back to her bubbly and happy self.

Yang Hyunwoo | would of turned 20 years old | None | Brother | Hyunwoo was really doting on Jihyun encrouging her to do her best in everything. Jihyun really misses him always shedding tears when she thinks about him so she trys not to do it so much.

Yang Yoseob | 18 | student | Best Guy friend | Yoseob is actually a friend of Junhyung's and that's how they meet. He's also really outgoing and loud so I suppose that's how they get along so well.
Luhan | 19 | colledge student | Best Guy Friend | They've known each other since little kids and Luhan has always been really kind and playfull with Jihyun.  Luhan is a nice guy, going out of his way or just doing little good deeds here an there.
Woo Sunghyun (Kevin) | 17 | He is Jihyun's Schoolmate | He's really adorable and acts like a little kid although he is rather smart himself.
Jung Eunji | 17 | She is Jihyun's seatmate | She's is extreamly smart almost considered a genius and doesn't mind showing it. Eunji can listen to anyone's problems and give them great advice. She's very open and sincere.
pets: [name-age-what type of animal are they?-relationship with them]

you aren't in control of your life but you can change it.
desired plot line: we fight...but it will still work right?
position at work: Waitress, Chef (backup)

love interest: Yong Junhyung
relationship with them: They fight non-stop there's nothing more to it. Most of the time it is Junhyung starting it because he likes to see Jihyun get mad with her short temper. It happens alot too because Junhyung attends the cafe regularly with his friends as it is not far from their highschool and is their usual hangout. Although they fight they have their moments when they can just talk to each other and understand one another. The two are to prideful to admit that they like each other, so when they come into an awkward situation the two tend to make into a fight too get out of it.

his job: As of know he isn't employed, but he gets a job at the rival cafe.

personality: Junhyung might as well be the guy version of Jihyun. With his short temper, low tolerence and patience it's no wonder why they get into so many fights. Junhyung has a nice side as well that is if you are his close friends. He tends to keep to himself more being poilte around others.

how did you meet/how do you want to meet?: Jihyun was working in the cafe one day and he came in with his group of friends. She immediatly remembered him as the guy in the hall who she ran into and had a fight with. Gasping loudly as she is that way he also recongizes her and the two begin fighting on the stop.

back up. love interest: Luhan
his job: He's a student, so he doesn't have a job.
personality: Very kind, Luhan is a nice guy. He loves making others feel good about themselves even if it's something as little as smiling at them he does. He is like the perfect prince that ever girl dreams about having, but he really isn't he just trys his best to live life comfortably.
how did you meet/how do you want to meet?: Luhan comes into the cafe to grab a quick drink and sees that Jihyun had dropped a cup that had broken so he helps her. She looks up to say thank you and realizes that he is her schoolmate.

rival: [fill this out if your desired plot line has someone trying to destroy a relationship between you and your love interest. If not then this is optional]
in what way did they try and break the relationship?:
personality: [this doesn
't have to be long]

let's be friends?
anything else?: Jihyun knows that she likes Junhyung but she trys to force herself not to, thinking ow could she like a person who argues with her so much and Junhyung the same.
comments: hmmm so for the person who goes away were you thinking for her or him. I kinda want it to be him if i am choosen ^^. Also I think it would be cool if you do a epilogue at the end showing how all the characters are doing. I hope you like her, and if there is any mistakes please tell me ^^

password: Take Me To Neverland

i hope you enjoy lovelies and have fun <33

[try not to change the layout c: and delete brackets please <3]


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